POE::Component::Win32::EventLog - A POE component that provides non-blocking access to Win32::EventLog.
use POE qw(Component::Win32::EventLog);
use Win32::EventLog;
use Data::Dumper;
my $eventlog = POE::Component::Win32::EventLog->spawn();
package_states => [
'main' => [ qw(_start _getoldest _getnumber _event_logs) ],
exit 0;
sub _start {
$eventlog->yield( getoldest => { event => '_getoldest' } );
sub _getoldest {
my $heap = $_[HEAP];
my ($hashref) = $_[ARG0];
unless ( $hashref->{result} ) {
$eventlog->yield( 'shutdown' );
$heap->{oldest} = $hashref->{result};
$eventlog->yield( getnumber => { event => '_getnumber' } );
sub _getnumber {
my $heap = $_[HEAP];
my ($hashref) = $_[ARG0];
unless ( $hashref->{result} ) {
$eventlog->yield( 'shutdown' );
my $x = 0; my $last = 0;
while ( $x < $hashref->{result} ) {
$eventlog->yield( read => { event => '_event_logs',
args => [ EVENTLOG_FORWARDS_READ|EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ, $heap->{oldest} + $x ], _last => $last } );
if ( $x == ( $hashref->{result} - 1 ) ) { $last = 1; }
sub _event_logs {
my $heap = $_[HEAP];
my ($hashref) = $_[ARG0];
if ( $hashref->{result} ) {
print STDOUT Dumper( $hashref->{result} );
if ( $hashref->{_last} ) {
$eventlog->yield( 'shutdown' );
POE::Component::Win32::EventLog is a POE component that provides a non-blocking wrapper around Win32::EventLog. Each component instance represents a Win32::EventLog object.
Consult the Win32::EventLog documentation for more details.
- spawn
Takes a number of arguments, all of which are optional.
'source', SOURCENAME argument for Win32::EventLog, default is 'System' if none is supplied; 'system', the SERVERNAME argument for Win32::EventLog; 'alias', the kernel alias to bless the component with; 'debug', set this to 1 to see component debug information; 'options', a hashref of POE::Session options that are passed to the component's session creator. 'dontresolveuser', set to 1 to stop the component automagically resolving the User field from a SID to a 'proper' username.
- session_id
Takes no arguments. Returns the ID of the component's session. Ideal for posting events to the component.
- yield
This method provides an alternative object based means of posting events to the component. First argument is the event to post, following arguments are sent as arguments to the resultant post.
- call
This method provides an alternative object based means of calling events to the component. First argument is the event to call, following arguments are sent as arguments to the resultant call.
- shutdown
Terminates the component instance.
These are the events that the component will accept. All require a hashref as the first parameter. All require that the hashref contain the 'event' key which contains the name of the event handler in *your* session that you want the result of the requested operation to go to. If a function requires additional arguments the 'args' key can be used which must be an arrayref of values. Check with Win32::EventLog for details.
You may pass arbitary key/values in the hashref, please ensure that the keys begin with an underscore. See SYNOPSIS for an example.
- backup
Backs up the eventlog. You must specify a filename in 'args' arrayref.
- clear
Clears the eventlog.
- getnumber
Returns the number of EventLog records in the EventLog.
- getoldest
Returns the number of the oldest EventLog record in the EventLog.
- read
Returns the indicated eventlog record from the eventlog.
- report
Generates an EventLog entry. You must specify a hashref representing the record to be added, using 'args'.
- shutdown
Terminates the component instance.
For each requested operation an event handler is required. ARG0 of this event handler contains a hashref.
- result
For most cases this will be just a true value. For 'getnumber' and 'getoldest' it will be an integer. For 'read', it will be a hashref representing the eventlog record ( see Win32::EventLog for details ( the component automagically resolves the User field from a SID to a 'proper' username ).
- error
In the event of an error occurring this will be defined. It is an arrayref which contains the error code and the formatted error relating to that code.
This module will only work on Win32. But you guessed that already :)
Chris 'BinGOs' Williams