Changes for version 0.45

  • Kicked $self->{caller_level} and replaced it with Log::Handler::CALLER_LEVEL. The reason is that if dump(), die() or warn() was called then the patterns %p, %f, %c or %s was wrong.
  • Changed option filter to filter_message and added a new option called filter_caller.


Changes from 0.38 to 0.45.
Output examples.


Log messages to several outputs.
The main config loader.
All levels for Log::Handler.
The output builder class.
Log messages to a database.
Log messages as email (via Net::SMTP).
Log messages to a file.
Forward messages to routines.
Log messages to the screen.
Send messages to a socket.
The pattern builder class.
Config loader for Config::General.
Config loader for Config::Properties.
Config loader for YAML.
A simple handler to log messages to a log file.