Changes for version 5.9000 - 2011-08-15
- See Catalyst::Delta for the major changes in this release.
- Changelog since the last TRIAL release:
- Backward compatibility fixes:
- Fix calling MyApp->engine_class to set the engine class manually.
- Re-add a $res->headers->{status} field to Catalyst::Test responses. This _should_ be accessed with $c->res->code instead, but is here for backward compatibility.
- Documentation:
- Documentation which was in the now removed Catalyst::Engine::* classes has been moved to Catalyst::Manual::Deployment
- Changes:
- nginx specific behaviour is removed as it is not needed with any web server configuration I can come up with (recommended config is documented in Catalst::Manual::Deployment::nginx::FastCGI)
- Backward compatibility fixes:
Changes for version 5.89003 - 2011-07-28 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Backward compatibility fixes:
- Application scripts which have not been upgraded to newer Catalyst::Script::XXX style scripts have been fixed
- Bug fixes:
- mod_perl handler fixed to work with application classes which have manually been made immutable.
- Scripts now force the Plack engine choice manually, rather than relying on auto-detection, as the automatic mechanism gets it wrong if (for example) Coro is loaded.
- Server script option for --fork --keepalive are now handled by loading the Starman server, rather than silently ignored.
- Server script options for --background and --pid are now fixed by using MooseX::Deamonize
- Plack middlewares to deal with issues in Lighttpd and IIS6 are now automatically applied to applications and deployments which need them (when there is not a user written .psgi script available). This fixes compatibility with previous stable releases for applications deployed in these environments.
- Enhancements:
- Catalyst::Test's remote_request method not uses Plack::Test to perform the remote request.
- Documentation:
- Added a Catalyst::PSGI manual page with information about writing a .psgi file for your application.
- Catalyst::Uprading has been improved, and the status of old Catalyst engines clarified.
- Added a Catalyst::PSGI manual page with information about writing a .psgi file for your application.
- Deprecations:
- Catalyst::Test's local_request function is now deprecated. You should just use the normal request function against a local server instead.
Changes for version 5.89002 - 2011-03-02 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Bug fixes:
- Fix a couple of test failures caused by optional dependencies such as FCGI not being installed.
- Refactoring:
- Simplified the API for getting a PSGI application code reference for a Catalyst application for use in, for example, .psgi files. See Catalyst::Upgrading for details.
Changes for version 5.89001 - 2011-03-01 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed command-line argument passing in Catalyst::Script::FastCGI.
- Fixed Catalyst::Engine::Stomp compatibility. Applications using Catalyst::Engine::Stomp are believed to continue working without any changes with the new Catalyst major version.
- Fixed issues auto-loading engine with older scripts.
- Known problems:
- Catalyst::Engine::Wx is officially unsupported and BROKEN. If you are using this engine then please get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help with the changes it needs to be compatible with the new major version of Catalyst.
- Documentation:
- The section of Catalyst::Upgrading describing how to upgrade to version 5.90 of Catalyst has been much improved.
Changes for version 5.89000 - 2011-01-24 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- This is a development release from psgi branch of Catalyst-Runtime.
- Removed features:
- All of the Catalyst::Engine::* namespace is now gone. Instead we only have one Catalyst::Engine class speaking the PSGI protocol natively. Everything the various Catalyst::Engine:: classes did before is now supposed to happen through PSGI handlers such as Plack::Handler::FCGI, Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI, Plack::Handler::Apache2, and so on. However, deployment can still work the same as it did before. The catalyst scripts still exist and continue to work.
- If you find anything that either doesn't work anymore as it did before or anything that could be done before with the various Catalyst::Engine:: classes, but can't be done anymore with the single PSGI Catalyst::Engine class, please tell us *now*.
- All of the Catalyst::Engine::* namespace is now gone. Instead we only have one Catalyst::Engine class speaking the PSGI protocol natively. Everything the various Catalyst::Engine:: classes did before is now supposed to happen through PSGI handlers such as Plack::Handler::FCGI, Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI, Plack::Handler::Apache2, and so on. However, deployment can still work the same as it did before. The catalyst scripts still exist and continue to work.
Overview of changes between versions of Catalyst
How Catalyst and PSGI work together
Instructions for upgrading to the latest Catalyst
Bootstrap a Catalyst application
The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Catalyst Action
Chain of Catalyst Actions
Catalyst Action Container
Deprecated base class
Class data accessors
Catalyst Component Base Class
Moose Role for components which capture the application context.
Moose Role for components which need to close over the $ctx, without leaking
Catalyst Controller base class
DispatchType Base Class
Path Part DispatchType
Default DispatchType
Index DispatchType
Path DispatchType
Regex DispatchType
The Catalyst Dispatcher
The Catalyst Engine
The Catalyst Engine Loader
Catalyst Exception Class
Basic Catalyst Exception Role
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->detach()
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->go()
Role defining the interface for Catalyst exceptions
Catalyst Log Class
Catalyst Model base class
provides information about the current client request
handles file upload requests
stores output responding to the current client request
The Catalyst Framework Runtime
The CGI Catalyst Script
Create a new Catalyst Component
The FastCGI Catalyst Script
Catalyst test server
Test Catalyst application on the command line
Common functionality for Catalyst scripts.
The Catalyst Framework script runner
Catalyst Timing Statistics Class
Test Catalyst Applications
The Catalyst Utils
Catalyst View base class
in lib/Catalyst/