NAME - Simple ElaticSearch Status Checks
version 1.1
SYNOPSIS --health --verbose --color
Options: --help print help --manual print full manual --host The host to query, default is localhost
Query Modes: --health Display overall cluster health (--verbose shows more detail) --node Display node details (--verbose shows more detail) --segments Display segmentation details (--verbose shows more detail) --settings Display index settings (--verbose shows more detail)
--all Run all handlers!
Output modifiers: --csv Output key/value pairs using comma as separator (default is a space) --color Use coloring in the final report --verbose Send additional messages (incremental, ie -vvv) --debug Send copious amounts of useless data to STDERR
This script is designed to help you get information about the state of the ElasticSearh cluster in a hurry.
NAME - Get Information about the ElasticSearch Cluster
- help
Print this message and exit
- manual
Print this message and exit
- all
Runs all the ES Checks at once, this includes: health, node, and segments Used in combination with --verbose for more detail
./ --all --verbose
- health
Displays the cluster health, use --verbose to get more information
./ --health --verbose
- node
Displays the details on index segmentation, use --verbose to get more information
./ --node --verbose
- segments
Displays the details on index segmentation, use --verbose to get more information
./ --segments --verbose
- settings
Displays the details on index settings, use --verbose to get more information
./ --settings --verbose
- verbose
Enable verbose output from run modes
- debug
I'm the dude writing this script, so show me ALL THE THINGS!
Brad Lhotsky <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License