POE::Component::Server::NSCA - a POE Component that implements NSCA daemon functionality
use strict;
use POE;
use POE::Component::Server::NSCA;
my $nagios_cmd = '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd';
my $nscad = POE::Component::Server::NSCA->spawn(
password => 'moocow',
encryption => 1,
package_states => [
'main' => [qw(_start _message)],
exit 0;
sub _start {
$poe_kernel->post( $nscad->session_id(), 'register', event => '_message', context => 'moooo!' );
sub _message {
my ($message,$context) = @_[ARG0,ARG1];
print "Received message from: ", $message->{peeraddr}, "\n";
# Send the check to the Nagios command file
my $time = time();
my $string;
if ( $message->{svc_description} ) {
$string = join ';', $string, $message->{host_name}, $message->{svc_description},
$message->{return_code}, $message->{plugin_output};
else {
$string = "[$time] PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT";
$string = join ';', $string, $message->{host_name}, $message->{return_code},
print { open my $fh, '>>', $nagios_cmd or die "$!\n"; $fh } $string, "\n";
POE::Component::Server::NSCA is a POE component that implements NSCA daemon
functionality. This is the daemon program that accepts service check information from remote machines using send_nsca
client or POE::Component::Client::NSCA.
The component implements the network handling of accepting service check information from multiple clients, but doesn't deal with submitting the service checks to Nagios
. Instead you will be provided with the service check results as events and decide how to deal with the results as you see fit.
It is based in part on code shamelessly borrowed from Net::Nsca and optionally supports encryption using the Mcrypt module.
- spawn
Takes a number of parameters, mandatory ones are indicated:
'password', password that should be used to encrypt the packet, mandatory; 'encryption', the encryption method to use, see below, mandatory; 'alias', set an alias on the component; 'address', bind the listening socket to a particular address, default is IN_ADDR_ANY; 'port', specify a port to listen on, default is 5667; 'time_out', specify a time out in seconds for socket connections, default is 60; 'access', an arrayref of Net::Netmask objects that will be granted access, default is 'any';
Returns a POE::Component::Server::NSCA object.
The 'encryption' method is an integer value indicating the type of encryption to employ:
0 = None (Do NOT use this option) 1 = Simple XOR (No security, just obfuscation, but very fast) 2 = DES 3 = 3DES (Triple DES) 4 = CAST-128 5 = CAST-256 6 = xTEA 7 = 3WAY 8 = BLOWFISH 9 = TWOFISH 10 = LOKI97 11 = RC2 12 = ARCFOUR 14 = RIJNDAEL-128 15 = RIJNDAEL-192 16 = RIJNDAEL-256 19 = WAKE 20 = SERPENT 22 = ENIGMA (Unix crypt) 23 = GOST 24 = SAFER64 25 = SAFER128 26 = SAFER+
Methods 2-26 require that the Mcrypt module is installed.
- session_id
Returns the POE::Session ID of the component.
- shutdown
Terminates the component. Shuts down the listener and disconnects connected clients and unregisters registered sessions.
- getsockname
Access to the POE::Wheel::SocketFactory method of the underlying listening socket.
These are events from other POE sessions that our component will handle:
- register
This will register the sending session. Takes a number of parameters:
'event', the name of the event in the registering session that will be triggered, mandatory; 'context', a scalar containing any reference data that your session demands;
The component will increment the refcount of the calling session to make sure it hangs around for events. Therefore, you should use either
to terminate registered sessions. - unregister
This will unregister the sending session.
Registered sessions will receive events with the following parameters:
- ARG0
ARG0 will contain a hashref with the following key/values:
'version', the version of NSCA protocol in use. Will be 3; 'host_name', the hostname for which the check is applicable; 'svc_description', the service description, not applicable for host checks; 'return_code', the result code of the check; 'plugin_output', any output from the check plugin; 'peeraddr', the IP address of the client that gave us the check information; 'crc32', the checksum provided by the client; 'checksum', the checksum as the poco calculated it;
- ARG1
ARG1 will contain the value of the 'context' that was specified ( if applicable ) when the session registered.
Chris BinGOs
Williams <>
Based on Net::Nsca by P Kent
Which was originally derived from work by Ethan Galstad.
See the LICENSE file for details.