$Starch::Factory::VERSION = '0.07';
=head1 NAME
Starch::Factory - Role applicator and class creator.
This class consumes the L<Starch::Plugin::Bundle> role and
is used by L<Starch> to apply specified plugins to manager,
state, and store classes.
Normally there is no need to interact with this class directly.
use Moo::Role qw();
use Types::Standard -types;
use Moo::Object qw();
use Starch::Util qw( load_prefixed_module croak );
use Module::Runtime qw( require_module );
use Moo;
use strictures 2;
with qw(
=head2 plugins
This is the L<Starch::Plugin::Bundle/plugins> attribute, but altered
to be an argument.
has '+plugins' => (
init_arg => 'plugins',
sub bundled_plugins {
return [];
=head2 base_manager_class
The base class of the Starch manager object. Default to C<Starch::Manager>.
has base_manager_class => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => NonEmptySimpleStr,
default => 'Starch::Manager',
=head2 base_state_class
The base class of Starch state objects. Default to C<Starch::State>.
has base_state_class => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => NonEmptySimpleStr,
default => 'Starch::State',
=head2 manager_class
The anonymous class which extends L</base_manager_class> and has
L</manager_roles> applied to it.
has manager_class => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => ClassName,
init_arg => undef,
sub _build_manager_class {
my ($self) = @_;
my $roles = $self->manager_roles();
my $class = $self->base_manager_class();
require_module( $class );
return $class if !@$roles;
return Moo::Role->create_class_with_roles( $class, @$roles );
=head2 state_class
The anonymous class which extends L</base_state_class> and has
L</state_roles> applied to it.
has state_class => (
is => 'lazy',
isa => ClassName,
init_arg => undef,
sub _build_state_class {
my ($self) = @_;
my $roles = $self->state_roles();
my $class = $self->base_state_class();
require_module( $class );
return $class if !@$roles;
return Moo::Role->create_class_with_roles( $class, @$roles );
=head1 METHODS
=head2 base_store_class
my $class = $factory->base_store_class( '::Memory' );
# Starch::Store::Memory
my $class = $factory->base_store_class( 'Starch::Store::Memory' );
# Starch::Store::Memory
Given an absolute or relative store class name this will
return the resolved class name.
sub base_store_class {
my ($self, $suffix) = @_;
return load_prefixed_module(
=head2 store_class
my $class = $factory->store_class( '::Memory' );
Given an absolute or relative store class name this will
return an anonymous class which extends the store class
and has L</store_roles> applied to it.
sub store_class {
my ($self, $suffix) = @_;
my $roles = $self->store_roles();
my $class = $self->base_store_class( $suffix );
return $class if !@$roles;
return Moo::Role->create_class_with_roles( $class, @$roles );
=head2 new_store
my $store = $factory->new_store( class=>'::Memory', %args );
Creates and returns a new L</store_class> object with the
factory argument set.
Note that since the L<Starch::Store/expires> argument is
required you must specify it.
sub new_store {
my $self = shift;
my $args = Moo::Object->BUILDARGS( @_ );
$args = { %$args };
my $suffix = delete $args->{class};
croak "No class key was declared in the Starch store hash ref"
if !defined $suffix;
my $class = $self->store_class( $suffix );
return $class->new(
See L<Starch/AUTHOR>, L<Starch/CONTRIBUTORS>, and L<Starch/LICENSE>.