# ABSTRACT: Moo::Role for implementing QueryString Plugins
use strict;
our $VERSION = '8.1'; # VERSION
use Hash::Merge::Simple qw(clone_merge);
use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref is_hashref);
use Types::Standard qw( Str Int );
# Attributes
has name => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => Str,
sub _build_name {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self;
return (split /::/, $class)[-1];
has priority => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => Int,
sub _build_priority { 50; }
requires qw(handle_token);
around 'handle_token' => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $refs = $orig->($self,@_);
if( defined $refs ) {
if( is_arrayref($refs) ) {
foreach my $doc (@{ $refs }) {
$doc->{_by} = $self->name;
elsif( is_hashref($refs) ) {
$refs->{_by} = $self->name;
return $refs;
else {
# Handle Build Args
my($class,%in) = @_;
my @search = map { $_ => lc $_ } ($class,(split /::/, $class)[-1]);
my $options = exists $in{options} ? delete $in{options} : {};
my @options = ();
foreach my $s (@search) {
if( exists $options->{$s} ) {
push @options, $options->{$s};
push @options, \%in if keys %in;
return scalar(@options) ? clone_merge(@options) : {};
=head1 NAME
App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::Plugin - Moo::Role for implementing QueryString Plugins
=head1 VERSION
version 8.1
=head2 name
Name of the plugin, used in debug reporting.
=head2 priority
Priority is an integer which determmines the order tokens are parsed in
low->high order.
=head2 handle_token()
The handle_token() routine receives a single token from the command line, often a single word
and returns a hash reference specifying
The token expansion plugins can return undefined, which is basically a noop on the token.
The plugin can return a hash reference, which marks that token as handled and no other plugins
receive that token. The hash reference may contain:
=head2 query_string
This is the rewritten bits that will be reassembled in to the final query string.
=head2 condition
This is usually a hash reference representing the condition going into the bool query. For instance:
{ terms => { field => [qw(alice bob charlie)] } }
{ prefix => { user_agent => 'Go ' } }
These conditions will wind up in the B<must> or B<must_not> section of the B<bool> query depending on the
state of the the invert flag.
=head2 invert
This is used by the bareword "not" to track whether the token invoked a flip from the B<must> to the B<must_not>
state. After each token is processed, if it didn't set this flag, the flag is reset.
=head2 dangles
This is used for bare words like "not", "or", and "and" to denote that these terms cannot dangle from the
beginning or end of the query_string. This allows the final pass of the query_string builder to strip these
words to prevent syntax errors.
=for Pod::Coverage BUILDARGS
=head1 AUTHOR
Brad Lhotsky <brad@divisionbyzero.net>
This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Brad Lhotsky.
This is free software, licensed under:
The (three-clause) BSD License