#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strictures 2;
use Log::Any qw( $log );
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions );
use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage );
gnu_getopt no_ignore_case
'a|all' => \my $all,
'h|help' => \my $help,
'v|verbose' => \my $verbose,
'q|quiet' => \my $quiet,
) or fail('Unable to process options!');
if ($help or @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq 'help') {
pod2usage( -verbose => 2 );
exit 0;
my $min_level = 'info';
$min_level = 'trace' if $verbose;
$min_level = 'error' if $quiet;
my $config = GitLab::API::v4::Config->new();
min_level => $min_level,
stderr => 1,
my $access_levels = {
'--access-level-guest' => $GITLAB_ACCESS_LEVEL_GUEST,
'--access-level-reporter' => $GITLAB_ACCESS_LEVEL_REPORTER,
'--access-level-developer' => $GITLAB_ACCESS_LEVEL_DEVELOPER,
'--access-level-master' => $GITLAB_ACCESS_LEVEL_MASTER,
'--access-level-owner' => $GITLAB_ACCESS_LEVEL_OWNER,
my @args;
my $params = {};
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if (defined $access_levels->{$arg}) {
$params->{access_level} = $access_levels->{$arg};
elsif ($arg =~ m{^--(no-|)?([^\s=]+)(=(.*)|)$}) {
my ($no, $key, $has_value, $value) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$key =~ s{-}{_}g;
$value = $has_value ? $value : $no ? 0 : 1;
$params->{$key} = $value;
else {
push @args, $arg;
my $method = shift( @args );
fail( 'No method was specified.' ) if !$method;
$method =~ s{-}{_}g;
if ($method eq 'configure') {
try {
my $api = GitLab::API::v4->new( $config->args() );
if ($all) {
@args = ( $method, @args );
$method = 'paginator';
my $data = $api->$method(
%$params ? $params : (),
$data = $data->all() if $all;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref();
print $json->encode( $data );
catch {
fail( $_ );
sub fail {
$log->fatal( @_ );
exit 1;
=head1 NAME
gitlab-api-v4 - Command line interface to the GitLab API v4.
# Generally:
gitlab-api-v4 <method> [<arg> ...] [--<param>=<value> ...]
# List all groups:
gitlab-api-v4 groups
# List information about a project:
gitlab-api-v4 project <project_id>
# Create an admin user:
gitlab-api-v4 create-user \
--email=<email> --password=<password> --username=<username> --name=<name> --admin
You may configure this module with envornment variables, command line options,
and a configuration file. To setup the configuration file run:
gitlab-api-v4 configure
This will ask several interactive questions to help you configure this script.
The information, which may include GitLab authentication tokens, is stored in
Read more at L<GitLab::API::v4::Config>.
=head1 OPTIONS
=head2 method
The API method to call (one of the methods documented in
=head2 args
<arg> ...
Any arguments that the L</method> requires.
=head2 params
--<param>=<value> ...
Any parameters that the L</method> accepts.
=head2 access level
=head2 all
Retrieves all results when the results would normally be paged.
=head1 AUTHORS
See L<GitLab::API::v4/AUTHOR> and L<GitLab::API::v4/CONTRIBUTORS>.
=head1 LICENSE
This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.