use Moose;
extends qw/Catalyst::Component/;
=head1 NAME
Catalyst::View - Catalyst View base class
package Catalyst::View::Homebrew;
use base qw/Catalyst::View/;
sub process {
# template processing goes here.
This is the Catalyst View base class. It's meant to be used as
a base class by Catalyst views.
As a convention, views are expected to read template names from
$c->stash->{template}, and put the output into $c->res->body.
Some views default to render a template named after the dispatched
action's private name. (See L<Catalyst::Action>.)
=head1 METHODS
Implements the same methods as other Catalyst components, see
=head2 process
gives an error message about direct use.
sub process {
Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => ( ref $_[0] || $_[0] ).
" directly inherits from Catalyst::View. You need to\n".
" inherit from a subclass like Catalyst::View::TT instead.\n" );
=head1 AUTHORS
Catalyst Contributors, see
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
no Moose;