Changes for version 0.38_04
- Fixed test for parameter 'filename' in t/03handler.t.
- Fixed a lot of typos and improved the code.
- Added Log::Handler::Logger::Forward.
- Added Log::Handler::Logger::Email with Net::SMTP.
- Added fatal() to Log::Handler.
Changes for version 0.38_03
- Added
- Added plugins for Config::General, Config::Properties and YAML.
- Fixed some POD typos.
Changes for version 0.38_02
- Fixed test for 'mode' in t/03handler.t.
- POD and intern documentation improved.
- Fixed example examples/
- Kicked method levels() from Log::Handler::Logger.
- Added the option trace. With this option it's possible to deactivate the logging of trace messages to a logfile.
Changes for version 0.38_01
- Added Log::Handler::Logger and moved the main logger logic to it.
- Now it's possible to define more than one log file. Each log file got it's own Log::Handler::Logger object.
- The simple call of "Log::Handler->new()" will not create a default output object for *STDOUT any more, it just creates an empty Log::Handler object.
- To add log file the method add() should be used. The first log file can be defined by new().
- The methods close(), set_prefix(), get_prefix are not available any more.
- The placeholder <--LEVEL--> for the prefix is changed to %L. In addition there are different other placeholders available and it's possible to define a postfix.
- trace() will trace caller informations to all log files that are defined.
- Did a lot of other code changes.
A handler to log messages to different outputs.
A simple config loader.
The main logger class.
Log messages as email (via Net::SMTP).
Log messages to a file.
Log messages as email.
Config loader for Config::General.
Config loader for Config::Properties.
Config loader for YAML.