Changes for version 0.03 - 2003-02-15
- Documentation modified.
- Added find_closest() which accepts a $dbh for searching in an SQL database.
- distance_dirty() can now accept locations as array refs.
Changes for version 0.03
- Fixed for latest Moose.
- Reduced the README to a one-liner.
- Added docs to GIS::Distance::Formula.
- Fixed some documentation typos that were using GID instead of GIS.
- Fixed a typo that mispelled "formula" as "formuka".
- Refer to GIS::Distance::Fast in the SEE ALSO section.
- Added a one liner to the SYNOPSIS showing how to used the returned distance object.
- Added a TEST COVERAGE section with output from Devel::Cover.
Calculate geographic distances.
Base class for all the GIS::Distance::Formula:: classes.
Cosine distance calculations.
Geo::Ellipsoid distance calculations.
Great circle distance calculations. (BROKEN)
Exact spherical distance calculations.
Great cirlce distance calculations using Math::Trig.
Polar coordinate flat-earth distance calculations. (BROKEN)
Thaddeus Vincenty distance calculations.