use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $AUTOLOAD);
@ISA = "Exporter";
@EXPORT = ("AUTOLOAD", "getmeth");
my %callmethod = (
V => 'Void',
Z => 'Boolean',
B => 'Byte',
C => 'Char',
S => 'Short',
I => 'Int',
J => 'Long',
F => 'Float',
D => 'Double',
# A lookup table to convert the data types that Java
# developers are used to seeing into the JNI-mangled
# versions.
# bjepson 13 August 1997
my %type_table = (
'void' => 'V',
'boolean' => 'Z',
'byte' => 'B',
'char' => 'C',
'short' => 'S',
'int' => 'I',
'long' => 'J',
'float' => 'F',
'double' => 'D'
# A cache for method ids.
# bjepson 13 August 1997
# A cache for methods.
# bjepson 13 August 1997
use JNI;
# XXX We're assuming for the moment that method ids are persistent...
print "AUTOLOAD $AUTOLOAD(@_)\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
my ($classname, $methodsig) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^(.*)::(.*)/;
print "class = $classname, method = $methodsig\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
if ($methodsig eq "DESTROY") {
print "sub $AUTOLOAD {}\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
eval "sub $AUTOLOAD {}";
(my $jclassname = $classname) =~ s/^JPL:://;
$jclassname =~ s{::}{/}g;
my $class = JNI::FindClass($jclassname)
or die "Can't find Java class $jclassname\n";
# This method lookup allows the user to pass in
# references to two array that contain the input and
# output data types of the method.
# bjepson 13 August 1997
my ($methodname, $sig, $retsig, $slow_way);
if (ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' && ref $_[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
$slow_way = 1;
# First we strip out the input and output args.
my ($in,$out) = splice(@_, 1, 2);
# let's mangle up the input argument types.
my @in = jni_mangle($in);
# if they didn't hand us any output values types, make
# them void by default.
unless (@{ $out }) {
$out = ['void'];
# mangle the output types
my @out = jni_mangle($out);
$methodname = $methodsig;
$retsig = join("", @out);
$sig = "(" . join("", @in) . ")" . $retsig;
} else {
($methodname, $sig) = split /__/, $methodsig, 2;
$sig ||= "__V"; # default is void return
# Now demangle the signature.
$sig =~ s/_3/[/g;
$sig =~ s/_2/;/g;
my $tmp;
$sig =~ s{
$1 eq 's'
? "Ljava/lang/String;"
: (($tmp = $1) =~ tr[_][/], $tmp)
if ($sig =~ s/(.*)__(.*)/($1)$2/) {
$retsig = $2;
else { # void return is assumed
$sig = "($sig)V";
$retsig = "V";
$sig =~ s/_1/_/g;
print "sig = $sig\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
# Now look up the method's ID somehow or other.
$methodname = "<init>" if $methodname eq 'new';
my $mid;
# Added a method id cache to compensate for avoiding
# Perl's method cache...
if ($MID_CACHE{qq[$classname:$methodname:$sig]}) {
$mid = $MID_CACHE{qq[$classname:$methodname:$sig]};
print "got method " . ($mid + 0) . " from cache.\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
} elsif (ref $_[0] or $methodname eq '<init>') {
# Look up an instance method or a constructor
$mid = JNI::GetMethodID($class, $methodname, $sig);
} else {
# Look up a static method
$mid = JNI::GetStaticMethodID($class, $methodname, $sig);
# Add this method to the cache.
# bjepson 13 August 1997
$MID_CACHE{qq[$classname:$methodname:$sig]} = $mid if $slow_way;
if ($mid == 0) {
# Could do some guessing here on return type...
die "Can't get method id for $AUTOLOAD($sig)\n";
print "mid = ", $mid + 0, ", $mid\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
my $rettype = $callmethod{$retsig} || "Object";
print "*** rettype = $rettype\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
my $blesspack;
no strict 'refs';
if ($rettype eq "Object") {
$blesspack = $retsig;
$blesspack =~ s/^L//;
$blesspack =~ s/;$//;
$blesspack =~ s#/#::#g;
print "*** Some sort of wizardry...\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
print %{$blesspack . "::"}, "\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
print defined %{$blesspack . "::"}, "\n" if $JPL::DEBUG;
if (not defined %{$blesspack . "::"}) {
#if ($blesspack eq "java::lang::String") {
if ($blesspack =~ /java::/) {
eval <<"END" . <<'ENDQ';
package $blesspack;
'""' => sub { JNI::GetStringUTFChars($_[0]) },
'0+' => sub { 0 + "$_[0]" },
fallback => 1;
else {
eval <<"END";
package $blesspack;
use JPL::AutoLoader;
# Finally, call the method. Er, somehow...
my $real_mid = $mid + 0; # weird overloading that I
# don't understand ?!
if (ref ${$METHOD_CACHE{qq[$real_mid]}} eq 'CODE') {
$METHOD = ${$METHOD_CACHE{qq[$real_mid]}};
print qq[Pulled $classname, $methodname, $sig from cache.\n] if $JPL::DEBUG;
} elsif ($methodname eq "<init>") {
$METHOD = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class = JNI::FindClass($jclassname);
bless $class->JNI::NewObjectA($mid, \@_), $classname;
elsif (ref $_[0]) {
if ($blesspack) {
$METHOD = sub {
my $self = shift;
if (ref $self eq $classname) {
my $callmethod = "JNI::Call${rettype}MethodA";
bless $self->$callmethod($mid, \@_), $blesspack;
else {
my $callmethod = "JNI::CallNonvirtual${rettype}MethodA";
bless $self->$callmethod($class, $mid, \@_), $blesspack;
else {
$METHOD = sub {
my $self = shift;
if (ref $self eq $classname) {
my $callmethod = "JNI::Call${rettype}MethodA";
$self->$callmethod($mid, \@_);
else {
my $callmethod = "JNI::CallNonvirtual${rettype}MethodA";
$self->$callmethod($class, $mid, \@_);
else {
my $callmethod = "JNI::CallStatic${rettype}MethodA";
if ($blesspack) {
$METHOD = sub {
my $self = shift;
bless $class->$callmethod($mid, \@_), $blesspack;
else {
$METHOD = sub {
my $self = shift;
$class->$callmethod($mid, \@_);
if ($slow_way) {
$METHOD_CACHE{qq[$real_mid]} = \$METHOD;
else {
goto &$AUTOLOAD;
sub jni_mangle {
my $arr = shift;
my @ret;
foreach my $arg (@{ $arr }) {
my $ret;
# Count the dangling []s.
$ret = '[' x $arg =~ s/\[\]//g;
# Is it a primitive type?
if ($type_table{$arg}) {
$ret .= $type_table{$arg};
} else {
# some sort of class
$arg =~ s#\.#/#g;
$ret .= "L$arg;";
push @ret, $ret;
return @ret;
sub getmeth {
my ($meth, $in, $out) = @_;
my @in = jni_mangle($in);
# if they didn't hand us any output values types, make
# them void by default.
unless ($out and @$out) {
$out = ['void'];
# mangle the output types
my @out = jni_mangle($out);
my $sig = join("", '#', @in, '#', @out);
$sig =~ s/_/_1/g;
my $tmp;
$sig =~ s{
($tmp = $1) =~ tr[/][_], $tmp
$sig =~ s{Ljava/lang/String;}{s}g;
$sig =~ s/;/_2/g;
$sig =~ s/\[/_3/g;
$sig =~ s/#/__/g;
$meth . $sig;
'""' => sub { JNI::GetStringUTFChars($_[0]) },
'0+' => sub { 0 + "$_[0]" },
fallback => 1;