Image::PNG::Libpng - Perl interface to the C library "libpng".
use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all';
my $png = create_read_struct ();
open my $file, '<:raw', 'nice.png' or die $!;
$png->init_io ($file);
$png->read_png ();
close $file;
# Get all valid chunks
my $valid = $png->get_valid ();
my @valid_chunks = sort grep {$valid->{$_}} keys %$valid;
print "Valid chunks are ", join (", ", @valid_chunks), "\n";
# Print image information
my $header = $png->get_IHDR ();
for my $k (keys %$header) {
print "$k: $header->{$k}\n";
This example is in examples/ in the distribution.
This document describes Image::PNG::Libpng version 0.45, corresponding to git commit c690e91d40cd84972afe777e2736d7e1982561ad at Thu Jan 4 12:55:22 2018 +0900.
Image::PNG::Libpng is a Perl library for accessing the contents of PNG (Portable Network Graphics) images. Image::PNG::Libpng enables Perl to use the "libpng" library for reading and writing files in the PNG format. Image::PNG::Libpng does not contain "libpng". "libpng" must be installed on the computer prior to installing Image::PNG::Libpng.
Image::PNG::Libpng consists of Perl subroutines which mirror the C functions in libpng, plus helper subroutines to make it easier to read and write PNG data in Perl.
For those familiar with libpng, to know what the differences between this module and libpng are, please go to the section "Differences from libpng". For those not familiar with libpng, the module basically mirrors the C interface of libpng.
The functions in the module are gathered into the following categories: "Simple input and output", which describes some convenience functions, "Input and output libpng style", which describes functions which closely mirror libpng, "The image header", which describes functions for reading and writing the meta-information about PNG images, "Image data", which describes functions for accessing the image data itself, "PNG timestamps", "Text chunks", "Private chunks", "Helper functions", "Library version functions", "Palettes", for handling paletted images, "Compression and filtering", and "Other chunks". There are also "META FUNCTIONS" for examining your installed libpng, "UNDOCUMENTED FUNCTIONS", and "TESTING FUNCTIONS" which are functions used in testing this module itself.
Simple input and output
These are convenience functions which combine common operations.
my $png = read_png_file ('q.png');
Open q.png and read its contents into $png
This combines "create_read_struct", open, "init_io", and "read_png". The return value is the same as that of "create_read_struct" with the entire PNG image already read in.
The optional argument to "read_png" can be specified using an optional transforms
my $png = read_png_file ('file.png', transforms => PNG_TRANSFORM_EXPAND);
"croak" in Carp is used to signal errors opening or closing the file.
$png->write_png_file ('nice.png');
This combines open, "init_io", and "write_png" to write an entire PNG image out to a file. $png
must be the object created by "create_write_struct", so "read_png_file" followed by a call to this does not work.
The optional argument to "write_png" can be specified using "set_transforms".
"croak" in Carp is used to signal errors opening or closing the file.
my $png = read_from_scalar ($string);
This creates an image structure $png
from the contents of a Perl scalar variable $string
containing a PNG image. The first argument, $png
, is a PNG structure created with "create_read_struct". It reads in all the data from the structure on being called.
This is useful when image data is stored in a Perl scalar. For example
use Image::PNG::Libpng 'read_from_scalar';
use LWP::Simple;
my $image_data = get '';
# Now $image_data contains the PNG file
my $png = read_from_scalar ($image_data);
# Now $png contains the PNG information from the image.
# Get the header.
my $header = $png->get_IHDR ();
printf "Your PNG has width %d and height %d\n", $header->{width}, $header->{height};
This example is in examples/ in the distribution.
See also "Input/output manipulation functions".
my $image_data = $png->write_to_scalar ();
This writes the PNG image data in $png
into a Perl scalar. The first argument, $png
, is a writeable PNG structure created with "create_write_struct". The return value of the subroutine is the Perl scalar containing the image data.
So, for example,
# This CGI script prints a PNG in a random colour.
use lib '/home/ben/projects/image-png-libpng/blib/arch';
use lib '/home/ben/projects/image-png-libpng/blib/lib';
use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all';
use Image::PNG::Const ':all';
my $png = create_write_struct ();
my $size = 100;
$png->set_IHDR ({height => $size, width => $size, bit_depth => 8,
color_type => PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB});
my $bytes = pack "CCC", randcol (), randcol (), randcol ();
my @rows = ($bytes x $size) x $size;
$png->set_rows (\@rows);
my $img = $png->write_to_scalar ();
binmode STDOUT;
print "Content-Type:image/png\r\n\r\n$img";
sub randcol
return int (rand () * 0x100);
This example is in examples/ in the distribution.
See also "Input/output manipulation functions".
The optional argument to "write_png" can be specified using "set_transforms".
my $outpng = $png->copy_png ();
Copy a PNG from a read to a write structure. This function bridges two kinds of object, "read a png" objects created by "create_read_struct" and "write a png" objects created by "create_write_struct". This function copies all the valid chunks from a read structure to a write structure.
The following example demonstrates copying a PNG.
use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Image::PNG::Libpng qw(read_png_file write_png_file) ;
my $pngin = read_png_file ("$Bin/../t/tantei-san.png");
my $pngout = $pngin->copy_png ();
$pngout->set_text ([{key => 'Name', text => 'Shunsaku Kudo'}]);
# $pngout->write_png_file ('copy.png');
This example is in examples/ in the distribution.
$png->set_transforms (PNG_TRANSFORM_BGR);
Set transforms for reading and writing. This is the same as the optional argument to "read_png" or "write_png". If both this and the optional argument are given, the optional argument overrides what is set here.
if (png_compare ('a.png', 'b.png') == 0) {
print "The PNGs are the same.\n";
This compares the image data in two PNGs and returns 0 if they contain exactly the same image data, or 1 if they contain different image data. For a more detailed comparison, see "image_data_diff". This does not compare to see if the PNG files "look like" each other, but whether each pixel contains exactly the same values. Please see Image::Similar for a looser comparison of images.
my $timechunk = $png->get_chunk ('tIME');
Get the specified chunk. Croaks if given IDAT
chunk, use "get_rows" instead. Returns undef if given unknown chunk. This is used by pnginspect to get the various valid chunks.
$png->set_chunk ('tIME', $timechunk);
Set the specified chunk. Croaks if given IDAT
chunk, use "set_rows" instead. Croaks if given unknown chunk.
New-like functions
There are two different "new"-like functions, depending on whether you want to read or write a PNG. (See "copy_png" for a function to copy one to the other.)
my $png = create_read_struct ();
Create a structure for reading a PNG. The return value can be used as an object with the other functions as methods. It can be copied to a write structure with "copy_png".
This function corresponds to png_create_read_struct
in libpng plus create_info_struct
(see "No info structure") with the error and warning handler variables set up to use Perl's error reporting.
my $png = create_write_struct ();
Create a structure for writing a PNG. This can be used as an object with the other functions as methods.
This function corresponds to png_create_write_struct
in libpng plus create_info_struct
(see "No info structure") with the error and warning handler variables set up to use Perl's error reporting.
Input and output libpng style
These functions mirror libpng's functions.
open my $file, "<", 'nice.png';
$png->init_io ($file);
Set the file which $png
reads or writes to $file
. $file
must be an already-opened Perl file handle. If $png
was created with "create_write_struct", $file
must be opened for writing. If $png
was created with "create_read_struct", $file
must be open for reading.
Since PNG files are binary files, it is safest to specify the "raw" pragma or use "binmode" with the file to override any default text file encoding which Perl might be using:
open my $file, ">:raw", 'output.png';
open my $file, ">", 'output.png';
binmode $file;
This function corresponds to png_init_io
in libpng, with a Perl file handle substituting for the C FILE *
$png->read_png ();
Read the entire PNG file into memory.
You can provide an argument containing transformations to apply to the image:
If the argument is omitted, the default value of PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY
(the "do nothing" value) is applied. The possible transformations which can be applied are
No transformation
Strip 16-bit samples to 8 bits
Discard the alpha channel
Expand 1, 2 and 4-bit samples to bytes
Change order of packed pixels to LSB first
Expand paletted images to RGB, grayscale to 8-bit images and tRNS chunks to alpha channels
Invert monochrome images
Normalize pixels to the sBIT depth
Flip RGBA to ARGB or GA to AG
Change alpha from opacity to transparency
Byte-swap 16-bit samples
This function corresponds to png_read_png
in libpng with a default value for the third argument. The fourth, unused, argument to png_read_png
does not need to be supplied. See "Unused arguments omitted".
It does not take a second "info" argument. See "No info structure".
$png->write_png ();
This writes the PNG to the file stream which was associated with it using "init_io". For example,
open my $output, ">:raw", 'out.png';
$png->init_io ($output);
$png->write_png ();
close $output;
An optional argument consists of transformations to apply to the PNG image before writing it:
$png->write_png (PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_ALPHA);
The transformations which can be applied are as follows:
No transformation
Strip 16-bit samples to 8 bits
Discard the alpha channel
Expand 1, 2 and 4-bit samples to bytes
Change order of packed pixels to LSB first
Expand paletted images to RGB, grayscale to 8-bit images and tRNS chunks to alpha channels
Invert monochrome images
Normalize pixels to the sBIT depth
Flip RGBA to ARGB or GA to AG
Change alpha from opacity to transparency
Byte-swap 16-bit samples
(NOTE: this list might be wrong, it is just copied from the linux lib pages & the linux lib pages have different transformations for the read and write png functions.)
This function corresponds to png_write_png
in libpng.
The image header
See for information on the PNG standards for the image header.
if (sig_cmp ($should_be_png)) {
print "Your data does not have a PNG signature.\n";
This subroutine looks at $should_be_png
and checks whether its first bytes correspond to a valid PNG signature. It returns a true value if they do not.
It can also take two further arguments consisting of a byte offset and a number of bytes to check respectively:
sig_cmp ($should_be_png, 0, 8);
If these arguments are not supplied, the byte offset is assumed to be zero, and the number of bytes to check is assumed to be eight.
This function corresponds to png_sig_cmp
in libpng, with default arguments of 0 and 8 if second and third arguments are not supplied.
my $valid = $png->get_valid ();
if ($valid->{oFFs}) {
print "The PNG has valid screen offsets.\n";
This function returns a hash with a key for each possible chunk which may or may not be valid. The chunks which you can test for are "bKGD", "cHRM", "gAMA", "hIST", "hIST", "iCCP", IDAT, IHDR, "iTXt", "oFFs", "pCAL", "pHYs", PLTE, "sBIT", "sCAL", "sPLT", "sRGB", "tEXt", tIME, "tRNS", and "zTXt".
Whereas "libpng_supports" tells you whether the installed libpng on your system supports various chunks, this tells you whether the chunks are present in a particular PNG image file.
The first argument, $png
, is a PNG structure created with "create_read_struct".
This function corresponds to png_get_valid
in libpng, with the difference being that the return value is a hash containing a key for each possible chunk.
my $IHDR = $png->get_IHDR ();
Read the IHDR information from the PNG file. The return value is a reference to a hash.
The hash reference contains the following fields:
- width
The width of the image in pixels.
- height
The height of the image in pixels.
- bit_depth
The bit depth of the image (the number of bits used for each colour in a pixel). This can take the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
- color_type
- interlace_method
The method of interlacing. This can take the values PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7.
So, for example, to get the width and height of an image,
my $ihdr = $png->get_IHDR ();
printf "Your image is %d x %d\n", $ihdr->{width}, $ihdr->{height};
This function corresponds to png_get_IHDR
in libpng, with a single Perl hash reference used instead of the several pointers to integers used in libpng. It does not return the fields filter_method
and compression_method
, which are always 0.
my $ihdr = { width => 10, height => 10, bit_depth => 8,
color_type => PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB };
$png->set_IHDR ($ihdr);
Set the IHDR chunk (the image header) of the PNG image.
The first argument, $png
, is a writeable PNG structure created with "create_write_struct". The second argument is a hash with the following values:
- width
The width of the image in pixels. This cannot be zero, negative, or omitted.
- height
The height of the image in pixels. This cannot be zero, negative, or omitted.
- bit_depth
The bit depth of the image (the number of bits used for each colour in a pixel). This cannot be omitted. This can have the values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
- color_type
- interlace_method
The method of interlacing. If this is omitted, it's set to PNG_INTERLACE_NONE. This can have the values PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7.
Other fields in the hash are ignored.
This function corresponds to png_set_IHDR
in libpng, with a single Perl hash reference used instead of the seven integers. The variables compression_method
, filter_method
, in png_set_IHDR
can only take one possible value, 0, so the routine ignores them. See "Unused arguments omitted".
my $color_type;
$png->get_color_type (\$color_type);
This returns an integer value. If you want to get a name for the colour type, use "color_type_name".
This function corresponds to png_get_color_type
in libpng.
$name = color_type_name ($color_type);
Given a numerical colour type in $color_type
, return the equivalent name. The name is in upper case, with words separated by underscores, as in RGB_ALPHA
use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all';
my $png = read_png_file ('tantei-san.png');
my $name = color_type_name ($png->get_IHDR->{color_type});
print "Your PNG has colour type $name.\n";
This example is in examples/ in the distribution.
This function does not correspond to anything in libpng. The names of the colour types are taken from those defined in the libpng header file, png.h
my $width = $png->get_image_width ();
Get the image's width from the header.
This function corresponds to png_get_image_width
in libpng
my $width = $png->width ();
Alias for get_image_width. This is not exported, it's intended for use with the object only.
my $height = $png->get_image_height ();
Get the image's height from the header.
This function corresponds to png_get_image_height
in libpng
my $height = $png->height ();
Alias for get_image_height. This is not exported, it's intended for use with the object only.
my $channels = $png->get_channels ();
Get the number of channels, from one to four. The return value is 1 for colour type PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY and PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE, 2 for PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA, 3 for PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB and 4 for PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA or PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB with a filler byte.
This function corresponds to png_get_channels
in libpng
my $bit_depth = $png->get_bit_depth ();
Get the bit depth, the number of bits for one channel of one pixel.
This function corresponds to png_get_bit_depth
in libpng
my $interlace_type = $png->get_interlace_type ();
Get the interlace type. This is either PNG_INTERLACE_NONE or PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7.
This function corresponds to png_get_interlace_type
in libpng
Image data
These functions deal with accessing the image data itself.
my $rows = $png->get_rows ();
my $pixel = substr ($rows->[10], 20, 1);
This returns the rows of the PNG image, after uncompressing and unfiltering, as binary data. The return value, $rows
in the example, is an array reference with a number of rows equal to the height of the PNG image. Each row consists of the actual binary data. Pixel values must be extracted using a function such as substr
or unpack
. This binary data is likely to contain bytes equal to zero.
"get_rowbytes" gives the number of bytes in each row.
Each row is a Perl string. Perl terminates each row of data with an extra zero byte at the end.
This function corresponds to png_get_rows
in libpng.
$png->set_rows (\@rows);
Set the rows of data to be written in to the PNG to @rows
. @rows
needs to contain at least the same number of rows of data as the height of the PNG image, and the length of each entry needs to be at least the width of the entry times the number of bytes required for each pixel.
does not copy the row data, it just tells libpng where the data is to be found. Thus, if you call this routine as above with an array @rows
, then you alter the contents of @rows
, then call "write_png", the contents written by write_png
will be the contents of @rows
at the time you called write_png
, rather than the contents at the time you called set_rows
. Thus I recommend that you only use this immediately before calling "write_png" to prevent odd problems from occuring. (note to self - this is stupid, should just copy the row data).
This function corresponds to png_set_rows
in libpng.
my $bytes_in_a_row = $png->get_rowbytes ();
This returns the number of bytes needed to hold a transformed row of an image.
This function corresponds to png_get_rowbytes
in libpng.
PNG timestamps
See for information on the PNG standards for time stamp information.
my $time = $png->get_tIME ();
if ($time && $time->{year} < 2005) {
warn "Your PNG is now getting old. Don't forget to oil it to prevent rust.";
The return value is either the undefined value, if no tIME chunk exists in the PNG, or a hash reference containing fields "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute" and "second". "Month" and "day" start from 1 rather than 0.
The "modification time value" of the PNG image is a chunk written into the PNG file itself, and may not have the same value as the operating system's modification time for the file. The tIME chunk is not a compulsory requirement for PNG files, and most PNG image files do not contain this chunk. PNG tIME chunks do not contain a time zone. "Universal Time (UTC) should be specified rather than local time."
This function corresponds to png_get_tIME
in libpng, with a Perl hash reference substituted for the C struct png_timep
used in libpng.
# Set the time to "now"
$png->set_tIME ();
# Set the time
$png->set_tIME ({year => 1999, month => 12});
Set the modification time of the PNG to the values given by the argument, a hash reference containing the fields year
, month
, day
, hour
, minute
, and second
. Month and day start from 1, not 0. If the argument is omitted, the time is set to the current time. If any of year, hour, minute or second is omitted, these are set to zero. If month or day are omitted, these are set to 1. PNG tIME chunks do not contain a time zone: according to the PNG specification, "Universal Time (UTC) should be specified rather than local time."
This function corresponds to png_set_tIME
in libpng, with a Perl hash reference substituted for the C struct png_timep
used in libpng.
Text chunks
See for information on the PNG standards for text information.
my $text_chunks = $png->get_text ();
This subroutine gets all the text chunks in the PNG image and returns them as an array reference. Each element of the array represents one text chunk. The element representing one chunk is a hash reference with the text fields such as "key", "lang_key", "compression" taken from the PNG's information.
The text data is uncompressed by libpng. If it is international text, Image::PNG::Libpng automatically puts it into Perl's internal Unicode encoding (UTF-8).
Note that PNG international text is required to be in the UTF-8 encoding, and non-international text is required to contain whitespace and printable ASCII characters only. See "The PNG specification" for more on the requirements of a PNG text section.
This function corresponds to png_get_text
in libpng, with a Perl array of hash references substituted for the C array of structs used in libpng.
$png->set_text ($text_chunks);
This sets the text chunks in an array reference $text_chunks
. The input value is an array reference containing hash references. Each hash reference must have the following keys:
- key
The "key" value for the text
- text
The "text" value for the text.
If the compression field is not set, a default value of PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE is applied. The compression field can take the following values:
Whether or not it's an ITXT field is also decided by the compression value.
The text_length
value is generated from the text
input field. Optionally the following fields can be added:
- lang
This can be set to the language's name, if the text chunk is iTXt.
- itxt_length
If it is called more than once, the chunks are not overwritten but appended to the existing ones. (This behaviour is copied from libpng itself.)
$png->set_text ([{compression => PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE,
key => "Copyright",
text => "Copyright (C) 1997 The Dukes of Hazzard",
This function corresponds to png_set_text
in libpng.
Private chunks
See for information on the PNG standards for private chunks.
You can test whether your version of libpng supports private chunks with "libpng_supports" as follows:
if (libpng_supports ('UNKNOWN_CHUNKS')) {
# do something
$png->set_keep_unknown_chunks (PNG_HANDLE_CHUNK_ALWAYS);
Tell libpng not to discard unknown chunks when reading the file.
my $private_chunks = $png->get_unknown_chunks ();
# Get some data from a private chunk
my $chunk_three_data = $private_chunks->[3]->{data};
# Get the size of the data
print length $chunk_three_data;
This gets all of the private chunks from the image. The return value is an array reference containing hash references. If there are no private chunks, this returns an undefined value. There is one element of the array for each chunk member. It is necessary to call "set_keep_unknown_chunks" with an appropriate value before reading the file, otherwise libpng discards unknown chunks when reading the file.
Each member hash reference has the following keys:
- name
The name of the unknown chunk, in the PNG chunk format (four bytes).
- location
The location of the unknown chunk.
- data
The data of the unknown chunk
The "size" field of the PNG structure is not stored, because the "data" member of the hash contains information on its length.
This function corresponds to png_get_unknown_chunks
in libpng
This currently does not fully function.
This function corresponds to png_set_unknown_chunks
in libpng
Helper functions
These helper functions assist the programmer in the transition from libpng, which uses C conventions such as upper case macros standing for numerical constants and C structures, to Perl's string-based conventions.
my $name = Image::PNG::Libpng::text_compression_name ($text->{compression});
Given a numerical text compression type, return the equivalent name. The name is in upper case. The possible return values are
The compression field is also used to store the information about whether the text is "international text" in UTF-8 or not.
This function does not correspond to anything in libpng. The names of the text compression types are based on those in png.h
, but without the word "COMPRESSION", so for example the libpng constant PNG_ITXT_COMPRESSION_zTXt
corresponds to a return value of ITXT_zTXt
Library version functions
my $libpng_version = Image::PNG::Libpng::get_libpng_ver ();
This function returns the version of the libpng library which the module is using.
This function corresponds to png_get_libpng_ver
in libpng. However, it doesn't require the png_structp
argument of the C function.
my $libpng_version_number = Image::PNG::Libpng::access_version_number ();
This function returns the version of the libpng library which the module is using as an integer number.
This function corresponds to png_access_version_number
in libpng.
See for information on the PNG standards for the palette chunk.
my $colours = $png->get_PLTE ();
# Get the green value of the twentieth entry in the palette.
my $green = $colours->[20]->{green};
This function gets the palette from the PNG. The return value is an array reference containing the palette. This array contains hash references with the values "green", "blue" and "red" for the colour of each pixel in the palette. If the PNG has no palette, it returns an undefined value.
A PNG image may or may not contain a palette. To check whether the image contains a palette, use something of the following form:
use Image::PNG::Const ':all';
my $color_type = $png->get_color_type ();
if ($color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
# The PNG uses a palette.
A PNG image may also contain a palette even when the "color_type" does not indicate that. To check for that case, use "get_valid".
This function corresponds to png_get_PLTE
in libpng.
$png->set_PLTE ($palette);
Set the palette of $png
. The argument is an array reference containing hash references. There is one hash reference for each palette entry. The hash references contain three fields, red, green, and blue, corresponding to the pixel value for that palette entry. Other values in the hash references are ignored. For example,
$png->set_PLTE ([{red => 1, green => 99, blue => 0x10},
{red => 0xFF, green => 0xFF, blue => 0xFF}]);
creates a palette with two entries in $png
This function corresponds to png_set_PLTE
in libpng.
Compression and filtering
use Image::PNG::Const 'PNG_FILTER_NONE';
$png->set_filter (PNG_FILTER_NONE);
This sets the filters which are allowed to be used for writing a PNG image. The possible values are
These can be combined using |
(logical or):
use Image::PNG::Const ':all';
set_filter ($png, PNG_FILTER_UP | PNG_FILTER_AVG);
Please see for the meanings of these filter types.
This function corresponds to png_set_filter
in libpng with the second (unused) argument omitted. See "Unused arguments omitted".
$png->set_user_limits ($width, $height);
This function corresponds to png_set_user_limits
in libpng
$png->get_user_width_max ();
Get the maximum width the user will allow, as set by "set_user_limits".
This function corresponds to png_get_user_width_max
in libpng
$png->get_user_height_max ();
Get the maximum height the user will allow, as set by "set_user_limits".
This function corresponds to png_get_user_height_max
in libpng
Other chunks
These routines deal with the other possible chunks of PNGs.
The getter and setter routines for all other chunks are designed so that the return value of get_wXYZ
is able to be used directly as the value for set_wXYZ
, so the values of chunks can easily be copied from one PNG to another.
my $values = $png1->get_wXYZ ();
$png2->set_wXYZ ($values);
If the chunk is not present, or if the chunk is not supported by the user's version of libpng, the return value of get_wXYZ
is the undefined value.
The background colour of the PNG image.
See for information on the PNG standards for the background chunk.
my $bkgd = $png->get_bKGD ();
Get the bKGD (background) chunk of the image.
The return value is a hash with the following keys, depending on the colour type of the image:
- index
For palette colour types, this is the offset into the palette.
- gray
For greyscale colour types.
- red
- green
- blue
This function corresponds to png_get_bKGD
in libpng with a hash function instead of a png_color
$png->set_bKGD ($bkgd);
Set the bKGD (background) chunk of the image. $bkgd
is a hash reference. The keys of the hash reference are as described in "get_bKGD".
This function corresponds to png_set_bKGD
in libpng with a hash function instead of a png_color
See "cHRM Primary chromaticities and white point" of the PNG specification.
my %cHRM = $png->get_cHRM ();
Get the cHRM chunk as a hash.
The keys of the hash are
- white_x
- white_y
- red_x
- red_y
- green_x
- green_y
- blue_x
- blue_y
The values of the hash are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.
This function corresponds to png_get_cHRM
in libpng with a hash function instead of the double
arguments. The hash key names correspond to the names of the double
arguments in libpng.
$png->set_cHRM (\%cHRM);
Set the cHRM chunk from a hash.
The keys of the hash are
- white_x
- white_y
- red_x
- red_y
- green_x
- green_y
- blue_x
- blue_y
The values of the hash are floating point numbers between 0 and 1.
This function corresponds to png_set_cHRM
in libpng with a hash function instead of the double
See of the PNG specification.
my $gamma = $png->get_gAMA ();
Get the gamma value or gAMA chunk. The return value is a floating-point number.
This function corresponds to png_get_gAMA
in libpng
$png->set_gAMA (0.2);
Set the gamma value or gAMA chunk.
This function corresponds to png_set_gAMA
in libpng
See of the PNG specification.
my $sRGB = $png->get_sRGB ();
The return value is an integer number corresponding to one of the following:
This function corresponds to png_get_sRGB
in libpng
$png->set_sRGB ($srgb);
is one of the following (integer numbers).
This function corresponds to png_set_sRGB
in libpng
See of the PNG specification.
my $phys = $png->get_pHYs ();
The return value is a hash reference with the keys
- res_x
- res_y
- unit_type
This function corresponds to png_get_pHYs
in libpng
$png->set_pHYs ({res_x => 1, res_y => 1, unit_type => 99});
This function corresponds to png_set_pHYs
in libpng
This is an extension to the PNG specification. See
my $phys = $png->get_oFFs ();
Get oFFs chunk. Return value is a hash reference
This function corresponds to png_get_oFFs
in libpng
$png->set_oFFs ({x_offset => 1, y_offset => 1, unit_type => 99});
Set oFFs chunk.
This function corresponds to png_set_oFFs
in libpng
See of the PNG specification.
my $sbit = $png->get_sBIT ();
The return value is a hash reference containing integer values for the keys red
, blue
, green
, and gray
This function corresponds to png_get_sBIT
in libpng
$png->set_sBIT ({red => 1, blue => 2, green => 3});
The argument is a hash reference containing integer values for the keys red
, blue
, green
, and gray
This function corresponds to png_set_sBIT
in libpng
See of the PNG specification.
my $iccp = $png->get_iCCP ();
The return value is a hash with two keys,
- name
The name of the profile.
- profile
The colour profile.
This function corresponds to png_get_iCCP
in libpng.
$png->set_iCCP ({name => 'name', profile => 'profile'});
This function corresponds to png_set_iCCP
in libpng.
pCAL is an extension of the PNG specification. See
You can test whether your version of libpng supports the pCAL extension with "libpng_supports" as follows:
if (libpng_supports ('pCAL')) {
# do something
my $pcal = $png->get_pCAL ();
Implemented but not tested. Return value is a hash with the following keys:
- purpose
The purpose string of the pCAL chunk.
- x0
The zero value for the equation.
- x1
The max value for the equation.
- type
The equation type as a number.
- units
The units as a string.
- params
If this exists its value is a reference to an array containing the parameter list of the pCAL chunk.
This function corresponds to png_get_pCAL
in libpng
$png->set_pCAL ($values);
Implemented but not tested. The input is just the same as the output of "get_pCAL".
This function corresponds to png_set_pCAL
in libpng
See of the PNG specification.
my $hist = $png->get_hIST ();
Return value is array reference. The number of entries in the array reference is the same as in the palette.
This function corresponds to png_get_hIST
in libpng
$png->set_hIST (\@hist);
Set the histogram.
This function corresponds to png_set_hIST
in libpng
This is an extension to the PNG specification. See
You can test whether your version of libpng supports the sCAL chunk with "libpng_supports" as follows:
if (libpng_supports ('sCAL')) {
# do something
my $scal = $png->get_sCAL ();
The returned hash value contains the following keys:
- unit
The unit type, which is either PNG_SCALE_UNKNOWN, PNG_SCALE_METER, or PNG_SCALE_RADIAN.
- width
The width, as a string.
- height
The height, as a string.
This function corresponds to png_get_sCAL_s
in libpng. Note that this uses the sCAL_s function rather than the get_sCAL and the returned values are the strings themselves rather than parsed numbers.
$png->set_sCAL ($scal);
is a hash reference containing the keys described in "get_sCAL".
This function corresponds to png_set_sCAL_s
in libpng. Note that this uses the set_sCAL_s
function rather than set_sCAL
and the input values are the strings themselves rather than numbers.
See of the PNG specification.
Provisionally, see "set_sPLT" for documentation, the return value is like the input of that.
$png->set_sPLT ([{ name => 'palette', depth => 8, entries => [{red => 1, blue => 2},]}]);
Set suggested palettes. The input is an array reference containing hash references with the following fields:
- name
The name of the suggested palette.
- depth
The depth of the suggested palette.
- entries
The entries of the palette. This is an array reference containing hash references with keys as follows:
- red
- blue
- green
- frequency
- alpha
The field nentries
which is returned by "get_sPLT" does not need to be specified, it is calculated from the length of entries
See of the PNG specification.
my $trns = $png->get_tRNS ();
Get the tRNS
chunk. If the image is a palette type, this is an array reference. If the image is a non-palette type, this is a hash containing values for the keys red, green, blue, and gray.
$png->set_tRNS ($trns);
Set the tRNS
chunk. If the image is a palette type, $trns
is a reference to an array of positive or zero values between 0 and 255 of the same size as the palette. It must not contain more than 256 values. If the image is not a palette type, $trns
is a hash reference containing values for the keys red, green, blue and gray.
These functions enable examination of the installed libpng from Perl.
if (libpng_supports ('iTXt')) {
print "Your libpng supports international text.\n";
This function returns true or false depending on whether the version of libpng which this was compiled with supports or does not support a particular facility.
The possible arguments to libpng_supports
- iTXt
Does the libpng support international text?
- tEXt
Does the libpng support text?
- zTXt
Does the libpng support compressed text?
- sCAL
Does the libpng support the "sCAL" extension? This actually tests for the presence of the
functions, so its behaviour is dependent on other factors for versions 1.2 and 1.4 of libpng. - pCAL
Does the libpng support the "pCAL" extension?
- sPLT
Does the libpng support "sPLT" chunks?
Does the libpng support unknown chunks (see "Private chunks")?
These functions aren't fully documented and are subject to change. You can examine the source code or the libpng documentation to discover their function.
$png->set_filler ($filler, $flags);
This function corresponds to png_set_filler
in libpng
$png->set_packing ();
This function corresponds to png_set_packing
in libpng
$png->set_strip_16 ();
This function corresponds to png_set_strip_16
in libpng
$png->set_expand ();
This function corresponds to png_set_expand
in libpng
$png->set_gray_to_rgb ();
This function corresponds to png_set_gray_to_rgb
in libpng
$png->set_gray_to_rgb ();
This function corresponds to png_set_gray_to_rgb_fixed
in libpng
$png->get_tRNS_palette ();
This is not a libpng-equivalent function.
$png->set_PLTE_pointer ();
This is not a libpng-equivalent function.
my $diff = image_data_diff ('a.png', 'b.png');
This returns the undefined value if the image data in a.png is the same as the image data in b.png. If the image data is different, it prints a message describing the first difference found, for example the height is different, or row 0 of the image data is different, etc. This function is used in testing this module.
These functions are used to access parts of the $png
object itself. They are for people who are writing C or XS code and need to directly access the C structures within the Perl object rather than go via the supplied functions.
my ($png_struct, $png_info) = get_internals ($png);
This allows writers of XS extensions to Image::PNG::Libpng access to the internal png_structp
and png_infop
contained in $png
. The return value is a list containing the png_structp as the first argument and the png_infop as the second argument, wrapped up as references to objects of type Image::PNG::Libpng::png_struct
and Image::PNG::Libpng::png_info
To access the values of the actual pointers from XS, use something like the following:
void access_png_internals (png, info)
SV * png;
SV * info;
png_struct * cpng;
png_info * cinfo;
cpng = INT2PTR (png_struct *, SvIV (png));
cinfo = INT2PTR (png_info *, SvIV (info));
An example exists in Image::PNG::Cairo.
$png->copy_row_pointers ($row_pointers);
This is allows XS routines to directly set the value of the row pointers for the PNG image. The memory is copied so whatever is in the row pointers can be freed immediately after calling this. However, the image data it points to is not copied, so this needs to be valid until the PNG is written.
The Perl scalar $row_pointers
should be set up something like the following (where rp
is the C pointer):
RETVAL = newSViv (PTR2IV (rp));
It's extracted from the Perl scalar using
rp = INT2PTR (png_byte **, SvIV (row_pointers));
where row_pointers is the SV *
corresponding to $row_pointers
in the Perl script. See also "set_row_pointers" which does the same thing but takes ownership of the memory.
$png->set_image_data ($image_data);
Set the internal image data pointer to $image_data
. $image_data
should contain a pointer to memory stored as an SvIV allocated with Newx or a similar function. This transfers ownership of the memory to $png
, which will free it with Safefree when $png
is destroyed. Calling this function with any value does not actually change the content of the PNG image itself.
$png->set_row_pointers ($row_pointers);
This sets the rows of the PNG image to $row_pointers
using png_set_rows
. $row_pointers
must contain a pointer to memory stored as an SvIV allocated with a Perl memory allocator like Newx
or a similar function. This also transfers ownership of the memory to $png
, which will free it with Safefree
when $png
is destroyed. See also "copy_row_pointers", which does the same thing except for the freeing of the memory.
Nothing is exported by default, but all the functions in this module can be exported on request. The export tag 'all' exports everything in the module:
use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all';
# Now everything in the module has been imported
Differences from libpng
The functions in Image::PNG::Libpng are closely based on those of libpng, with the following differences.
No info structure
This module, Image::PNG::Libpng
does not use the "info" structure of libpng. Almost all libpng functions require two initial arguments, a png_structp
and a png_infop
. However, in Image::PNG::Libpng, both the "png" and the "info" are contained in the first argument to each function.
Unused arguments omitted
This module eliminates all the unevaluated arguments of libpng. For example, libpng requires the user to pass a pointer to a png_struct
before calling the library to ask for its version number (see "get_libpng_ver"), but the library ignores the this structure anyway, so this module does not duplicate this. There are many similar instances of unevaluated arguments, which have all been eliminated from this module.
If you are interested in exactly which libpng arguments are omitted, you can find each instance in the file perl-libpng.c
in the top directory of the distribution in the macro UNUSED_ZERO_ARG
Function return values are used to return values
In libpng, some functions return results using references, and some return results using the function's return value. For example png_get_rows
(see "get_rows") uses the return value of the function to return an array of pointers, but png_get_PLTE
(see "get_PLTE") uses a pointer reference to return an array of pointers, and the return value to indicate errors.
Image::PNG::Libpng uses only the return value. Errors and non-existence are indicated by a return value of the undefined value.
In libpng, some functions use the return value to indicate errors, and some of the functions don't indicate errors but fail silently. Some of the functions which use the return value to indicate an error use a non-zero value to indicate an error, and some of them use a zero value to indicate an error.
No destructors
Freeing the memory allocated by "create_read_struct" and "create_write_struct" is automatically handled by Perl.
Older versions of this module (pre-0.18) had functions called destroy_read_struct
and destroy_write_struct
corresponding to the functions with similar names in libpng. From version 0.18, these functions still exist, but they no longer do anything. The memory freeing is now handled by Perl automatically.
Other unimplemented parts of libpng
- Memory management functions
This module does not offer an interface to
. - Error handling functions
This module does not offer an interface to
. It redirects the error and warning handlers to Perl's error stream. - Input/output manipulation functions
This module does not offer a direct interface to
. However, it is possible to use their functionality to access Perl data via "read_from_scalar" and "write_to_scalar". - Partial read/write functions
This module does not yet offer an interface to the partial read and write functions of libpng. The reason is because I don't know enough about Perl's internal structures to be able to create a memory-safe interface to these functions. The partial read/write functions would rely on preserving pointers to data structures within the Perl program's data area between calls. So this module doesn't deal with png_write_chunk, png_write_end, png_write_info, png_write_row, or png_write_rows.
- Fixed point functions
There is no support for the PNG fixed point functions in this Perl module.
- Other unsupported functions
All libpng deprecated functions are not supported.
Other unsupported functions include
- png_set_crc_action
- png_set_sig_bytes
- png_get_compression_buffer_size
- png_set_compression_buffer_size
- png_set_write_status_fn
- png_set_unknown_chunk_location
- png_set_check_for_invalid_index
- png_set_benign_errors
- png_benign_error
- png_chunk_benign_error
- png_get_interlace_type
- png_get_compression_type
- png_set_text_compression_strategy
- png_get_filter_type
- png_get_io_ptr
- png_get_signature
- png_get_progressive_ptr
- png_get_x_offset_pixels
- png_get_x_pixels_per_meter
- png_get_y_offset_pixels
- png_get_y_pixels_per_meter
- png_set_filter_heuristics
- png_set_quantize
- png_set_tRNS_to_alpha
- png_set_rgb_to_gray
- png_set_swap
- png_set_packswap
- png_set_cHRM_XYZ
There is no Z value allowed in "set_cHRM" at present.
- png_set_chunk_cache_max
- png_get_chunk_cache_max
Unfortunately there are a raft of functions in libpng, many completely undocumented.
The module may produce the following error or warning messages. Errors are marked "(F)" and warnings are marked "(W)".
- The %s chunk is not supported in this libpng
- libpng error: %s
(F) An error from libpng sent via Perl's warning handler.
- libpng warning: %s
(W) A warning from libpng sent via Perl's warning handler.
- %s:%d: Call to calloc for %d '%s' failed: out of memory
(F) A request for more memory was refused. The first two parameters are the file name and line number of where this happened.
- Memory leak detected: there are %d allocated pieces of memory which have not been freed.
(W) The module's internal check for memory errors was tripped somehow. This probably indicates a bug in the module.
- Attempt to destroy an object of unknown type
(F) There was an attempt to free some corrupted memory.
- According to its compression type, a text chunk in the current PNG file claims to be ITXT but Perl's 'is_utf8_string' says that its encoding is invalid.
- A language key 'lang_key' member of a 'png_text' structure in the file failed Perl's 'is_utf8_string' test, which says that its encoding is invalid.
- None of your text chunks was allowed
(W) The user tried to set some text chunks in the image but they were not allowed.
- Trying to read from a PNG in memory but there is no PNG in memory
(F) Something went wrong trying to read a PNG from a Perl scalar. This probably indicates a bug in the program.
- Request for too many bytes %d on a scalar of length %d at read position %d.
(F) There was an attempt to read some data from a Perl scalar which went beyond the expected end of the scalar in memory.
- Attempt to write PNG without calling init_io
(F) write_png was called before a file handle was associated with the PNG.
- set_IHDR: Bad values for width (%d), height (%d), or bit depth (%d)
(F) The user tried to set a PNG header with unacceptable values, as indicated.
- set_PLTE: Empty array of colours in set_PLTE
(F) The user tried to set an empty palette of colours.
- Not a hash reference at position %d
- Could not get entries at position %d
- Could not get entry %d
- sCAL chunk not supported in this libpng
- Too many transparencies %d supplied
(F) The user tried to set more than the maximum possible number of transparencies for a paletted image.
- Image has zero height
(F) The height of the image is zero.
- Image has no rows
(F) The image does not have any rows of image data.
- Image rows have zero length
(F) The rows of image data have zero length.
- Image has zero height
(F) The image we are trying to read has zero height.
- Out of memory allocating %d bytes for image
(F) We were refused the memory we want to read the image into.
- Row pointers already allocated
(F) There was an attempt to set the rows of an image after they had already been set.
- array has %d rows but PNG image requires %d rows
(F) set_rows was called with an array of the wrong size.
- Number of unknown chunks is zero
(F) The user tried to set an empty list of unknown chunks.
- Non-hash in chunk array
- Illegal PNG chunk name length, chunk names must be %d characters long
(W) The user's name for a private chunk was not a valid length. In this case the chunk is ignored.
- Unknown whether '%s' is supported
(W) The user asked whether something was supported, but we don't know what that thing is.
- undefined chunk name at offset %d in chunk list
(F) The chunk name was not defined.
- chunk %i has bad length %d: should be %d in chunk list
This section documents some known deficiencies in the module.
set_rows is unreliable
The method "set_rows" doesn't actually copy or write any information. All it does is set a pointer to the pointers to the rows in the PNG data structure. The actual data is only written when you ask to write it. So if you "set_rows" to some data, then delete or change that data before asking to write the png with "write_png", you will get a memory error.
Conditional compilation
It is possible to compile a version of the libpng library without support for various things. For example, it's possible to have a libpng without support for text chunks by undefining a macro PNG_TEXT_SUPPORTED
. The module supports some of the conditional compilation choices which I've found in practice, but it does not support every possible choice. If you encounter problems using this Perl module because of a conditionally-compiled libpng, then please let me know and I'll consider adding that facility to the module.
init_io may crash
On some versions of Perl, "init_io" may crash in some circumstances with an error like "segmentation fault", if you use code like
my $png = create_read_struct ();
open my $file, "<:raw", "some.png";
$png->init_io ($file);
and you do not check whether the call to open
was successful, and some.png does not exist. The crash occurs not within this module but within Perl's conversion of $file
into a C FILE *
pointer, because some older versions of Perl don't seem to check whether $file
contains a valid FILE *
structure before dereferencing the pointer. I believe this is a bug which has been fixed in Perls after version 5.24.1. Because this problem occurs within code generated by Perl itself, and not within this module's code, it is not feasible to mitigate this, so please check the return value of open
in the usual way, or use autodie, to avoid this problem.
A standalone script, pnginspect, is installed with the distribution. It prints out the contents of the chunks of the PNG file on the command line.
The PNG specification
The PNG specification (link to W3 consortium) explains the details of the PNG format.
The libpng documentation
- Official documentation
The starting point is the plain text libpng manual at and the manual page libpng.3, which you can read using "man 3 libpng".
The documentation which comes with libpng is rather sketchy. See "Differences from libpng". It doesn't contain full specifications (prototypes, return values) for all of the functions in the library. For programming in C using libpng, look at the header file png.h. In some cases, you need to look at the source code of the library.
- Other documentation
There is a collection of function definitions under the title "Interface Definitions for libpng12" at as part of the "Linux Standard Base Desktop Specification". These contain extensive information on the prototypes and return values for the libpng routines, something which is often only available elsewhere by actually looking at the libpng source code. These pages are usually the first hits on search engines if you search for a function name in libpng.
Other Perl modules on CPAN
These other modules may also be useful.
- Image::Size
If you only need to read the sizes of images, Image::Size works with PNG and other image formats.
- Image::Info
Image::Info gets information out of images. It supports PNG and is written in pure Perl, so it doesn't require a C compiler. As well as basics such as height, width, and colour type, it can get text chunks, modification time, palette, gamma (gAMA chunk), resolution (pHYs chunk), and significant bits (sBIT chunk). At the time of writing (version 1.31) it doesn't support other chunks.
- Image::ExifTool
Image::ExifTool is a pure Perl (doesn't require a C compiler) solution for accessing the text segments of images. It supports PNG text segments.
- Alien::PNG
Alien::PNG claims to be a way of "building, finding and using PNG binaries". It may help in installing libpng. I didn't use it as a dependency for this module because it seems not to work in batch mode, but stop and prompt the user. I'm interested in hearing feedback from users whether this works or not on various platforms.
- Image::PNG::Rewriter
Image::PNG::Rewriter is a utility for unpacking and recompressing the IDAT (image data) part of a PNG image. The main purpose seems to be to recompress the image data with the module author's other module Compress::Deflate7. At the time of writing, that only works with Perl versions 5.12 or later.
- Image::Pngslimmer
Image::Pngslimmer reduces the size of dynamically created PNG images. It's very, very slow at reading PNG data, but seems to work OK.
- Imager
Imager, Imager::Files and
contain support for reading and writing PNGs via libpng, as well as support for reading and writing various other kinds of image files, changing the images, converting, and more. - Image::PNG::Write::BW
Image::PNG::Write::BW writes black and white PNGs from strings.
Ben Bullock, <>
This package and associated files are copyright (C) 2011-2018 Ben Bullock.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the Perl Artistic Licence or the GNU General Public Licence.