Changes for version 0.57_03

  • Fixed the validating of params in new() in all modules that generates aggregates.
  • Changed SysInfo and kicked niccount.

Changes for version 0.57_02

  • Fixed some bugs in SysInfo for keys pcpucount and niccount.
  • Added key cpuinfo.
  • It's now possible to add %opts to the call of new() of each statistic module to set the path to proc.

Changes for version 0.57_01

  • Added method raw() to CpuStats, DiskStats, NetStats, PgSwStats, and ProcStats.
  • Added niccount, pcpucount and tcpucount to SysInfo.
  • Fixed issues from RT #60100 and #60098.


Front-end module to collect system statistics
Statistics compilation.
Collect linux cpu statistics.
Collect linux disk statistics.
Collect linux disk usage.
Collect linux file statistics.
Collect linux load average statistics.
Collect linux memory information.
Collect linux net statistics.
Collect linux paging and swapping statistics.
Collect linux process statistics.
Collect linux process statistics.
Collect linux socket statistics.
Collect linux system information.