Changes for version 0.05 - 1999-04-25

  • Bio::Tools::Blast modules have less memory problems and faster parsing. Webblast uses LWP and supports more functionality. See Bio/Tools/Blast/CHANGES for more.
  • The Bio::SeqIO system has been started, moving the sequence reformatting code out of the sequence object
  • The Bio::Index:: system has been started, providing generic index capabilities and specifically works for Fasta formatted databases and EMBL .dat formatted databases
  • The Bio::DB:: system started, providing access to databases, both via flat file + index (see above) and via http to NCBI
  • The scripts/ directory, where industrial strength scripts are put has been started.
  • Many changes - a better distribution all round.


Coordinated OOP-Perl Modules for Biology
fetches sequences from bioperl indexed databases
indexes files for use by bpfetch


Database object interface to ACeDB servers
Abstract interface for a sequence database
Database object interface to GenBank
Database object interface to GenPept
Abstract interface for indexing a flat file
Interface for indexing (multiple) EMBL/Swissprot .dat files (ie flat file embl/swissprot format).
Interface for indexing (multiple) fasta files
Interface for indexing swisspfam files
The Bioperl ReadSeq interface
Exception class for Perl 5 objects
Input and output manager for Perl5 objects.
A core Perl 5 object.
General-purpose utility module
Interface for managing linked lists of Perl5 objects.
A generic cross-reference object.
A perl wrapper around Sean Eddy's histogram object
bioperl sequence object
Handler for SeqIO Formats
EMBL sequence input/output stream
Fasta sequence input/output stream
Raw sequence input/output stream
Handler of the SeqIO classes for tieing to filehandles
Raw sequence input/output stream
Multiple alignments held as a set of sequences
Base object for alignment factories
Bioperl BLAST sequence analysis object
Bioperl BLAST High-Scoring Segment Pair object
Bioperl Utility module for HTML formatting Blast reports
Bioperl module for running Blast analyses locally.
Bioperl BLAST "Hit" object
Bioperl Fasta utility object
Generates unique Seq objects from an ambiguous Seq object
Bioperl object for a restriction endonuclease object.
Bioperl sequence analysis base class.
Bioperl object for a sequence pattern or motif
Bioperl object for sigcleave analysis
Bioperl manager for web resources related to biology.
Bioperl alignment object


in Bio/Root/
in Bio/Tools/Blast/Run/
in Compile/SW/
