Sys::Statistics::Linux - Collect linux system statistics.


use Sys::Statistics::Linux;

my $lxs = new Sys::Statistics::Linux;

   SysInfo   => 1,
   CpuStats  => 1,
   ProcStats => 1,
   MemStats  => 1,
   PgSwStats => 1,
   NetStats  => 1,
   SockStats => 1,
   DiskStats => 1,
   DiskUsage => 1,
   LoadAVG   => 1,
   FileStats => 1,
   Processes => 1,

sleep 1;

my $stat = $lxs->get;


This module is the main package from the distribution Sys::Statistics::Linux and collects different linux system informations like processor workload, memory usage, network and disk statisitcs and other system informations. Refer to the documentation of the distribution modules to get more informations about all possible statistics and system informations.


This distribution collects statistics by the virtual /proc filesystem (procfs) and is developed on default vanilla kernels. It is tested on x86 hardware with the distributions SuSE (SuSE on s390 and s390x architecture as well), Red Hat, Debian, Asianux, Slackware and Mandrake on kernel versions 2.4 and 2.6 and should run on all linux kernels with a default vanilla kernel as well. It is possible that this module doesn't run on all distributions if the procfs is too much modified.

For example the linux kernel 2.4 can compiled with the option "CONFIG_BLK_STATS". It is possible to activate or deactivate the block statistics for devices with this option. These statistics doesn't exist in /proc/partitions if this option isn't activated. Since linux kernel 2.5 these statistics are in /proc/diskstats.

Further it is necessary to run it as a user with the authorization to read the /proc filesystem.


The options CpuStats, ProcStats, PgSwStats, NetStats, DiskStats and Processes are deltas, for this reason it's necessary to initialize the statistics first, before the data be generated with get(). The statistics can be initialized with the methods new(), set() and init(). Each option that is set to TRUE (1) will be initialized by the call of new() or set(). The call of init() reinitialize all statistics that are set to 1. By the call of get() the initial statistics will be updated automatically. Please refer the METHOD section to get more information about the calls of new(), set() and get().

Another exigence is that you need to sleep for while - at least for one second - before you call get() if you want to get useful statistics. The options SysInfo, MemStats, SockStats, DiskUsage, LoadAVG and FileStats are no deltas. If you need only one of this informations you don't need to sleep before the call of get().

The get() function collects all requested informations and returns a hash reference with the statistics. The inital statistics will be updated. You can turn on and off options with set().


All options are identical with the package names of the distribution. To activate the gathering of statistics you have to set the options by the call of new() or set(). In addition you can delete, set pause or create new statistics with set() and re-init all statistics with init().

The options must be set with on of the following values:

-1 - set pause on statistics but wouldn't delete them
 0 - delete statistics and destroy the object
 1 - create a new object and init statistics if necessary
 2 - create a new object if not exists but wouldn't init statistics

To get more informations about the statistics refer the different modules of the distribution.

SysInfo     -  Collect system informations             with Sys::Statistics::Linux::SysInfo.
CpuStats    -  Collect cpu statistics                  with Sys::Statistics::Linux::CpuStats.
ProcStats   -  Collect process statistics              with Sys::Statistics::Linux::ProcStats.
MemStats    -  Collect memory statistics               with Sys::Statistics::Linux::MemStats.
PgSwStats   -  Collect paging and swapping statistics  with Sys::Statistics::Linux::PgSwStats.
NetStats    -  Collect net statistics                  with Sys::Statistics::Linux::NetStats.
SockStats   -  Collect socket statistics               with Sys::Statistics::Linux::SockStats.
DiskStats   -  Collect disk statistics                 with Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskStats.
DiskUsage   -  Collect the disk usage                  with Sys::Statistics::Linux::DiskUsage.
LoadAVG     -  Collect the load average                with Sys::Statistics::Linux::LoadAVG.
FileStats   -  Collect inode statistics                with Sys::Statistics::Linux::FileStats.
Processes   -  Collect process statistics              with Sys::Statistics::Linux::Processes.



Call new() to create a new Sys::Statistics::Linux object. You can call new() with options. This options would be hand off to the set() method.

Without options

my $lxs = new Sys::Statistics::Linux;

Or with options

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new(CpuStats => 1);

Would do nothing

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new(CpuStats => 0);

It's possible to call new() with a hash reference of options.

my %options = (
   CpuStats => 1,
   MemStats => 1

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new(\%options);

Take a look to set() for more informations.


Call set() to activate or deactivate options. The following example would call new() and init() of Sys::Statistics::Linux::CpuStats and delete the object of Sys::Statistics::Linux::SysInfo:

   CpuStats  => -1, # activated, but paused, wouldn't delete the object
   Processes =>  0, # deactivate - would delete the statistics and destroy the object
   PgSwStats =>  1, # activate the statistic and calls C<new()> and C<init()> if necessary
   NetStats  =>  2, # activate the statistic and call C<new()> if necessary but not C<init()>

It's possible to call set() with a hash reference of options.

my %options = (
   CpuStats => 2,
   MemStats => 2



Call get() to get the collected statistics. get() returns the statistics as a hash reference.

my $stats = $lxs->get;


The call of init() re-init all statistics that are necessary for deltas and if the option is higher than 0.


search(), fproc()

Call search() to search for statistics. This method rebuilds the hash tree until that keys that the searched values and returns the hits as a hash reference. Example:

my $hits = $lxs->search(
   Processes => {
      cmd   => qr/\[su\]/,
      owner => qr/root/
   CpuStats => {
      total  => 'gt:50',
      iowait => '>10'
   DiskUsage => {
      '/dev/sda1' => {
         usageper => 'gt:80'

This would return the following matches:

* processes with the command C<[su]>
* processes with the owner C<root>
* all cpu where the C<total> usage is grather than 50
* all cpu where C<iowait> is grather than 10
* only that disk where C<usageper> is higher than 80

Call fproc() to search for processes (only). This method returns a array reference with all process IDs that matched the searched string. Example:

my $pids = $lxs->fproc( cmd => qr/init/, owner => 'eq:apache' );

This would return the following process ids:

* processes that matched the command C<init>
* processes with the owner C<apache>

There are different match operators available:

* gt or > - grather than
* lt or < - less than
* eq or = - is equal
* ne or ! - is not equal

Notation examples:

gt:50  or  >50
lt:50  or  <50
eq:50  or  =50
ne:50  or  !50


Call settime() to define a POSIX formatted time stamp, generated with localtime().

$lxs->settime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S');

To get more informations about the formats take a look at strftime() of or the manpage strftime(3).


gettime() returns a POSIX formatted time stamp, @foo in list and $bar in scalar context. If the time format isn't set then the default format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" will be set automatically. You can also set a time format with gettime().

my $date_time = $lxs->gettime;


my ($date, $time) = $lxs->gettime;


my ($date, $time) = $lxs->gettime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S');


A very simple perl script could looks like this:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux;

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new( CpuStats => 1 );
my $stats = $lxs->get;
my $cpu   = $stats->{CpuStats}->{cpu};

print "Statistics for CpuStats (all)\n";
print "  user      $cpu->{user}\n";
print "  nice      $cpu->{nice}\n";
print "  system    $cpu->{system}\n";
print "  idle      $cpu->{idle}\n";
print "  ioWait    $cpu->{iowait}\n";
print "  total     $cpu->{total}\n";

Example to collect network statistics with a nice output:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux;

$| = 1;

my $header  = 20;
my $average = 1;
my $columns = 8;
my $options = { NetStats => 1 };

my @order = qw(
   rxbyt rxpcks rxerrs rxdrop rxfifo rxframe rxcompr rxmulti
   txbyt txpcks txerrs txdrop txfifo txcolls txcarr txcompr

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new( $options );

my $h = $header;

while (1) {
   my $stats = $lxs->get;
   if ($h == $header) {
      printf "%${columns}s", $_ for ('iface', @order);
      print "\n";
   foreach my $device (keys %{$stats->{NetStats}}) {
      my $dstat = $stats->{NetStats}->{$device};
      printf "%${columns}s", $device;
      printf "%${columns}s", $dstat->{$_} for @order;
      print "\n";
   $h = $header if --$h == 0;

Activate and deactivate statistics:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux;
use Data::Dumper;

my $lxs = new Sys::Statistics::Linux;

# set the options
   SysInfo  => 1,
   CpuStats => 1,
   MemStats => 1

# sleep to get useful statistics for CpuStats

# $stats contains SysInfo, CpuStats and MemStats
my $stats = $lxs->get;
print Dumper($stats);

# we deactivate CpuStats
$lxs->set(SysStats => 0);

# $stats contains CpuStats and MemStats
$stats = $lxs->get;
print Dumper($stats);

Set and get a time stamp:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux;

my $lxs = new Sys::Statistics::Linux;
$lxs->settime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S');
print "$lxs->gettime\n";

If you're not sure you can use the the Data::Dumper module to learn more about the hash structure:

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Statistics::Linux;
use Data::Dumper;

my $lxs = Sys::Statistics::Linux->new( CpuStats => 1 );
my $stats = $lxs->get;

print Dumper($stats);

Take a look into the the examples directory of the distribution for some examples with a nice output. :-)


No exports.


* Dynamic loader for options/modules.
* Maybe Sys::Statistics::Linux::Formatter to format statistics
  for inserts into a database or a nice output to files.
* Are there any wishs from your side? Send me a mail!


Please report all bugs to <jschulz.cpan(at)>.


Jonny Schulz <jschulz.cpan(at)>.


Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 by Jonny Schulz. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.