Changes for version 0.25_02

  • Kicked from MemStats: hightotal, highfree, lowtotal, lowfree The reason is that 64-bit architectures by their nature has high memory support and do not need the HIGHMEM configuraiton directive. As a result these values are not available on any 64-bit. Yes, there exists exceptions on some distributions like RHEL4 x86_64, but are they useful?

Changes for version 0.25_01

  • Added to MemStats: swapcached, active, inactive, hightotal, highfree, lowtotal, lowfree, commitlimit and committed_as


Front-end module to collect system statistics
Statistics compilation.
Collect linux cpu statistics.
Collect linux disk statistics.
Collect linux disk usage.
Collect linux file statistics.
Collect linux load average statistics.
Collect linux memory informations.
Collect linux net statistics.
Collect linux paging and swapping statistics.
Collect linux load average statistics.
Collect linux process statistics.
Collect linux socket statistics.
Collect linux system informations.