Bio::Tools::SeqStats - Object holding statistics for one particular sequence
# build a primary nucleic acid or protein sequence object somehow
# then build a statistics object from the sequence object
$seqobj = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-seq=>'ACTGTGGCGTCAACTG',
$seq_stats = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->new(-seq=>$seqobj);
# obtain a hash of counts of each type of monomer
# (ie amino or nucleic acid)
print "\nMonomer counts using statistics object\n";
$seq_stats = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->new(-seq=>$seqobj);
$hash_ref = $seq_stats->count_monomers(); # eg for DNA sequence
foreach $base (sort keys %$hash_ref) {
print "Number of bases of type ", $base, "= ", %$hash_ref->{$base},"\n";
# or obtain the count directly without creating a new statistics object
print "\nMonomer counts without statistics object\n";
$hash_ref = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->count_monomers($seqobj);
foreach $base (sort keys %$hash_ref) {
print "Number of bases of type ", $base, "= ", %$hash_ref->{$base},"\n";
# obtain hash of counts of each type of codon in a nucleic acid sequence
print "\nCodon counts using statistics object\n";
$hash_ref = $seq_stats-> count_codons(); # for nucleic acid sequence
foreach $base (sort keys %$hash_ref) {
print "Number of codons of type ", $base, "= ", %$hash_ref->{$base},"\n";
# or
print "\nCodon counts without statistics object\n";
$hash_ref = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->count_codons($seqobj);
foreach $base (sort keys %$hash_ref) {
print "Number of codons of type ", $base, "= ", %$hash_ref->{$base},"\n";
# Obtain the molecular weight of a sequence. Since the sequence may contain
# ambiguous monomers, the molecular weight is returned as a (reference to) a
# two element array containing greatest lower bound (GLB) and least upper bound
# (LUB) of the molecular weight
$weight = $seq_stats->get_mol_wt();
print "\nMolecular weight (using statistics object) of sequence ", $seqobj->id(),
" is between ", $$weight[0], " and " ,
$$weight[1], "\n";
# or
$weight = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->get_mol_wt($seqobj);
print "\nMolecular weight (without statistics object) of sequence ", $seqobj->id(),
" is between ", $$weight[0], " and " ,
$$weight[1], "\n";
Bio::Tools::SeqStats is a lightweight object for the calculation of simple statistical and numerical properties of a sequence. By "lightweight" I mean that only "primary" sequences are handled by the object. The calling script needs to create the appropriate primary sequence to be passed to SeqStats if statistics on a sequence feature are required. Similarly if a codon count is desired for a frame-shifted sequence and/or a negative strand sequence, the calling script needs to create that sequence and pass it to the SeqStats object.
SeqStats can be called in two distinct manners. If only a single computation is required on a given sequence object, the method can be called easily using the SeqStats object directly:
$weight = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->get_mol_wt($seqobj);
Alternately, if several computations will be required on a given sequence object, an "instance" statistics object can be constructed and used for the method calls:
$seq_stats = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->new($seqobj);
$monomers = $seq_stats->count_monomers();
$codons = $seq_stats->count_codons();
$weight = $seq_stats->get_mol_wt();
As currently implemented the object can return the following values from a sequence: * The molecular weight of the sequence: get_mol_wt() * The number of each type of monomer present: count_monomers() * The number of each codon present in a nucleic acid sequence: count_codons()
For dna (and rna) sequences, single-stranded weights are returned. The molecular weights are calculated for neutral - ie not ionized - nucleic acids. The returned weight is the sum of the base-sugar-phosphate residues of the chain plus one weight of water to to account for the additional OH on the phosphate of the 5' residue and the additional H on the sugar ring of the 3' residue. Note that this leads to a difference of 18 in calculated molecular weights compared to some other available programs (eg Informax VectorNTI).
Note that since sequences may contain ambiguous monomers (eg "M" meaning "A" or "C" in a nucleic acid sequence), the method get_mol_wt returns a two-element array containing the greatest lower bound and least upper bound of the molecule. (For a sequence with no ambiguous monomers, the two elements of the returned array will be equal.) The method count_codons() handles ambiguous bases by simply counting all ambiguous codons together and issuing a warning to that effect.
Ewan moved it from Bio::SeqStats to Bio::Tools::SeqStats
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AUTHOR - Peter Schattner
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : count_monomers
Usage : $rcount = $seq_stats->count_monomers();
or $rcount = $seq_stats->Bio::Tools::SeqStats->($seqobj);
Function: Counts the number of each type of monomer (amino acid or
base) in the sequence.
Example :
Returns : Reference to a hash in which keys are letters of the
genetic alphabet used and values are number of occurrences
of the letter in the sequence.
Args : None or reference to sequence object
Throws : Throws an exception if type of sequence is unknown (ie amino
or nucleic)or if unknown letter in alphabet. Ambiguous
elements are allowed.
Title : get_mol_wt
Usage : $wt = $seqobj->get_mol_wt() or
$wt = Bio::Tools::SeqStats ->get_mol_wt($seqobj);
Function: Calculate molecular weight of sequence
Example :
Returns : Reference to two element array containing lower and upper
bounds of molecule molecular weight. (For dna (and rna)
sequences, single-stranded weights are returned.) If
sequence contains no ambiguous elements, both entries in
array are equal to molecular weight of molecule.
Args : None or reference to sequence object
Throws : Exception if type of sequence is unknown (ie not amino or
nucleic) or if unknown letter in alphabet. Ambiguous
elements are allowed.
Title : count_codons
Usage : $rcount = $seqstats->count_codons (); or
$rcount = Bio::Tools::SeqStats->count_codons($seqobj);
Function: Counts the number of each type of codons in a given frame
for a dna or rna sequence.
Example :
Returns : Reference to a hash in which keys are codons of the genetic
alphabet used and values are number of occurrences of the
codons in the sequence. All codons with "ambiguous" bases
are counted together.
Args : None or reference to sequence object
Throws : an exception if type of sequence is unknown or protein.
Title : _is_alphabet_strict
Usage :
Function: internal function to determine whether there are
any ambiguous elements in the current sequence
Example :
Returns : 1 if strict alphabet is being used,
0 if ambiguous elements are present
Args :
Throws : an exception if type of sequence is unknown (ie amino or
nucleic) or if unknown letter in alphabet. Ambiguous
monomers are allowed.
Title : _print_data
Usage : $seqobj->_print_data() or Bio::Tools::SeqStats->_print_data();
Function: Displays dna / rna parameters (used for debugging)
Returns : 1
Args : None
Used for debugging.