Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 0.22 - 2009-05-13
- INSANE HACK to ensure B::Hooks::EndOfScope inlines us a new method right now in Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store for Catalyst 5.80004 compatibility.
- This change does not in any way affect normal users - it is just due to the fairly crazy way that Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Test::Store works, and that module is _only_ used for unit testing session store plugins pre-installation.
- Session::Test::Store should be replaced with a more sane solution, and other CPAN modules using it moved away from using it, but this change keeps stops new Catalyst breaking other distributions right now.
Understanding and using sessions.
Generic Session plugin - ties together server side storage and client side state required to maintain session data.
Base class for session state preservation plugins.
Base class for session storage drivers.
Doesn't really store sessions - useful for tests.
Reusable sanity for session storage engines.