Changes for version 1.22 - 2009-12-05

  • Use MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast so that options supplied to ->new are put into the hash even if attributes do not exist for them. This fixes -force recreating application scripts.

Changes for version 1.21_01 - 2009-12-01

  • Update generated scripts to use the new Catalyst::Script:: classes available from Catalyst 5.80014_02. Note: Any applications whos scripts are upgraded will need to depend on at least this version of Catalyst.
  • Change application templates from being inlined in Catalyst::Helper to being in a share dir making the templates much easier to maintain and patch.
  • Generate new applications with Moose and Moose style components.
  • Remove dependency on as this has been removed from the generated application template.
  • Turn off deprecated regex component lookup in the config of new applications.
  • Test application generation and helper classes properly.
  • Change tests in generated application and components to use the new done_testing feature rather than having test plans.
  • Update required versions of dependencies to ensure the installed versions won't cause deprecation warnings with the latest Catalyst.
  • Exclude root/, t/ and hidden dirs from file change monitoring when using File::ChangeNotify 0.08+. (dew)
  • Updated POD of Module/Install/ (Karsten Heymann)
  • Added debian package building temp files to the list of ignored files/directories and fix ignore for subversion checkouts. (Karsten Heymann)


Catalyst Development Tools
Bootstrap a Catalyst application
Uses File::ChangeNotify to check for changed files and restart the server
Forks and restarts the child process
Uses Proc::Background to manage process restarts
Module::Install extension for Catalyst


in lib/Module/Install/