Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker v6.012.
use strict;
use 5.010001;
my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
"ABSTRACT" => "POE session to index data to ElasticSearch",
"AUTHOR" => "Brad Lhotsky <brad\@divisionbyzero.net>",
"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => 0
"DISTNAME" => "POE-Component-ElasticSearch-Indexer",
"EXE_FILES" => [
"LICENSE" => "bsd",
"MIN_PERL_VERSION" => "5.010001",
"NAME" => "POE::Component::ElasticSearch::Indexer",
"PREREQ_PM" => {
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"Digest::SHA1" => 0,
"Fcntl" => 0,
"Getopt::Long::Descriptive" => 0,
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"Log::Log4perl" => 0,
"Module::Load" => 0,
"Module::Loaded" => 0,
"POE" => 0,
"POE::Component::Client::HTTP" => 0,
"POE::Component::Client::Keepalive" => 0,
"POE::Wheel::FollowTail" => 0,
"POSIX" => 0,
"Path::Tiny" => 0,
"Pod::Usage" => 0,
"Ref::Util" => 0,
"Time::HiRes" => 0,
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"File::Temp" => 0,
"IO::Handle" => 0,
"IPC::Open3" => 0,
"Pod::Coverage::TrustPod" => 0,
"Test::More" => 0,
"Test::Perl::Critic" => 0
"VERSION" => "0.009",
"test" => {
"TESTS" => "t/*.t"
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"Const::Fast" => 0,
"Digest::SHA1" => 0,
"Fcntl" => 0,
"File::Spec" => 0,
"File::Temp" => 0,
"Getopt::Long::Descriptive" => 0,
"HTTP::Request" => 0,
"Hash::Merge::Simple" => 0,
"IO::Handle" => 0,
"IPC::Open3" => 0,
"JSON::MaybeXS" => 0,
"List::Util" => 0,
"Log::Log4perl" => 0,
"Module::Load" => 0,
"Module::Loaded" => 0,
"POE" => 0,
"POE::Component::Client::HTTP" => 0,
"POE::Component::Client::Keepalive" => 0,
"POE::Wheel::FollowTail" => 0,
"POSIX" => 0,
"Path::Tiny" => 0,
"Pod::Coverage::TrustPod" => 0,
"Pod::Usage" => 0,
"Ref::Util" => 0,
"Test::More" => 0,
"Test::Perl::Critic" => 0,
"Time::HiRes" => 0,
"URI" => 0,
"YAML" => 0,
"strict" => 0,
"warnings" => 0
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