Bio::PopGen::Statistics - Population Genetics statistical tests


use Bio::PopGen::Statistics;
use Bio::AlignIO;
use Bio::PopGen::IO;
use Bio::PopGen::Simulation::Coalescent;

my $sim = new Bio::PopGen::Simulation::Coalescent( -sample_size => 12);

my $tree = $sim->next_tree;


my $stats = new Bio::PopGen::Statistics();
my $individuals = [ $tree->get_leaf_nodes];
my $pi = $stats->pi($individuals);
my $D  = $stats->tajima_d($individuals);

# Alternatively to do this on input data from
# See the tests in t/PopGen.t for more examples
my $parser = new Bio::PopGen::IO(-format => 'prettybase',
                                 -file   => 't/data/popstats.prettybase');
my $pop = $parser->next_population;
# Note that you can also call the stats as a class method if you like
# the only reason to instantiate it (as above) is if you want
# to set the verbosity for debugging
$pi     = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->pi($pop);   
$theta  = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->theta($pop);

# Pi and Theta also take additional arguments,
# see the documentation for more information  

# To come -- examples for creating pops/individuals from
# Aligned sequence data


This object is intended to provide implementations some standard population genetics statistics about alleles in populations.

This module was previously named Bio::Tree::Statistics.

This object is a place to accumulate routines for calculating various statistics from the coalescent simulation, marker/allele, or from aligned sequence data given that you can calculate alleles, number of segregating sites.

Currently implemented: Fu and Li's D (fu_and_li_D) Fu and Li's D* (fu_and_li_D_star) Fu and Li's F (fu_and_li_F) Tajima's D (tajima_D) theta (theta) pi (pi) - number of pairwise differences composite_LD (composite_LD)

In all cases where a the method expects an arrayref of Bio::PopGen::IndividualI objects and Bio::PopGen::PopulationI object will also work.


Fu Y.X and Li W.H. (1993) "Statistical Tests of Neutrality of Mutations." Genetics 133:693-709.

Fu Y.X. (1996) "New Statistical Tests of Neutrality for DNA samples from a Population." Genetics 143:557-570.

Tajima F. (1989) "Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism." Genetics 123:585-595.


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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich, Matthew Hahn

Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org Matt Hahn <matthew.hahn-at-duke.duke>


Additional contributors names and emails here


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _


Title   : new
Usage   : my $obj = new Bio::PopGen::Statistics();
Function: Builds a new Bio::PopGen::Statistics object 
Returns : an instance of Bio::PopGen::Statistics
Args    : none


Title   : fu_and_li_D
Usage   : my $D = $statistics->fu_an_li_D(\@ingroup,$extmutations);
Function: Fu and Li D statistic for a list of individuals
          given an outgroup and the number of external mutations
          (either provided or calculated from list of outgroup individuals)
Returns : decimal
Args    : $individuals - array refence which contains ingroup individuals 
          (L<Bio::PopGen::Individual> or derived classes)
          $extmutations - number of external mutations OR
          arrayref of outgroup individuals


Title   : fu_and_li_D_star
Usage   : my $D = $statistics->fu_an_li_D_star(\@individuals);
Function: Fu and Li's D* statistic for a set of samples
           Without an outgroup
Returns : decimal number
Args    : array ref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
          L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object


Title   : fu_and_li_F
Usage   : my $D = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->fu_and_li_F(\@ingroup,$ext_muts);
Function: Calculate Fu and Li's F on an ingroup with either the set of 
          outgroup individuals, or the number of external mutations
Returns : decimal number
Args    : array ref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects for the ingroup
          OR a L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object
          number of external mutations OR list of individuals for the outgroup


Title   : fu_and_li_F_star
Usage   : my $D = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->fu_and_li_F_star(\@ingroup);
Function: Calculate Fu and Li's F* on an ingroup without an outgroup
          It uses count of singleton alleles instead 
Returns : decimal number
Args    : array ref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects for the ingroup
          L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object


Title   : tajima_D
Usage   : my $D = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->tajima_D(\@samples);
Function: Calculate Tajima's D on a set of samples 
Returns : decimal number
Args    : array ref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
          L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object


Title   : pi
Usage   : my $pi = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->pi(\@inds)
Function: Calculate pi (...explain here...) given a list of individuals 
          which have the same number of markers/sites/mutation as 
          available from the get_Genotypes() call in 
Returns : decimal number
Args    : Arg1= array ref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
            which have markers/mutations.  We expect all individuals to
            have a marker - we will deal with missing data as a special case.
          Arg1= L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object.  In the event that
                only allele frequency data is available, storing it in
                Population object will make this available.
          num sites [optional], an optional second argument (integer)
            which is the number of sites, then pi returned is pi/site.


Title   : theta
Usage   : my $theta = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->theta($sampsize,$segsites);
Function: Calculates theta (...explanation here... ) from the sample size 
          and the number of segregating sites.
          Providing the third parameter, total number of sites will
          return theta per site          
Returns : decimal number 
Args    : sample size (integer),
          num segregating sites (integer)
          total sites (integer) [optional] (to calculate theta per site)
          provide an arrayref of the L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
          total sites (integer) [optional] (to calculate theta per site)
          provide an L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object
          total sites (integer)[optional]


Title   : singleton_count
Usage   : my ($singletons) = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->singleton_count(\@inds)
Function: Calculate the number of mutations/alleles which only occur once in
          a list of individuals for all sites/markers
Returns : (integer) number of alleles which only occur once (integer)
Args    : arrayref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects
          L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object


Title   : segregating_sites_count
Usage   : my $segsites = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->segregating_sites_count
Function: Gets the number of segregating sites (number of polymorphic sites)
Returns : (integer) number of segregating sites
Args    : arrayref of L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI> objects 
          L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> object


Title   : heterozygosity
Usage   : my $het = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->heterozygosity($sampsize,$freq1);
Function: Calculate the heterozgosity for a sample set for a set of alleles
Returns : decimal number
Args    : sample size (integer)
          frequency of one allele (fraction - must be less than 1)
          [optional] frequency of another allele - this is only needed
                     in a non-binary allele system

Note : p^2 + 2pq + q^2


Title   : derived_mutations
Usage   : my $ext = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->derived_mutations($ingroup,$outgroup);
Function: Calculate the number of alleles or (mutations) which are ancestral
          and the number which are derived (occurred only on the tips)
Returns : array of 2 items - number of external and internal derived 
Args    : ingroup - L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI>s arrayref OR 
          outgroup- L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI>s arrayref OR 
                    L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> OR
                    a single L<Bio::PopGen::IndividualI>


Title   : composite_LD
Usage   : %matrix = Bio::PopGen::Statistics->composite_LD($population);
Function: Calculate the Linkage Disequilibrium 
          This is for calculating LD for unphased data. 
          Other methods will be appropriate for phased haplotype data.

Returns : Hash of Hashes - first key is site 1,second key is site 2
          and value is LD for those two sites.
          my $LDarrayref = $matrix{$site1}->{$site2};
          my ($ldval, $chisquared) = @$LDarrayref;
Args    : L<Bio::PopGen::PopulationI> or arrayref of 
Reference: Weir B.S. (1996) "Genetic Data Analysis II", 
                     Sinauer, Sunderlanm MA.