Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast - Object for remote execution of the NCBI Blast via HTTP


#Remote-blast "factory object" creation and blast-parameter initialization

use Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast;
use strict;
my $prog = 'blastp';
my $db   = 'swissprot';
my $e_val= '1e-10';

my @params = ( '-prog' => $prog,
       '-data' => $db,
       '-expect' => $e_val,
       '-readmethod' => 'SearchIO' );

my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast->new(@params);

#change a paramter
$Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'ENTREZ_QUERY'} = 'Homo sapiens [ORGN]';

#remove a parameter
delete $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'FILTER'};

my $v = 1;
#$v is just to turn on and off the messages

my $str = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>'amino.fa' , '-format' => 'fasta' );

while (my $input = $str->next_seq()){
  #Blast a sequence against a database:

  #Alternatively, you could  pass in a file with many
  #sequences rather than loop through sequence one at a time
  #Remove the loop starting 'while (my $input = $str->next_seq())'
  #and swap the two lines below for an example of that.
  my $r = $factory->submit_blast($input);
  #my $r = $factory->submit_blast('amino.fa');

  print STDERR "waiting..." if( $v > 0 );
  while ( my @rids = $factory->each_rid ) {
    foreach my $rid ( @rids ) {
      my $rc = $factory->retrieve_blast($rid);
      if( !ref($rc) ) {
        if( $rc < 0 ) {
        print STDERR "." if ( $v > 0 );
        sleep 5;
      } else {
        my $result = $rc->next_result();
        #save the output
        my $filename = $result->query_name()."\.out";
        print "\nQuery Name: ", $result->query_name(), "\n";
        while ( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
          next unless ( $v > 0);
          print "\thit name is ", $hit->name, "\n";
          while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
            print "\t\tscore is ", $hsp->score, "\n";

# This example shows how to change a CGI parameter:
$Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'MATRIX_NAME'} = 'BLOSUM25';

# And this is how to delete a CGI parameter:
delete $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'FILTER'};


Class for remote execution of the NCBI Blast via HTTP.

For a description of the many CGI parameters see:

Various additional options and input formats are available.


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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich



The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _

Title   : header
Usage   : my $header = $self->header
Function: Get/Set HTTP header for blast query
Returns : string
Args    : none


Title   : readmethod
Usage   : my $readmethod = $self->readmethod
Function: Get/Set the method to read the blast report
Returns : string
Args    : string [ Blast, BPlite ]


Title   : program
Usage   : my $prog = $self->program
Function: Get/Set the program to run
Returns : string
Args    : string [ blastp, blastn, blastx, tblastn, tblastx ]


Title   : database
Usage   : my $db = $self->database
Function: Get/Set the database to search
Returns : string
Args    : string [ swissprot, nr, nt, etc... ]


Title   : expect
Usage   : my $expect = $self->expect
Function: Get/Set the E value cutoff
Returns : string
Args    : string [ '1e-4' ]


Title   : ua
Usage   : my $ua = $self->ua or
Function: Get/Set a LWP::UserAgent for use
Returns : reference to LWP::UserAgent Object
Args    : none
Comments: Will create a UserAgent if none has been requested before.


Title   : proxy
Usage   : $httpproxy = $db->proxy('http')  or
          $db->proxy(['http','ftp'], 'http://myproxy' )
Function: Get/Set a proxy for use of proxy
Returns : a string indicating the proxy
Args    : $protocol : an array ref of the protocol(s) to set/get
          $proxyurl : url of the proxy to use for the specified protocol


Title   : submit_blast
Usage   : $self->submit_blast([$seq1,$seq2]);
Function: Submit blast jobs to ncbi blast queue on sequence(s)
Returns : Blast report object as defined by $self->readmethod
Args    : input can be:
          * sequence object
          * array ref of sequence objects
          * filename of file containing fasta formatted sequences


Title   : retrieve_blast
Usage   : my $blastreport = $blastfactory->retrieve_blast($rid);
Function: Attempts to retrieve a blast report from remote blast queue
Returns : -1 on error,
          0 on 'job not finished',
          Bio::Tools::BPlite or Bio::Tools::Blast object
          (depending on how object was initialized) on success
Args    : Remote Blast ID (RID)


Title   : saveoutput
Usage   : my $saveoutput = $self->save_output($filename)
Function: Method to save the blast report
Returns : 1 (throws error otherwise)
Args    : string [rid, filename]