our $VERSION = '1.05';
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
GitLab::API::v3 - A complete GitLab API v3 client. (DEPRECATED)
use GitLab::API::v3;
my $api = GitLab::API::v3->new(
url => $v3_api_url,
token => $token,
my $branches = $api->branches( $project_id );
This module is at the end of it's life as the latest GitLab no longer supports
the v3 API. Instead, use L<GitLab::API::v4>.
This module provides a one-to-one interface with the GitLab
API v3. Much is not documented here as it would just be duplicating
GitLab's own L<API Documentation|http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/api/README.html>.
Note that this distribution also includes the L<gitlab-api-v3> command-line
interface (CLI).
Authentication credentials may be defined by setting either the L</token>,
the L</login> and L</password>, or the L</email> and L</password> arguments.
When the object is constructed the L</login>, L</email>, and L</password>
arguments are used to call L</session> to generate a token. The token is
saved in the L</token> attribute, and the login/email/password arguments
are discarded.
If no credentials are supplied then the client will be anonymous and greatly
limited in what it can do with the API.
Several values in the GitLab API require looking up the numeric value
for a meaning (such as C<access_level> and C<visibility_level>).
Instead of doing that, you can use L<GitLab::API::v3::Constants>.
The API methods will all throw (hopefully) a useful exception if
an unsuccessful response is received from the API. That is except for
C<GET> requests that return a C<404> response - these will return C<undef>
for methods that return a value.
If you'd like to catch and handle these exceptions consider using
=head2 LOGGING
This module uses L<Log::Any> and produces some debug messages here
and there, but the most useful bits are the info messages produced
just before each API call.
Note that many API calls require a C<$project_id>. This can be
specified as either a numeric project C<ID>, or as a
C<NAMESPACE_PATH/PROJECT_PATH> in many cases. Perhaps even
all cases, but the GitLab documentation on this point is vague.
Many of this module's methods should return a value but do not
currently. This is due to the fact that this module was built
as a strict representation of GitLab's own documentation which
is often inconsistent.
If you find a method that should provide a return value, but
doesn't currently, please verify that GitLab actually does
return a value and then submit a pull request or open an issue.
See L</CONTRIBUTING> for more info.
use Types::Standard -types;
use Carp qw( croak );
use Log::Any qw( $log );
use Moo;
use strictures 1;
around BUILDARGS => sub{
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my $args = $class->$orig( @_ );
my $session_args = {};
foreach my $key (qw( login email password )) {
next if !exists $args->{$key};
$session_args->{$key} = delete $args->{$key};
if (%$session_args) {
my $api = $class->new( $args );
my $session = $api->session( $session_args );
$args->{token} = $session->{private_token};
return $args;
sub BUILD {
my ($self) = @_;
$log->debugf( "An instance of %s has been created.", ref($self) );
'PRIVATE-TOKEN' => $self->token(),
) if $self->has_token();
=head2 url
The URL to your v3 API endpoint. Typically this will be something
has url => (
is => 'ro',
isa => NonEmptySimpleStr,
required => 1,
=head2 token
A GitLab API token.
If set then neither L</login> or L</email> may be set.
Read more in L</CREDENTIALS>.
has token => (
is => 'ro',
isa => NonEmptySimpleStr,
predicate => 'has_token',
=head2 login
A GitLab user login name.
If set then L</password> must be set.
Read more in L</CREDENTIALS>.
=head2 email
A GitLab user email.
If set then L</password> must be set.
Read more in L</CREDENTIALS>.
=head2 password
A GitLab user password.
This must be set if either L</login> or L</email> are set.
Read more in L</CREDENTIALS>.
# The above three args are virtual and get stripped out in BUILDARGS.
=head2 rest_client
An instance of L<GitLab::API::v3::RESTClient>. Typically you will not
be setting this as it defaults to a new instance and customization
should not be necessary.
has rest_client => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => InstanceOf[ 'GitLab::API::v3::RESTClient' ],
handles => [qw( post get head put delete options )],
sub _build_rest_client {
my ($self) = @_;
my $url = '' . $self->url();
my $class = 'GitLab::API::v3::RESTClient';
$log->debugf( 'Creating a %s instance pointed at %s.', $class, $url );
my $rest = $class->new(
server => $url,
type => 'application/json',
retries => $self->retries,
return $rest;
=head2 retries
The number of times the request should be retried in case it does not succeed.
Defaults to 0, meaning that a failed request will not be retried.
has retries => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Int,
lazy => 1,
default => 0,
=head2 paginator
my $paginator = $api->paginator( $method, @method_args );
my $members = $api->paginator('group_members', $group_id);
while (my $member = $members->next()) {
my $users_pager = $api->paginator('users');
while (my $users = $users_pager->next_page()) {
my $all_open_issues = $api->paginator(
{ state=>'opened' },
Given a method who supports the C<page> and C<per_page> parameters,
and returns an array ref, this will return a L<GitLab::API::v3::Paginator>
object that will allow you to walk the records one page or one record
at a time.
sub paginator {
my ($self, $method, @args) = @_;
my $params = (ref($args[-1]) eq 'HASH') ? pop(@args) : {};
return GitLab::API::v3::Paginator->new(
api => $self,
method => $method,
args => \@args,
params => $params,
=head2 issue_award_emojis
my $award_emojis = $api->issue_award_emojis(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issue_award_emojis {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issue_award_emojis must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to issue_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to issue_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 merge_request_award_emojis
my $award_emojis = $api->merge_request_award_emojis(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request_award_emojis {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request_award_emojis must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to merge_request_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 issue_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->issue_award_emoji(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issue_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issue_award_emoji must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($award_id) to issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 merge_request_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->merge_request_award_emoji(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request_award_emoji must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($award_id) to merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_issue_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->create_issue_award_emoji(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_issue_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_issue_award_emoji must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to create_issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_issue_award_emoji must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 create_merge_request_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->create_merge_request_award_emoji(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_merge_request_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_merge_request_award_emoji must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to create_merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_merge_request_award_emoji must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_issue_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->delete_issue_award_emoji(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_issue_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_issue_award_emoji must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to delete_issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($award_id) to delete_issue_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 delete_merge_request_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->delete_merge_request_award_emoji(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_merge_request_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_merge_request_award_emoji must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to delete_merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($award_id) to delete_merge_request_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 issue_note_award_emojis
my $award_emojis = $api->issue_note_award_emojis(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issue_note_award_emojis {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issue_note_award_emojis must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to issue_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to issue_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to issue_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 issue_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->issue_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issue_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issue_note_award_emoji must be called with 4 arguments' if @_ != 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($award_id) to issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_issue_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->create_issue_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_issue_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_issue_note_award_emoji must be called with 3 to 4 arguments' if @_ < 3 or @_ > 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to create_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to create_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_issue_note_award_emoji must be a hash ref' if defined($_[3]) and ref($_[3]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 4) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_issue_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->delete_issue_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/issues/:issue_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_issue_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_issue_note_award_emoji must be called with 4 arguments' if @_ != 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to delete_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to delete_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($award_id) to delete_issue_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 merge_request_note_award_emojis
my $award_emojis = $api->merge_request_note_award_emojis(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request_note_award_emojis {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request_note_award_emojis must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to merge_request_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to merge_request_note_award_emojis must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 merge_request_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->merge_request_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request_note_award_emoji must be called with 4 arguments' if @_ != 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($award_id) to merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_merge_request_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->create_merge_request_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_merge_request_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be called with 3 to 4 arguments' if @_ < 3 or @_ > 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to create_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to create_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a hash ref' if defined($_[3]) and ref($_[3]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 4) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji
my $award_emoji = $api->delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be called with 4 arguments' if @_ != 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($note_id) to delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($award_id) to delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/notes/%s/award_emoji/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 branches
my $branches = $api->branches(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub branches {
my $self = shift;
croak 'branches must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to branches must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 branch
my $branch = $api->branch(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub branch {
my $self = shift;
croak 'branch must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($branch_name) to branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 protect_branch
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name/protect>.
sub protect_branch {
my $self = shift;
croak 'protect_branch must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to protect_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($branch_name) to protect_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to protect_branch must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches/%s/protect', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 unprotect_branch
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name/unprotect>.
sub unprotect_branch {
my $self = shift;
croak 'unprotect_branch must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to unprotect_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($branch_name) to unprotect_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches/%s/unprotect', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path );
=head2 create_branch
my $branch = $api->create_branch(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_branch {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_branch must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_branch must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_branch
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name>.
sub delete_branch {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_branch must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($branch_name) to delete_branch must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/branches/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 builds
my $builds = $api->builds(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/builds> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub builds {
my $self = shift;
croak 'builds must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to builds must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to builds must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 commit_builds
my $builds = $api->commit_builds(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/builds> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub commit_builds {
my $self = shift;
croak 'commit_builds must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to commit_builds must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($sha) to commit_builds must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to commit_builds must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits/%s/builds', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 build
my $build = $api->build(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub build {
my $self = shift;
croak 'build must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to build must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to build must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 build_artifacts
my $artifacts = $api->build_artifacts(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/artifacts> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub build_artifacts {
my $self = shift;
croak 'build_artifacts must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to build_artifacts must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to build_artifacts must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/artifacts', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 build_trace
my $trace = $api->build_trace(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/trace> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub build_trace {
my $self = shift;
croak 'build_trace must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to build_trace must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to build_trace must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/trace', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 cancel_build
my $build = $api->cancel_build(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/cancel> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub cancel_build {
my $self = shift;
croak 'cancel_build must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to cancel_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to cancel_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/cancel', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path );
=head2 retry_build
my $build = $api->retry_build(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/retry> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub retry_build {
my $self = shift;
croak 'retry_build must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to retry_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to retry_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/retry', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path );
=head2 erase_build
my $build = $api->erase_build(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/erase> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub erase_build {
my $self = shift;
croak 'erase_build must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to erase_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to erase_build must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/erase', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path );
=head2 keep_build_artifacts
my $build = $api->keep_build_artifacts(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/builds/:build_id/artifacts/keep> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub keep_build_artifacts {
my $self = shift;
croak 'keep_build_artifacts must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to keep_build_artifacts must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($build_id) to keep_build_artifacts must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/builds/%s/artifacts/keep', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path );
=head2 triggers
my $triggers = $api->triggers(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/triggers> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub triggers {
my $self = shift;
croak 'triggers must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to triggers must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/triggers', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 trigger
my $trigger = $api->trigger(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/triggers/:token> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub trigger {
my $self = shift;
croak 'trigger must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to trigger must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($token) to trigger must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/triggers/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_trigger
my $trigger = $api->create_trigger(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/triggers> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_trigger {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_trigger must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_trigger must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/triggers', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path );
=head2 delete_trigger
my $trigger = $api->delete_trigger(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/triggers/:token> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_trigger {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_trigger must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_trigger must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($token) to delete_trigger must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/triggers/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 variables
my $variables = $api->variables(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/variables> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub variables {
my $self = shift;
croak 'variables must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to variables must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/variables', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 variable
my $variable = $api->variable(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/variables/:key> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub variable {
my $self = shift;
croak 'variable must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key) to variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/variables/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_variable
my $variable = $api->create_variable(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/variables> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_variable {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_variable must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to create_variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_variable must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/variables', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 update_variable
my $variable = $api->update_variable(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:id/variables/:key> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub update_variable {
my $self = shift;
croak 'update_variable must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to update_variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key) to update_variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to update_variable must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/variables/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_variable
my $variable = $api->delete_variable(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/variables/:key> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_variable {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_variable must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key) to delete_variable must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/variables/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 commits
my $commits = $api->commits(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/commits> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub commits {
my $self = shift;
croak 'commits must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to commits must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to commits must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 commit
my $commit = $api->commit(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub commit {
my $self = shift;
croak 'commit must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to commit must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($commit_sha) to commit must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 commit_diff
my $diff = $api->commit_diff(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/diff> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub commit_diff {
my $self = shift;
croak 'commit_diff must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to commit_diff must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($commit_sha) to commit_diff must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits/%s/diff', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 commit_comments
my $comments = $api->commit_comments(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/comments> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub commit_comments {
my $self = shift;
croak 'commit_comments must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to commit_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($commit_sha) to commit_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits/%s/comments', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 add_commit_comment
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/comments>.
sub add_commit_comment {
my $self = shift;
croak 'add_commit_comment must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to add_commit_comment must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($commit_sha) to add_commit_comment must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to add_commit_comment must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/commits/%s/comments', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 deploy_keys
my $keys = $api->deploy_keys(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/keys> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub deploy_keys {
my $self = shift;
croak 'deploy_keys must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to deploy_keys must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 deploy_key
my $key = $api->deploy_key(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/keys/:key_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub deploy_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'deploy_key must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to deploy_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key_id) to deploy_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_deploy_key
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/keys>.
sub create_deploy_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_deploy_key must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_deploy_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_deploy_key must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_deploy_key
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/keys/:key_id>.
sub delete_deploy_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_deploy_key must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_deploy_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key_id) to delete_deploy_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 groups
my $groups = $api->groups();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</groups> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub groups {
my $self = shift;
croak "The groups method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/groups', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 group
my $group = $api->group(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</groups/:group_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub group {
my $self = shift;
croak 'group must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to group must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_group
Sends a C<POST> request to C</groups>.
sub create_group {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_group must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_group must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/groups', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 transfer_project
Sends a C<POST> request to C</groups/:group_id/projects/:project_id>.
sub transfer_project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'transfer_project must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to transfer_project must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($project_id) to transfer_project must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/projects/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path );
=head2 delete_group
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</groups/:group_id>.
sub delete_group {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_group must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to delete_group must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 search_groups
my $groups = $api->search_groups(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</groups> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub search_groups {
my $self = shift;
croak 'search_groups must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to search_groups must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/groups', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 group_members
my $members = $api->group_members(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</groups/:group_id/members> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub group_members {
my $self = shift;
croak 'group_members must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to group_members must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/members', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 group_projects
my $projects = $api->group_projects(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</groups/:group_id/projects> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub group_projects {
my $self = shift;
croak 'group_projects must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to group_projects must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to group_projects must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/projects', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 add_group_member
Sends a C<POST> request to C</groups/:group_id/members>.
sub add_group_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'add_group_member must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to add_group_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to add_group_member must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/members', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_group_member
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</groups/:group_id/members/:user_id>.
sub edit_group_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_group_member must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to edit_group_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($user_id) to edit_group_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_group_member must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/members/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 remove_group_member
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</groups/:group_id/members/:user_id>.
sub remove_group_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'remove_group_member must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($group_id) to remove_group_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($user_id) to remove_group_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/groups/%s/members/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 all_issues
my $issues = $api->all_issues(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</issues> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub all_issues {
my $self = shift;
croak 'all_issues must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to all_issues must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/issues', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 issues
my $issues = $api->issues(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/issues> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issues {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issues must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to issues must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to issues must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 issue
my $issue = $api->issue(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub issue {
my $self = shift;
croak 'issue must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to issue must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to issue must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_issue
my $issue = $api->create_issue(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/issues> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_issue {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_issue must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_issue must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_issue must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_issue
my $issue = $api->edit_issue(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub edit_issue {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_issue must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_issue must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($issue_id) to edit_issue must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_issue must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/issues/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 key
my $key = $api->key(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</keys/:key_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'key must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($key_id) to key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 labels
my $labels = $api->labels(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/labels> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub labels {
my $self = shift;
croak 'labels must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to labels must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/labels', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_label
my $label = $api->create_label(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/labels> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_label {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_label must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_label must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_label must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/labels', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_label
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/labels>.
sub delete_label {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_label must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_label must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to delete_label must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/labels', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_label
my $label = $api->edit_label(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/labels> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub edit_label {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_label must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_label must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_label must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/labels', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 merge_requests
my $merge_requests = $api->merge_requests(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_requests {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_requests must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to merge_requests must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to merge_requests must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 merge_request
my $merge_request = $api->merge_request(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_request/:merge_request_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_request/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_merge_request
my $merge_request = $api->create_merge_request(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_merge_request {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_merge_request must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_merge_request must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_merge_request
my $merge_request = $api->edit_merge_request(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub edit_merge_request {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_merge_request must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to edit_merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_merge_request must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 accept_merge_request
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/merge>.
sub accept_merge_request {
my $self = shift;
croak 'accept_merge_request must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to accept_merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to accept_merge_request must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to accept_merge_request must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/merge', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 add_merge_request_comment
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/comments>.
sub add_merge_request_comment {
my $self = shift;
croak 'add_merge_request_comment must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to add_merge_request_comment must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to add_merge_request_comment must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to add_merge_request_comment must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/comments', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 merge_request_comments
my $comments = $api->merge_request_comments(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/comments> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub merge_request_comments {
my $self = shift;
croak 'merge_request_comments must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to merge_request_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($merge_request_id) to merge_request_comments must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/merge_requests/%s/comments', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 milestones
my $milestones = $api->milestones(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/milestones> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub milestones {
my $self = shift;
croak 'milestones must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to milestones must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to milestones must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/milestones', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 milestone
my $milestone = $api->milestone(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub milestone {
my $self = shift;
croak 'milestone must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to milestone must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($milestone_id) to milestone must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/milestones/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_milestone
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/milestones>.
sub create_milestone {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_milestone must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_milestone must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_milestone must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/milestones', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_milestone
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id>.
sub edit_milestone {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_milestone must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_milestone must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($milestone_id) to edit_milestone must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_milestone must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/milestones/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 milestone_issues
my $issues = $api->milestone_issues(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id/issues> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub milestone_issues {
my $self = shift;
croak 'milestone_issues must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to milestone_issues must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($milestone_id) to milestone_issues must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/milestones/%s/issues', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 licenses
my $licenses = $api->licenses(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</licenses> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub licenses {
my $self = shift;
croak 'licenses must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to licenses must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/licenses', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 license
my $license = $api->license(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</licenses/:license_key> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub license {
my $self = shift;
croak 'license must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($license_key) to license must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to license must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/licenses/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 namespaces
my $namespaces = $api->namespaces(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</namespaces> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub namespaces {
my $self = shift;
croak 'namespaces must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to namespaces must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/namespaces', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 notes
my $notes = $api->notes(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/:thing_type/:thing_id/notes> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub notes {
my $self = shift;
croak 'notes must be called with 3 arguments' if @_ != 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to notes must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($thing_type) to notes must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($thing_id) to notes must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/%s/%s/notes', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 note
my $note = $api->note(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/:thing_type/:thing_id/notes/:note_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub note {
my $self = shift;
croak 'note must be called with 4 arguments' if @_ != 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to note must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($thing_type) to note must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($thing_id) to note must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($note_id) to note must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/%s/%s/notes/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_note
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/:thing_type/:thing_id/notes>.
sub create_note {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_note must be called with 3 to 4 arguments' if @_ < 3 or @_ > 4;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($thing_type) to create_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($thing_id) to create_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_note must be a hash ref' if defined($_[3]) and ref($_[3]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 4) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/%s/%s/notes', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_note
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/:thing_type/:thing_id/notes/:note_id>.
sub edit_note {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_note must be called with 4 to 5 arguments' if @_ < 4 or @_ > 5;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($thing_type) to edit_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The #3 argument ($thing_id) to edit_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[2]) or (!defined $_[2]);
croak 'The #4 argument ($note_id) to edit_note must be a scalar' if ref($_[3]) or (!defined $_[3]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_note must be a hash ref' if defined($_[4]) and ref($_[4]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 5) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/%s/%s/notes/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 projects
my $projects = $api->projects(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub projects {
my $self = shift;
croak 'projects must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to projects must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 owned_projects
my $projects = $api->owned_projects(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/owned> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub owned_projects {
my $self = shift;
croak 'owned_projects must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to owned_projects must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/owned', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 all_projects
my $projects = $api->all_projects(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/all> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub all_projects {
my $self = shift;
croak 'all_projects must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to all_projects must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/all', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 project
my $project = $api->project(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 project_events
my $events = $api->project_events(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/events> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_events {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_events must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project_events must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/events', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_project
my $project = $api->create_project(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_project must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_project must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 create_project_for_user
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/user/:user_id>.
sub create_project_for_user {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_project_for_user must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to create_project_for_user must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_project_for_user must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/user/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_project
my $project = $api->edit_project(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub edit_project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_project must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_project must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_project must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 fork_project
Sends a C<POST> request to C</pojects/fork/:project_id>.
sub fork_project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'fork_project must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to fork_project must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/pojects/fork/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path );
=head2 delete_project
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id>.
sub delete_project {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_project must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_project must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 project_members
my $members = $api->project_members(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/members> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_members {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_members must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project_members must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to project_members must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/members', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 project_member
my $member = $api->project_member(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</project/:project_id/members/:user_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_member must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($user_id) to project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/project/%s/members/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 add_project_member
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/members>.
sub add_project_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'add_project_member must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to add_project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to add_project_member must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/members', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_project_member
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/members/:user_id>.
sub edit_project_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_project_member must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($user_id) to edit_project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_project_member must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/members/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 remove_project_member
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/members/:user_id>.
sub remove_project_member {
my $self = shift;
croak 'remove_project_member must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to remove_project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($user_id) to remove_project_member must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/members/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 share_project_with_group
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/share>.
sub share_project_with_group {
my $self = shift;
croak 'share_project_with_group must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to share_project_with_group must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to share_project_with_group must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/share', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_shared_project_link_within_group
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/share/:group_id>.
sub delete_shared_project_link_within_group {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_shared_project_link_within_group must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_shared_project_link_within_group must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($group_id) to delete_shared_project_link_within_group must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/share/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 project_hooks
my $hooks = $api->project_hooks(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/hooks> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_hooks {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_hooks must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project_hooks must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/hooks', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 project_hook
my $hook = $api->project_hook(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</project/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_hook must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($hook_id) to project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/project/%s/hooks/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_project_hook
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/hooks>.
sub create_project_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_project_hook must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_project_hook must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/hooks', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_project_hook
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id>.
sub edit_project_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_project_hook must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($hook_id) to edit_project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_project_hook must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/hooks/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_project_hook
my $hook = $api->delete_project_hook(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_project_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_project_hook must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($hook_id) to delete_project_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/hooks/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 set_project_fork
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/fork/:forked_from_id>.
sub set_project_fork {
my $self = shift;
croak 'set_project_fork must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to set_project_fork must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($forked_from_id) to set_project_fork must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/fork/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path );
=head2 clear_project_fork
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/fork>.
sub clear_project_fork {
my $self = shift;
croak 'clear_project_fork must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to clear_project_fork must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/fork', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 search_projects_by_name
my $projects = $api->search_projects_by_name(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/search/:query> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub search_projects_by_name {
my $self = shift;
croak 'search_projects_by_name must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($query) to search_projects_by_name must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to search_projects_by_name must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/search/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 snippets
my $snippets = $api->snippets(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub snippets {
my $self = shift;
croak 'snippets must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to snippets must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 snippet
my $snippet = $api->snippet(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'snippet must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($snippet_id) to snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_snippet
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets>.
sub create_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_snippet must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_snippet must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_snippet
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id>.
sub edit_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_snippet must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($snippet_id) to edit_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_snippet must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_snippet
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id>.
sub delete_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_snippet must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($snippet_id) to delete_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 snippet_content
my $content = $api->snippet_content(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/raw> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub snippet_content {
my $self = shift;
croak 'snippet_content must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to snippet_content must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($snippet_id) to snippet_content must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/snippets/%s/raw', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 tree
my $tree = $api->tree(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tree> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub tree {
my $self = shift;
croak 'tree must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to tree must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to tree must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tree', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 blob
my $blob = $api->blob(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/blobs/:ref> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub blob {
my $self = shift;
croak 'blob must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to blob must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($ref) to blob must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to blob must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/blobs/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 raw_blob
my $raw_blob = $api->raw_blob(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/raw_blobs/:blob_sha> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub raw_blob {
my $self = shift;
croak 'raw_blob must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to raw_blob must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($blob_sha) to raw_blob must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/raw_blobs/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 archive
my $archive = $api->archive(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/archive> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub archive {
my $self = shift;
croak 'archive must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to archive must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to archive must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/archive', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 compare
my $comparison = $api->compare(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/compare> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub compare {
my $self = shift;
croak 'compare must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to compare must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to compare must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/compare', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 contributors
my $contributors = $api->contributors(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/contributors> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub contributors {
my $self = shift;
croak 'contributors must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to contributors must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/contributors', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 file
my $file = $api->file(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/files> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub file {
my $self = shift;
croak 'file must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to file must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to file must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/files', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 create_file
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/files>.
sub create_file {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_file must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_file must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_file must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/files', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_file
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/files>.
sub edit_file {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_file must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_file must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_file must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/files', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_file
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/files>.
sub delete_file {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_file must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_file must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to delete_file must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/files', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 runners
my $runners = $api->runners(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</runners> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub runners {
my $self = shift;
croak 'runners must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to runners must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/runners', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 all_runners
my $runners = $api->all_runners(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</runners/all> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub all_runners {
my $self = shift;
croak 'all_runners must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to all_runners must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/runners/all', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 runner
my $runner = $api->runner(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</runners/:id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub runner {
my $self = shift;
croak 'runner must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/runners/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 update_runner
my $runner = $api->update_runner(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</runners/:id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub update_runner {
my $self = shift;
croak 'update_runner must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to update_runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to update_runner must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/runners/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_runner
my $runner = $api->delete_runner(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</runners/:id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_runner {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_runner must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to delete_runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/runners/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 project_runners
my $runners = $api->project_runners(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:id/runners> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub project_runners {
my $self = shift;
croak 'project_runners must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to project_runners must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/runners', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 enable_project_runner
my $runner = $api->enable_project_runner(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:id/runners> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub enable_project_runner {
my $self = shift;
croak 'enable_project_runner must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to enable_project_runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to enable_project_runner must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/runners', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 disable_project_runner
my $runner = $api->disable_project_runner(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:id/runners/:runner_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub disable_project_runner {
my $self = shift;
croak 'disable_project_runner must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($id) to disable_project_runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($runner_id) to disable_project_runner must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/runners/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 edit_project_service
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/services/:service_name>.
sub edit_project_service {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_project_service must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to edit_project_service must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($service_name) to edit_project_service must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_project_service must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/services/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_project_service
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/services/:service_name>.
sub delete_project_service {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_project_service must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_project_service must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($service_name) to delete_project_service must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/services/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 session
my $session = $api->session(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</session> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub session {
my $self = shift;
croak 'session must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to session must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/session', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 settings
my $settings = $api->settings();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</application/settings> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub settings {
my $self = shift;
croak "The settings method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/application/settings', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 update_settings
my $settings = $api->update_settings(
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</application/settings> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub update_settings {
my $self = shift;
croak 'update_settings must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to update_settings must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/application/settings', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 queue_metrics
my $metrics = $api->queue_metrics();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</sidekiq/queue_metrics> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub queue_metrics {
my $self = shift;
croak "The queue_metrics method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/sidekiq/queue_metrics', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 process_metrics
my $metrics = $api->process_metrics();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</sidekiq/process_metrics> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub process_metrics {
my $self = shift;
croak "The process_metrics method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/sidekiq/process_metrics', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 job_stats
my $stats = $api->job_stats();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</sidekiq/job_stats> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub job_stats {
my $self = shift;
croak "The job_stats method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/sidekiq/job_stats', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 compound_metrics
my $metrics = $api->compound_metrics();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</sidekiq/compound_metrics> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub compound_metrics {
my $self = shift;
croak "The compound_metrics method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/sidekiq/compound_metrics', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 user_snippets
my $snippets = $api->user_snippets();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</snippets> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub user_snippets {
my $self = shift;
croak "The user_snippets method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/snippets', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 user_snippet
my $snippet = $api->user_snippet(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</snippets/:snippet_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub user_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'user_snippet must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($snippet_id) to user_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_user_snippet
Sends a C<POST> request to C</snippets>.
sub create_user_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_user_snippet must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_user_snippet must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/snippets', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_user_snippet
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</snippets/:snippet_id>.
sub edit_user_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_user_snippet must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($snippet_id) to edit_user_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_user_snippet must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_user_snippet
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</snippets/:snippet_id>.
sub delete_user_snippet {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_user_snippet must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($snippet_id) to delete_user_snippet must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/snippets/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 public_snippets
my $snippets = $api->public_snippets();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</snippets/public> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub public_snippets {
my $self = shift;
croak "The public_snippets method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/snippets/public', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 hooks
my $hooks = $api->hooks();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</hooks> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub hooks {
my $self = shift;
croak "The hooks method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/hooks', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_hook
Sends a C<POST> request to C</hooks>.
sub create_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_hook must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_hook must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/hooks', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 test_hook
my $hook = $api->test_hook(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</hooks/:hook_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub test_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'test_hook must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($hook_id) to test_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/hooks/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 delete_hook
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</hooks/:hook_id>.
sub delete_hook {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_hook must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($hook_id) to delete_hook must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/hooks/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 tags
my $tags = $api->tags(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub tags {
my $self = shift;
croak 'tags must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to tags must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 tag
my $tag = $api->tag(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub tag {
my $self = shift;
croak 'tag must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to tag must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($tag_name) to tag must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_tag
my $tag = $api->create_tag(
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub create_tag {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_tag must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_tag must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_tag must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_tag
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name>.
sub delete_tag {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_tag must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to delete_tag must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($tag_name) to delete_tag must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 create_release
Sends a C<POST> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release>.
sub create_release {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_release must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to create_release must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($tag_name) to create_release must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_release must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags/%s/release', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 update_release
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release>.
sub update_release {
my $self = shift;
croak 'update_release must be called with 2 to 3 arguments' if @_ < 2 or @_ > 3;
croak 'The #1 argument ($project_id) to update_release must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($tag_name) to update_release must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to update_release must be a hash ref' if defined($_[2]) and ref($_[2]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 3) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/projects/%s/repository/tags/%s/release', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 users
my $users = $api->users(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</users> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub users {
my $self = shift;
croak 'users must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to users must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/users', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 user
my $user = $api->user(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</users/:user_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub user {
my $self = shift;
croak 'user must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to user must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_user
Sends a C<POST> request to C</users>.
sub create_user {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_user must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_user must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/users', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 edit_user
Sends a C<PUT> request to C</users/:user_id>.
sub edit_user {
my $self = shift;
croak 'edit_user must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to edit_user must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to edit_user must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->put( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_user
my $user = $api->delete_user(
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</users/:user_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub delete_user {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_user must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to delete_user must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->delete( $path );
=head2 current_user
my $user = $api->current_user();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</user> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub current_user {
my $self = shift;
croak "The current_user method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/user', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 current_user_ssh_keys
my $keys = $api->current_user_ssh_keys();
Sends a C<GET> request to C</user/keys> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub current_user_ssh_keys {
my $self = shift;
croak "The current_user_ssh_keys method does not take any arguments" if @_;
my $path = sprintf('/user/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 user_ssh_keys
my $keys = $api->user_ssh_keys(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</users/:user_id/keys> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub user_ssh_keys {
my $self = shift;
croak 'user_ssh_keys must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to user_ssh_keys must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 user_ssh_key
my $key = $api->user_ssh_key(
Sends a C<GET> request to C</user/keys/:key_id> and returns the decoded/deserialized response body.
sub user_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'user_ssh_key must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($key_id) to user_ssh_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/user/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
return $self->get( $path );
=head2 create_current_user_ssh_key
Sends a C<POST> request to C</user/keys>.
sub create_current_user_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_current_user_ssh_key must be called with 0 to 1 arguments' if @_ < 0 or @_ > 1;
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_current_user_ssh_key must be a hash ref' if defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 1) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/user/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 create_user_ssh_key
Sends a C<POST> request to C</users/:user_id/keys>.
sub create_user_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'create_user_ssh_key must be called with 1 to 2 arguments' if @_ < 1 or @_ > 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to create_user_ssh_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The last argument (\%params) to create_user_ssh_key must be a hash ref' if defined($_[1]) and ref($_[1]) ne 'HASH';
my $params = (@_ == 2) ? pop() : undef;
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s/keys', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->post( $path, ( defined($params) ? $params : () ) );
=head2 delete_current_user_ssh_key
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</user/keys/:key_id>.
sub delete_current_user_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_current_user_ssh_key must be called with 1 arguments' if @_ != 1;
croak 'The #1 argument ($key_id) to delete_current_user_ssh_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
my $path = sprintf('/user/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
=head2 delete_user_ssh_key
Sends a C<DELETE> request to C</users/:user_id/keys/:key_id>.
sub delete_user_ssh_key {
my $self = shift;
croak 'delete_user_ssh_key must be called with 2 arguments' if @_ != 2;
croak 'The #1 argument ($user_id) to delete_user_ssh_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[0]) or (!defined $_[0]);
croak 'The #2 argument ($key_id) to delete_user_ssh_key must be a scalar' if ref($_[1]) or (!defined $_[1]);
my $path = sprintf('/users/%s/keys/%s', (map { uri_escape($_) } @_));
$self->delete( $path );
sub raw_snippet {
my $self = shift;
warn "The raw_snippet method is deprecated, please use the snippet_content method instead";
return $self->snippet_content( @_ );
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Net::Gitlab> purports to provide an interface to the GitLab API, but
it is hard to tell due to a complete lack of documentation via either
POD or unit tests.
This module is auto-generated from a set of YAML files defining the
interface of GitLab's API. If you'd like to contribute to this module
then please feel free to make a
and submit a pull request, just make sure you edit the files in the
C<authors/> directory instead of C<lib/GitLab/API/v3.pm> directly.
Please see
for more information.
Alternatively, you can
=head1 AUTHORS
Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@gmail.com>
Dotan Dimet <dotan@corky.net>
Nigel Gregoire <nigelgregoire@gmail.com>
trunov-ms <trunov.ms@gmail.com>
Marek R. Sotola <Marek.R.Sotola@nasa.gov>
José Joaquín Atria <jjatria@gmail.com>
Dave Webb <github@d5ve.com>
Thanks to L<ZipRecruiter|https://www.ziprecruiter.com/>
for encouraging their employees to contribute back to the open
source ecosystem. Without their dedication to quality software
development this distribution would not exist.
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.