git-lint - lint git commits and messages


git-lint [--check commit] [--check message <message_file>]
         [--profile <name>]
         [--version] [--help]


git-lint is the commandline interface to Git::Lint, a pluggable framework for linting git commits and messages.



Run either check mode commit or message.

If check type is message, git-lint expects the file path of the commit message to check as an unnamed option.


Run a specific profile of check modules.

Defaults to the 'default' profile.


Print the version.


Print the help menu.


git-lint has 2 check modes, commit and message.


The commit check mode checks each line of the commit diff for issues defined in the commit check modules.


The message check mode checks the commit message for issues defined in the message check modules.


Configuration is done through git config files (~/.gitconfig or /repo/.git/config).

Only one profile, default, is defined internally. default contains all check modules by default.

The default profile can be overridden through git config files (~/.gitconfig or /repo/.git/config).

To set the default profile to only run the Whitespace commit check:

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace

Or set the default profile to Whitespace and the fictional commit check, Flipdoozler:

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace, Flipdoozler

Additional profiles can be added with a new name and list of checks to run.

[lint "profiles.commit"]
    default = Whitespace, Flipdoozler
    hardcore = Other, Module, Names

Message check profiles can also be defined.

[lint "profiles.message"]
    # override the default profile to only contain SummaryLength, SummaryEndingPeriod, and BlankLineAfterSummary
    default = SummaryLength, SummaryEndingPeriod, BlankLineAfterSummary
    # create a summary profile with specific modules
    summary = SummaryEndingPeriod, SummaryLength

An example configuration is provided in the examples directory of this project.


To enable as a pre-commit hook, copy the pre-commit script from the example/hooks directory into the .git/hooks directory of the repo you want to check.

Once copied, update the path and options to match your path and preferred profile.

To enable as a commit-msg hook, copy the commit-msg script from the example/hooks directory into the .git/hooks directory of the repo you want to check.


Copyright (c) 2022 Blaine Motsinger under the MIT license.


Blaine Motsinger