Changes for version 0.07 - 2005-03-16
- Intermixed documentation with code so it is easier to keep the docs up-to-date.
- OO interface only - method interface completely removed.
- By default no units are defined. Call default_units.
- Slightly more precise measurement of the base kilometer rho.
- Added "nautical mile" unit type.
- Reworked the closest() function.
Changes for version 0.07 - 2010-02-02
- Use Any::Moose instead of Moose directly.
- Declare namespace::autoclean dependency.
Calculate geographic distances.
Role for all the GIS::Distance::Formula:: classes.
Cosine distance calculations.
Geo::Ellipsoid distance calculations.
Great circle distance calculations. (BROKEN)
Exact spherical distance calculations.
Great cirlce distance calculations using Math::Trig.
Polar coordinate flat-earth distance calculations. (BROKEN)
Thaddeus Vincenty distance calculations.