Test::CGI::External - run tests on an external CGI program
use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Test::More;
use Test::CGI::External;
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
$tester->set_cgi_executable ("$Bin/x.cgi");
my %options;
note ("Automatically tests");
$tester->run (\%options);
note ("Test with a query");
$options{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET';
$options{QUERY_STRING} = 'text="alcohol"';
$tester->run (\%options);
note ("Test compression of output");
$tester->do_compression_test (1);
note ("Test that you're getting the right kind of character output.");
$tester->expect_charset ('UTF-8');
note ("Test the mime type");
$tester->expect_mime_type ('text/html');
$tester->run (\%options);
note ("Run your own tests on the results");
like ($options{body}, qr/私/, "IT'S ALRIGHT!");
done_testing ();
produces output
ok 1 - found executable /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/x.cgi
ok 2 - /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/x.cgi is executable
# Automatically tests
You have not set the request method, so I am setting it to the default, 'GET' at /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/ line 12.
ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 6 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 7 - There is a Content-Type header
ok 8 - The Content-Type header is well-formed
# Test with a query
ok 9 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 10 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 11 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 12 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 13 - There is a Content-Type header
ok 14 - The Content-Type header is well-formed
# Test compression of output
# Test that you're getting the right kind of character output.
# Test the mime type
ok 15 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 16 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 17 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 18 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 19 - The header on line 2, 'Content-Encoding: gzip', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 20 - There is a Content-Type header
ok 21 - The Content-Type header is well-formed
ok 22 - Got expected mime type text/html = text/html
ok 23 - Specifies a charset
ok 24 - Got expected charset UTF-8 = UTF-8
ok 25 - The header claims that the output is compressed
ok 26 - The body of the CGI output was able to be decompressed using 'gunzip'. The uncompressed size is 56. The compressed output is 137.5% of the uncompressed size.
# Run your own tests on the results
ok 27 - IT'S ALRIGHT!
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
After the test has run, the uncompressed output is in $options{body}
This documents Test::CGI::External version 0.20 corresponding to git commit 6b14c8fe2e38f572a3246b769c509d292b76558c released on Mon Feb 20 16:43:07 2017 +0900.
Test::CGI::External is a tool for mocking a CGI (common gateway interface) environment and running basic checks of the operation of a CGI program. For example,
use Test::More;
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
$tester->set_cgi_executable ('example.cgi');
$tester->run ({});
done_testing ();
tests whether
there is a program called example.cgi,
the program example.cgi is executable (except on Windows),
and when run, example.cgi
produces something on standard output;
produces a correct
header;does not print out ill-formed headers (for example, print debugging messages on standard output);
exits with a zero status;
does not print any error messages.
Test::CGI::External tests for mistakes such as forgetting to install the program, forgetting to make it executable, leaving print statements before the headers are printed, exiting without printing output, or printing useless error messages during running.
Test::CGI::External runs CGI programs as stand-alone programs, under a faked CGI-like environment created by manipulating environment variables. Thus it does not require a web server. The tested CGI program can be in any language, not just Perl; the "external" in Test::CGI::External means it is meant to test external programs which are completely independent of itself. Test::CGI::External was originally created to check the operation of CGI programs written in C.
Test::CGI::External is meant for the testing stage before the program is put onto a web server. For example, if a program with stray printf statements is uploaded to the web server and run as a CGI program, the browser will show only a 500 Server Error message. If the program is tested with this module before being uploaded, it will be much easier to find the error. Another typical mistake is forgetting to make the CGI program executable; again, this results in a difficult-to-understand server error. This module nips these sorts of problem in the bud by checking for careless mistakes before the uploading.
Test::CGI::External is TAP (Test Anything Protocol)-compliant and should work with Perl testing modules like Test::More.
These are the main methods you need to run tests.
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
Create a new testing object.
Print the TAP (Test Anything Protocol) plan. This has to be done at the end of the execution. As shown in "SYNOPSIS", you usually don't have to print this but can use "done_testing" from Test::More, since this module uses the Test::Builder singleton internally.
$tester->run (\%options);
Run the cgi executable specified using "set_cgi_executable" with the inputs specified in %options
. The argument must be a hash reference. See "Possible options" for possible options. See "Outputs" for outputs. Here is an example:
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Test::More;
use Test::CGI::External;
my %options;
$options{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET';
$options{QUERY_STRING} = "q=rupert+the+bear";
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
$tester->set_cgi_executable ("$Bin/rupert.cgi");
$tester->run (\%options);
like ($options{body}, qr/everyone/i);
done_testing ();
produces output
ok 1 - found executable /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/rupert.cgi
ok 2 - /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/rupert.cgi is executable
ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 6 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/plain', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 7 - There is a Content-Type header
ok 8 - The Content-Type header is well-formed
ok 9
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
You can also use run without an argument to do basic tests, but it will print warnings. Use "set_no_warnings" to stop it printing these.
$tester->set_cgi_executable ('my.cgi');
Set the CGI program to be tested to my.cgi. This checks whether the file exists and is executable, and prints a warning if either of these checks fails. It's also possible to send command-line options to the program. Arguments after the name of the executable are sent as command-line options to the CGI program:
$tester->set_cgi_executable ('my.cgi', '-o', 'xyz');
$tester->test_not_implemented ();
Test how your CGI program responds to an unknown request method. This sends a request with a method consisting of gibberish to the CGI and checks that the response contains the HTTP status 501 Not Implemented
This tests compliance with 6.3.3. Status of RFC 3875:
Status code 501 'Not Implemented' may be returned by a script if it receives an unsupported REQUEST_METHOD.
If you need to, you can supply your own request method as the first argument to the script:
$tester->test_not_implemented ('SUFFER');
The request method probably should not be something like POST
. If you need to test how your script handles a known but not supported request method, for example if you want to reject POST requests, use "test_method_not_allowed".
All the script outputs and headers are discarded after this method has completed.
This method was added in version 0.19.
$tester->test_method_not_allowed ('POST');
Test how your CGI program responds to a known but unsupported request method, such as POST, HEAD, or OPTIONS. This sends a request with the tested method to your CGI program and captures the response. It then checks that the captured response contains the HTTP status 405 Method Not Allowed
, and an Allow:
header. This tests compliance with 6.3.3. Status of RFC 3875:
The script MAY reject with error 405 'Method Not Allowed' HTTP/1.1 requests made using a method it does not support.
and 10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed of RFC 2616:
The response MUST include an Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested resource.
This test further checks the validity of the allow header by making requests for each of the request methods it defines. For example, if your allow header contains GET
and POST
, this makes empty GET and POST requests to your script to see whether it handles them or not.
If you need to check how your script responds to completely unexpected request methods, use "test_not_implemented" rather than this method.
All the script outputs and headers are discarded after this method has completed.
For example, given this script:
if (! $rm) {
die "No request method";
if ($rm eq 'POST') {
print <<EOF;
Status: 405
Allow: GET, HEAD
elsif ($rm eq 'GET') {
print <<EOF;
Content-Type: text/plain
elsif ($rm eq 'HEAD') {
print <<EOF;
Content-Type: text/plain
else {
print <<EOF;
Status: 501
this test:
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Test::More;
use Test::CGI::External;
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
$tester->set_cgi_executable ("$Bin/../examples/bad-method.cgi");
$tester->test_not_implemented ();
$tester->test_method_not_allowed ('POST');
done_testing ();
produces output
ok 1 - found executable /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/../examples/bad-method.cgi
ok 2 - /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/../examples/bad-method.cgi is executable
ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 6 - Output contains a blank line
ok 7 - The header on line 1, 'Status: 501', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 8 - Got status header
ok 9 - Got not implemented status
ok 10 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 11 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 12 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 13 - Output contains a blank line
ok 14 - The header on line 1, 'Status: 405', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 15 - The header on line 2, 'Allow: GET, HEAD', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 16 - Got Allow header
ok 17 - Got method not allowed status
ok 18 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 19 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 20 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 21 - Output contains a blank line
ok 22 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/plain', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 23 - Method GET specified by Allow: header was allowed
ok 24 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 25 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 26 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 27 - Output contains a blank line
ok 28 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/plain', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 29 - Method HEAD specified by Allow: header was allowed
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
This method was added in version 0.19.
These methods control test options.
$tester->do_caching_test (1);
Turn on or off testing of caching. If this test is "on", it will be tested whether the CGI executable produces a "Last-Modified: " header with a correctly-formatted date, and is able to respond with a 304 "Not modified" response when sent an identical query and a date later than its "Last-Modified" date. This requires HTTP::Date to be installed.
The test of the "Not modified" part is sandboxed away from the normal testing, so at the completion of "run", the outputs are from the first run, where the program was not responding to "If Modified Since", rather than the second run. Warnings are also switched off during the "If Modified Since" part of the testing.
Here is an example, using a CGI program which always claims not to be modified when asked:
use utf8;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use Test::More;
use Test::CGI::External;
my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new ();
$tester->set_cgi_executable ("$Bin/never-modified.cgi");
$tester->do_caching_test (1);
my %options = (
$tester->run (\%options);
note ("The output is the output from the non-cached version.");
like ($options{body}, qr/Columbus/, "Body is from non-cached version");
done_testing ();
produces output
ok 1 - found executable /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/never-modified.cgi
ok 2 - /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/never-modified.cgi is executable
ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 6 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: tura/satana', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 7 - The header on line 2, 'Last-Modified: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 8 - There is a Content-Type header
ok 9 - The Content-Type header is well-formed
ok 10 - Has last modified header
ok 11 - Last modified time can be parsed by HTTP::Date
ok 12 - The CGI executable exited with zero status
ok 13 - The CGI executable produced some output
ok 14 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream
ok 15 - The header on line 1, 'Status: 304', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header
ok 16 - Got 304 status response
ok 17 - No body returned with 304 response
# The output is the output from the non-cached version.
ok 18 - Body is from non-cached version
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
This method was added in version 0.10.
$tester->do_compression_test (1);
Turn on or off testing of compression of the output of the CGI program which is being tested. Give any true value as the first argument to turn on compression testing. Give any false value to turn off compression testing. This requires either Gzip::Faster or IO::Uncompress::Gunzip to be installed.
$tester->expect_charset ('UTF-8');
Tell the tester to test whether the header declares the output character set correctly.
If you set an expected character set with expect_charset
, then the body of the output is upgraded from that encoding into Perl's Unicode encoding, utf8
. Unless the encoding is UTF-8, that upgrading is also added as a pass or fail test. For example,
$tester->expect_charset ('EUC-JP');
adds a test for decoding from the EUC-JP encoding.
The behaviour of the module was changed in version 0.08 of this module. Prior to version 0.08, $output{body}
was not upgraded to utf8
. If you do not set an expected character set, no upgrading is done.
$tester->expect_mime_type ('text/html');
Tell $tester
what mime type to expect on the Content-Type
line of the header. A test is run that the mime type is what you said.
This method was added in version 0.11.
$tester->set_html_validator ('./');
Set an HTML validator. The validator should be a standalone program. It should take take arguments of file names to validate, and print out to standard output the errors it finds. It should print nothing if it doesn't find any errors. Empty output from the HTML validator program is regarded as successful completion. The error output of the HTML validator is discarded. See also "HISTORY" and "BUGS" for why this is done this way.
This method was added in version 0.10.
$tester->set_no_check_content (1);
This turns off testing of the "Content-Type" HTTP header. For example if you want to send redirects or "not modified" responses, you usually will not send any content, but just the HTTP headers, so you don't need a "Content-Type" header.
$tester->set_no_warnings (1);
Setting this to any true value turns off all the warnings. Setting this to a false value restores the warnings. Although the warnings are annoying, I suggest being cautious about turning these off.
This method was added in version 0.12.
$tester->set_verbosity (1);
This turns on or off messages from the module informing you of what it is doing. The default is "off".
Possible options
The following values may be set in the argument to "run", %options
$options{CONTENT_TYPE} = 'GET'; $test->run (\%options);
The content type of the input. This is used when REQUEST_METHOD is POST. It is usually either
is the default value for CGI form queries. - expect_errors
$options{expect_errors} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
Set to a true value if the program is expected to produce errors. This inverts the test that errors are not printed, and makes it into a test that errors are printed, so if your program doesn't print an error it will fail a test.
- expect_failure
$options{expect_failure} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
Expect the CGI program to exit with a non-zero error status. This switches off the test that the exit status of the executable is zero. It does not actually test what error status the CGI program exits with, so a zero error status will not cause a failed test. Note carefully that this behaviour is slightly different from that of "expect_errors" in that it does not invert the test, but skips it.
- html
$options{html} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
If set to a true value, validate the html using a validator you have set up with "set_html_validator".
$options{HTTP_COOKIE} = 'nice=day'; $test->run (\%options);
This option sets the environment variable
to whatever its value is. The environment variable is then unset at the end of the test run. - input
$options{input} = $post_input; $test->run (\%options);
Input to send to the CGI program with a POST request. The environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH in the CGI program is automatically set to the length of this variable. See also "content_length".
- json
$options{json} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
Validate the body of the output as JSON using JSON::Parse. This is run after decompression.
- no_check_content
$options{no_check_content} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
If this is set to a true value, the program does not check for the "Content-Type" header line produced by the CGI. This option is for the case where the CGI produces, for example, a "Location: " response without a body. See also the "set_no_check_content" method.
- no_check_request_method
$options{no_check_request_method} = 1;
If you need to set "REQUEST_METHOD" to a method other than POST, GET, or HEAD, set this to a true value to override the check of the request method. For example, if you need to check how your CGI program responds to PROPFIND requests, use
$options{no_check_request_method} = 1; $options{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'PROPFIND';
This option was added in version 0.15.
- png
$options{png} = 1; $test->run (\%options);
Validate the body of the output as PNG (portable network graphics, an image format) using Image::PNG::Libpng. If you choose this, the parsed PNG data is output into
, where you can apply any further tests to it if you wish. The following example demonstrates how this test could be applied to a CGI binary which produces a PNG output.use Test::More; use Test::CGI::External; use Image::PNG::Libpng ':all'; my $binary = "/home/ben/projects/kanjivg/www/memory.cgi"; my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new (); $tester->set_cgi_executable ($binary); my %apple; $apple{REQUEST_METHOD} = 'GET'; $apple{QUERY_STRING} = 'o=apple-touch-icon-57x57.png'; $apple{REMOTE_ADDR} = ''; $apple{png} = 1; $tester->expect_mime_type ('image/png'); $tester->run (\%apple); my $pngdata = $apple{pngdata}; SKIP: { if (! $pngdata) { skip 2, "no png data"; } my $ihdr = get_IHDR ($pngdata); ok ($ihdr->{width} == 57, "width 57 as expected"); ok ($ihdr->{height} == 57, "height 57 as expected"); } done_testing ();
produces output
ok 1 - found executable /home/ben/projects/kanjivg/www/memory.cgi ok 2 - /home/ben/projects/kanjivg/www/memory.cgi is executable ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream ok 6 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: image/png', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header ok 7 - The header on line 2, 'Expires: Wed, 07 Dec 2016 03:37:04 GMT', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header ok 8 - The header on line 3, 'Content-Length: 3079', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header ok 9 - There is a Content-Type header ok 10 - The Content-Type header is well-formed ok 11 - Got expected mime type image/png = image/png ok 12 - Could read PNG from body ok 13 - Got a valid value for PNG ok 14 - width 57 as expected ok 15 - height 57 as expected 1..15
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
$options{QUERY_STRING} = "word=babies"; $test->run (\%options);
This option sets the environment variable
to whatever its value is. The environment variable is then unset at the end of the test run. - REMOTE_ADDR
$options{REMOTE_ADDR} = ""; $test->run (\%options);
This option sets the environment variable
to whatever its value is. The environment variable is then unset at the end of the test run. - REQUEST_METHOD
$options{REQUEST_METHOD} = "GET"; $test->run (\%options);
This option may be set to one of POST, GET and HEAD. The module then sets the environment variable REQUEST_METHOD to this value. If not set at all, the module sets it to a default and prints a warning message.
You can also set this to any other value you want, like
or something, using "no_check_request_method".
The various outputs of the CGI program are also put into %options
. The entire output is available as "output", the entire error output is available as "error_output", and the parsed and processed output is available as "body", "header", and "headers".
- body
my %options; $test->run (\%options); my $body = $options{body};
The body of the CGI output, the part after the headers. If you have requested compression testing with "do_compression_test", this will be the output after uncompression. If you have specified a character set with "expect_charset", it will be parsed from that character set into Perl's internal Unicode format.
- content_length
The content length of your input in bytes, if you are making a
request. Note that this is the length in bytes, so it may differ from the return value of Perl's length function.For example,
use utf8; use FindBin '$Bin'; use Test::More; my $stuff = 'ばびぶべぼ'; note (length ($stuff)); use Test::CGI::External; my %options; $options{input} = $stuff; my $tester = Test::CGI::External->new (); $tester->set_cgi_executable ("$Bin/../t/test.cgi"); $tester->run (\%options); note ($options{content_length}); $tester->plan ();
produces output
# 5 ok 1 - found executable /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/../t/test.cgi ok 2 - /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/../t/test.cgi is executable You have not set the request method, so I am setting it to the default, 'GET' at /usr/home/ben/projects/test-cgi-external/examples/ line 14. ok 3 - The CGI executable exited with zero status ok 4 - The CGI executable produced some output ok 5 - The CGI executable did not produce any output on the error stream ok 6 - The header on line 1, 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', appears to be a correctly-formed HTTP header ok 7 - There is a Content-Type header ok 8 - The Content-Type header is well-formed # 15 1..8
(This example is included as in the distribution.)
- error_output
my %options; $test->run (\%options); my $error_output = $options{error_output};
Any errors output by the CGI program. This is an empty string if there were no errors, not the undefined value. If you are expecting to get error messages, remember to set "expect_errors", otherwise any error output at all will cause a test to fail.
- exit_code
$test->run (\%options); my $exit_code = $options{exit_code};
The exit value of the CGI program, the value of
in$status = system ('./example.cgi');
- header
$test->run (\%options); my $header = $options{header};
The header part of the CGI output as a single string. This is split from "output".
- headers
$test->run (\%options); my $headers = $options{headers}; print $headers->{'content-type'};
The received headers, parsed and put into lower case, with the key/value pairs of the hash reference
being the keys and values from the HTTP header.For example, the status header is
, so one could test for a 400 "Bad request" HTTP status like this:$test->run (\%options); like ($options{headers}{status}, qr/400/);
This output was added in version 0.09 of this module.
- output
$test->run (\%options); my $output = $options{output};
The entire output of the CGI program, unprocessed. If you have requested compression testing with "do_compression_test", this will contain binary compressed data. It is also not upgraded into Unicode.
The following tests are applied. "Must-pass" tests cannot be switched off. "Skippable" tests can be skipped if you choose. "Optional" tests are not run unless you request them. "Invertible" tests can be made to test the opposite result.
- CGI executable exists (Must-pass)
This test is run by "set_cgi_executable".
- CGI executable is an executable file (Must-pass)
This test is run by "set_cgi_executable". This test is skipped on Windows.
- The exit status of the CGI program is zero (Skippable)
This test is run by "run". It may be skipped using "expect_failure".
- The program has produced output (Must-pass)
This test is run by "run". This tests for the problem that the program has exited without producing any output whatsoever, not that the program has not produced correctly formatted message body or headers.
- The program does not produce error output (Invertible)
This test is run by "run". It may be inverted using "expect_errors". It's meant to catch things like stray fprintf statements in the executable.
- The program has printed headers (Must-pass)
This test is run by "run". This tests for some headers followed by a blank line.
- Each header is correctly formatted (Must-pass)
This test is run by "run". It's meant to catch things like stray printf statements in the executable, or forgetting to print a header. The header format is as defined by "Specification for HTTP headers". Each line of the header is checked as a separate test.
- The program has printed a Content-Type header (Skippable)
This test is run by "run". It may be skipped using "no_check_content".
- The mime type in the Content-Type header is what you want (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "expect_mime_type" method.
- The charset parameter of the Content-Type header is what you want (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "expect_charset" method.
- There is a blank line after the headers (Must-pass)
This test is run by "run". A blank line is compulsory after the headers, even if there is no response body. From RFC 3875, section 6.2:
The response comprises a message-header and a message-body, separated by a blank line. The message-header contains one or more header fields. The body may be NULL.
generic-response = 1*header-field NL [ response-body ]
- The body of the output is compressed (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "do_compression_test" method. This only supports
encodings. - The body of the output is in the encoding you specified (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "expect_charset" method. If the parameter set by "expect_charset" is not UTF-8, it runs a test that the encoding of the output is as expected.
- Caching works correctly (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by "do_caching_test". It tests the following:
The CGI is producing a Last-Modified header
If this test fails, it assumes that the CGI cannot understand If-Modified-Since requests and does not perform the following tests.
The CGI's Last-Modified header contains a date which HTTP::Date can parse
Basic tests are all run again
All of the tests of basic functioning, such as producing output and correctly-formatted HTTP headers, are re-run under the "If-Modified-Since" regimen.
The CGI is correctly producing a 304 response
It is tested whether the program is correctly producing a 304 response when sent an "If-Modified-Since" request using the Last-Modified date which it supplied in the above test. Because this is CGI, the If-Modified-Since header is supplied to your CGI program using the environment variable
.The CGI is not producing a body
It is tested whether the CGI is producing a body after it produces the 304 response described above. There should not be any body, just headers, in this situation.
- The output is valid HTML (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "html" parameter. You also need to supply your own HTML validator using the "set_html_validator" method. You should also set the expected mime type to
with "expect_mime_type" if you use this. - The output is valid JSON. (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "json" parameter. You should also set the expected mime type to
with "expect_mime_type" if you use this. - The output is valid PNG. (Optional)
This test is run by "run". It is an optional test switched on by the "png" parameter. You should also set the expected mime type to
with "expect_mime_type" if you use this.
This assumes line endings are \n
in some places. There may be problems with \r\n
Due to originally not being Test::Builder based, the tests are a little strange-looking, and the pass/fail test messages are somewhat disorganized (see also "HISTORY").
The mixture of methods (see "METHODS") and options (see "Possible options") to control the tests is messy.
There is no check for MD5 checksums. For completeness, there probably should be a check for this.
The module is not adapted for Microsoft Windows. See also
I wanted to include an example validator program in this distribution but I cannot find anything useable on CPAN. For example HTML::Lint seems to be very problematic, and the W3C validator seems intent on making huge amounts of fuss about things which are almost irrelevant for practical purposes. The Go program I made, mentioned below, is barely useable to anyone except me, since it insists on a range of personal coding conventions and checks for mistakes which I commonly make but which are probably unlikely to be made by anyone else. Please get in touch if you have a good idea for HTML validation.
The program doesn't sanitize %ENV, but it probably should do.
The number of tests is not really fixed, so the older way of using Test::More with a plan won't work with this module.
The HTML validator writes into the directory of the executable file, found using "$Bin" in FindBin, rather than using File::Temp or something similar.
This module depends on
- Carp
Carp is used to print error messages.
- Encode
Encode is used for converting charset encodings into Unicode. It's not necessary unless you use "expect_charset" but it is included as a dependency since almost every Perl installation will have it.
- File::Temp
File::Temp is used for the temporary files which store the input, output, and error stream of the CGI program.
- Test::Builder
Test::Builder is used for the testing framework.
Test::CGI::External uses the following modules to do optional tests (see "TESTS APPLIED"). It can be installed without these modules, since they are only used when they are required by specific tests.
- Gzip::Faster
It is used to do the compression testing, so you don't need this unless you choose "do_compression_test".
- HTTP::Date
HTTP::Date is used to check the dates, if you check caching with "do_caching_test".
- IO::Uncompress::Gunzip
It is used to do the compression testing, so you don't need this unless you choose "do_compression_test". This module is used as a fallback if you don't have Gzip::Faster. It is used because it's a core Perl module, so most people will have this installed.
- Image::PNG::Libpng
Optionally, Image::PNG::Libpng is used if you select the "png" option to test the output is valid PNG data.
- JSON::Parse
JSON::Parse is used to test JSON for validity, if you choose to check JSON with "json".
- Unicode::UTF8
Optionally, Unicode::UTF8 is used for converting UTF-8 encodings into Perl's internal Unicode, if you set the charset to UTF-8 with "expect_charset". If you don't have this, it falls back to Encode.
The module also used to depend on IPC::Run3, but there were some issues with this module messing around with the global variables. It does something like binmode STDOUT
, which interferes with other parts of the program, so that had to be removed.
Specifications used
- Specification of the Common Gateway Interface
The current specification of the Common Gateway Interface is RFC (Request For Comments) 3875 by D. Robinson and K. Coar of The Apache Software Foundation, dated October 2004. See
- Specification for HTTP headers
This module's check for HTTP headers was written against the specification on pages 15 and 16 of RFC 2616 by R. Fielding et al, dated June 1999. See
- The Common Gateway Interface
This is my own web page which explains some things about CGI.
Other CPAN modules
- Test::More
Test::CGI::External is built on top of the Test::More framework for testing Perl programs, so you need to have some familiarity with that.
- CGI::Test
This is similar in some ways to Test::CGI::External, but with the following differences
- Much more comprehensive mocking of environment
CGI::Test works really hard to generate a complete mock CGI environment, including sanitizing the environment variables in
. Test::CGI::External is lazy about this. (See also "BUGS".) - Throws exceptions rather than tests
CGI::Test doesn't test for the very basic problems (non-executable files, stray printf statements, etc.) that Test::CGI::External does, and if it detects problems like these, it dies (throws exceptions), rather than making them into pass and fail tests.
In contrast, Test::CGI::External's philosophy is Murphy's law, "anything which can go wrong, will go wrong", and it uses the "test" channel to check that the most basic kinds of problems are not occurring, rather than throwing exceptions. CGI::Test just runs the CGI program for you and returns its output for you to test yourself.
This module started out as a test program for a CGI program written in C. Originally, it didn't use the Perl Test::More-style framework, but counted its pass and fail tests itself. I released the module to CPAN because I couldn't find a similar alternative, and I thought it might be useful to someone. Since the initial release I have changed it to use the Test::More framework.
After version 0.05, I thought the module was not being used and deleted it from CPAN. At this point I added some options like HTML validation using an external program (which is written in Go).
Version 0.07 marked the module's return to CPAN by popular demand.
Version 0.09 added Unicode upgrading of "body".
Version 0.10 added do_caching_test
and removed die_on_failure
, which was made invalid by the move to Test::Builder.
Version 0.11 added support for testing mime types with "expect_mime_type" and offered a way to sidestep the nag messages with "set_no_warnings". It also reduced the number of dependencies, most of which were only needed for optional tests.
Version 0.18 added the new test that the header contains a blank line even when the body is empty.
Version 0.19 added "test_not_implemented" and "test_method_not_allowed".
Ben Bullock, <>
This package and associated files are copyright (C) 2011-2017 Ben Bullock.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the Perl Artistic Licence or the GNU General Public Licence.