Changes for version 0.02
- Did some code improvements and fixed pod typos. Added read_raw() and send_raw() as replacement for read(1) and send(1).
Changes for version 0.01_04
- Added new param to read() and send(). Now it's possible to give an 1 as param, it disables serializion for this one time. Did some other improvements.
Changes for version 0.01_03
- Default socket is not IO::Socket::INET, not IO::Socket::SSL. Added Digest::MD5 to generate an md5sum for all transports. Also it's possible to disable this checks or set an own and and faster checksum generator with option gen_check_sum. Added different private functions for a better code structure like _send, _read, _gen_check_sum and _load_digest.
Changes for version 0.01_02
- Some code and pod changes.
Changes for version 0.01_01
- x.xx Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developer for Perl :-)
Serialize perl structures for inter process communication.