This module is an abstract module, serving as the base of any SAX Handler implementation. It tries to offer the framework that SAX handlers generally need, such as tag_stack, char_store, etc.
In the implementation handler, you can take advantage of this based module by the following suggestions.
1) In start_element,
sub start_element {
my $self=shift;
my $tag=$_[0]->{Name};
my %args=%{$_[0]->{Attributes}};
# Your code here.
# Before you enclose this method, write these 2 line.
2) In end_element,
sub end_element {
my $self=shift;
my $tag=shift->{Name};
# Your code here.
# Before you enclode this method, wirte these 2 lines.
3) In characters, or any other methods where you may used the tag stack or count
sub characters {
my $self=shift;
my $text=shift->{Data};
$self->_chars_hash->{$self->_top_tag} .= $text;
$count = $self->_visited_count('myTag');
$tag = $self->_top_tag;
Juguang Xiao,
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Interal methods are usually preceded with a _
Title : _tag_stack
Usage : @tags = $self->_tag_stack;
Function: Get an array of tags that have been accessed but not enclosed.
Return :
Args :
Title : _top_tag
Usage : $top = $self->_top_tag;
Function: get the top tag in the tag stack.
Return : a tag name
Args : [none]
Title : _chars_hash
Usage : $hash= $self->_chars_hash;
Function: return the character cache for the specific tag
Return : a hash reference, which is intent for character storage for tags
Args : [none]
Title : _vistied_count_inc
Usage : $self->vistied_count_inc($tag); # the counter for the tag increase
Function: the counter for the tag increase
Return : the current count after this increment
Args : the tag name [scalar]
Title : _visited_count_dec
Usage : $self->_visited_count_dec($tag);
Function: the counter for the tag decreases by one
Return : the current count for the specific tag after the decrement
Args : the tag name [scalar]
Title : _visited_count
Usage : $count = $self->_visited_count
Function: return the counter for the tag
Return : the current counter for the specific tag
Args : the tag name [scalar]