Image::PNG::Cairo - extract PNG data from a Cairo::ImageSurface
use Image::PNG::Cairo 'cairo_to_png';
use Cairo;
my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->new ('argb32', 100, 100);
# Draw something on surface.
my $png = cairo_to_png ($surface);
# Now can use the methods of Image::PNG::Libpng on the PNG,
# e.g. write to file.
This is a bridge between Cairo and Image::PNG::Libpng which allows the user to extract the image data from a Cairo::ImageSurface into a structure which can then be manipulated to add other kinds of data.
my $png = cairo_to_png ($surface);
Only surfaces of type 'argb32' are supported.
This example CGI program makes a captcha from random letters. It also includes the captcha text and the date and time of creation of the image in the PNG.
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';
use Cairo;
use Image::PNG::Cairo 'cairo_to_png';
use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all';
use Image::PNG::Const ':all';
use constant { M_PI => 3.14159265 };
my $xsize = 200;
my $ysize = 50;
my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create ('argb32', $xsize, $ysize);
my $cr = Cairo::Context->create ($surface);
# Make a background
$cr->set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0);
$cr->rectangle (0, 0, $xsize, $ysize);
$cr->fill ();
# Get six randomly-chosen letters
my $captcha = random_letters (6);
# Draw the captcha text in white
my $gap = 10;
$cr->set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1);
$cr->set_font_size ($ysize - $gap);
$cr->move_to ($gap, $ysize - $gap);
$cr->show_text ($captcha);
$cr->fill ();
# Obscure the text with translucent circles in random colours.
for (0..50) {
$cr->set_source_rgba (random_colours (), 0.4);
$cr->arc (rand ($xsize), rand ($ysize), rand (25), 0, 2 * M_PI);
$cr->fill ();
# Get the PNG data out of it.
my $png = cairo_to_png ($surface);
# Put the captcha into the PNG itself, and set a modification time.
$png->set_text ([{compression => PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE,
key => 'captcha', text => $captcha}]);
$png->set_tIME ();
# Get the PNG data from $png and print it out.
my $data = write_to_scalar ($png);
binmode STDOUT;
print "Content-Type: image/png\r\n\r\n$data";
sub random_colours
my @r;
for (1..3) {
push @r, rand (1);
return @r;
sub random_letters
my ($length) = @_;
my @letters = ('0' .. '9', 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z');
my $r = '';
for (1..$length) {
$r .= $letters[rand (@letters)];
return $r;
The captcha looks like this:
Disclaimer: please do not use this example program in the stead of a real captcha.
- Cairo
Cairo is a general-purpose drawing program.
- Image::PNG::Libpng
Image::PNG::Libpng is a Perl wrapper to the C PNG library libpng.
Copyright Ben Bullock <> 2014; this module may be used, redistributed, and modified under the same terms as Perl itself.