NAME - Dynamically gather metrics and send to graphite
version 2.9
SYNOPSIS --host [host] [options]
--help print help
--manual print full manual
--carbon-base The prefix to use for carbon metrics (Default:
--carbon-server Send Graphite stats to Carbon Server (Automatically sets format=graphite)
--carbon-port Port for to use for Carbon (Default: 2003)
--carbon-proto Protocol for to use for Carbon (Default: tcp)
--with-indices Also send individual index stats
--ignore Comma separated list of keys to ignore in collection
From CLI::Helpers:
--color Boolean, enable/disable color, default use git settings
--verbose Incremental, increase verbosity
--debug Show developer output
--quiet Show no output (for cron)
This script collects interesting monitoring data from the ElasticSearch cluster and maps that data directly into Graphite. If ElasticSearch changes the names of data, those changes will be reflected in the metric path immediately.
- help
Print this message and exit
- manual
Print this message and exit
- carbon-base
The prefix to use for metrics sent to carbon. The default is "". Please note, the host name of the ElasticSearch node will be appended, followed by the metric name.
- carbon-server
Send stats to the carbon server specified. This automatically forces --format=graphite and does not produce stats on STDOUT
- carbon-port
Use this port for the carbon server, useless without --carbon-server
- with-indices
Also grab data at the individual index level, will not append hostnames as this is useless. It will map the data into "$CARBON_BASE.cluster.$CLUSTERNAME.$INDEX..."
- ignore
A comma separated list of keys to ignore when parsing the tree. This is in addition to the default ignore list: attributes,id,timestamp,upms,_all,_shards
Examples: --with-indices --ignore primaries,get,warmer
Brad Lhotsky <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License