[% config.base %] - [% config.abstract %]
[% INCLUDE "warning" %]
my $png = [% config.base %]->new ();
$png->read_file ("crazy.png");
printf "Your PNG is %d x %d\n", $png->width, $png->height;
General methods
my $png = [% config.base %]->new ();
Create a new PNG-file reading or writing object.
Options are
- read
my $png = [% config.base %]->new ({read => 'some.png'});
Set the file to read. The file is then read at the time of object creation.
- verbosity
my $png = [% config.base %]->new ({verbosity => 1});
is set to a true value, print verbose messages about what the module is doing.
$png->read_file ("crazy.png")
or die "Can't read it: " . $png->error ();
Read the PNG from the file name specified as the argument. This dies if there is an error.
$png->write_file ("crazy.png")
or die "Can't write it: " . $png->error ();
Write the PNG to the file name specified as the argument. This dies if there is an error.
my $data = $png->data ();
Get the PNG image data as a Perl scalar.
Print the most recent error message.
PNG header-related methods
These methods are related to the PNG header (the IHDR chunk of the PNG file).
my $height = $png->width ();
Get the width of the current PNG image.
my $height = $png->height ();
Get the height of the current PNG image.
my $color_type = $png->color_type ();
Get the name of the colour type of the current PNG image. The possible return values are
my $bit_depth = $png->bit_depth ();
Get the bit depth of the current PNG image.
my $interlacing_method = $png->interlacing_method
Get the name of the method of interlacing of the current PNG image.
There is no method for dealing with the compression method field of the header, since this only has one possible value.
Image data-related methods
my $rowbytes = $png->rowbytes;
This method returns the number of bytes in each row of the image. If no image has been read yet, it returns the undefined value.
my $rows = $png->rows;
This method returns the rows of the image as an array reference which contains a number of elements equal to the height of the image. Each element has the length of the number of bytes in one row (as given by rowbytes) plus one final zero byte. The row data returned is binary data and may contain several bytes with the value zero.
Non-image chunks
my @text = $png->text;
Get the text chunks of the image. Each chunk is a hash reference with the keys being the fields of the PNG text chunk and the values being the values of those fields.
my $time_ref = $png->time;
print "The PNG was last modified in $time_ref->{year}.\n";
Get the last modified time of the image. The return value is a hash reference containing the following six fields,
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- minute
- second
These represent the last modification time of the image. The modification time of a PNG file is meant to be in the GMT (UCT) time zone so there is no time zone information in this.
If there is no last modification time, the undefined value is returned instead of a hash reference.
There are some convenience functions in this module, exported on request.
use [% config.base %] qw/display_text/;
my @text = $png->text;
display_text ($text[3]);
Display the text chunk given as an argument on STDOUT
This is meant as a minimal convenience function for when you are debugging or something rather than a general-purpose text chunk display routine.
There is a mailing list for this Perl module at Google Groups. If you have a question or suggestion or bug report, please let me know via the mailing list. You don't have to join the mailing list to post a message.
In this distribution
[% config.base %]::Const
"[% config.base %]::Const" contains the libpng constants taken from the libpng header file "png.h".
[% config.base %]::Libpng
"[% config.base %]::Libpng" provides a Perl mirror of the interface of the C PNG library "libpng". [% config.base %] is built on top of this module.
libpng download
If you need to download libpng, see See also "Alien::PNG".
[% INCLUDE "other_modules" %]
About the PNG format
Wikipedia article
There is
The PNG specification
[% INCLUDE "pngspec" %]
PNG The Definitive Guide by Greg Roelofs
The book "PNG - The Definitive Guide" by Greg Roelofs, published in 1999 by O'Reilly is available online at I didn't refer to this book at all in making [% config.base %], so I can't vouch for it, but looking at the contents pages it appears to contain a lot of useful information, although it is definitely showing its age, with chapters about software such as Netscape Navigator and BeOS.
[% INCLUDE "examples_doc" %]
[% INCLUDE "author" %]
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 229:
alternative text '' contains non-escaped | or /