Changes for version 5.90003 - 2011-10-05

  • Bug fixes:
    • Make default body reponses for 302s W3C compliant. RT#71237
    • Fix issue where groups of attributes to override controller actions in config would be (incorrectly) overwritten, if the parser for that attribute mangled the contents of the attribute. This was found with Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole, where Does => [ '+Foo' ] would be transformed to Does => [ 'Foo' ] and written back to config, whereas Does => '+Foo' would not be changed in config. RT#65463
  • Enhancements:
    • Set a matching Content-type for the redirect if Catalyst sets the body. This is for compatibility with a WatchGuard Firewall.
  • Backward compatibility fixes:
    • Restore (an almost empty) Catalyst::Engine::HTTP to the dist for old scripts which explictly require Catalyst::Engine::HTTP
  • Documentation fixes:
    • Document Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication fails tests unless you use the latest version with Catalyst 5.9
    • Clarify that prepare is called as a class method
    • Clarify use of uri_for further. RT#57011


Overview of changes between versions of Catalyst
How Catalyst and PSGI work together
Instructions for upgrading to the latest Catalyst
Bootstrap a Catalyst application


The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework
Catalyst Action
Chain of Catalyst Actions
Catalyst Action Container
Deprecated base class
Class data accessors
Catalyst Component Base Class
Moose Role for components which capture the application context.
Moose Role for components which need to close over the $ctx, without leaking
Catalyst Controller base class
DispatchType Base Class
Path Part DispatchType
Default DispatchType
Index DispatchType
Path DispatchType
Regex DispatchType
The Catalyst Dispatcher
The Catalyst Engine
The Catalyst Engine Loader
Catalyst Exception Class
Basic Catalyst Exception Role
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->detach()
Exception for redispatching using $ctx->go()
Role defining the interface for Catalyst exceptions
Catalyst Log Class
Catalyst Model base class
provides information about the current client request
handles file upload requests
stores output responding to the current client request
The Catalyst Framework Runtime
The CGI Catalyst Script
Create a new Catalyst Component
The FastCGI Catalyst Script
Catalyst test server
Test Catalyst application on the command line
Common functionality for Catalyst scripts.
The Catalyst Framework script runner
Catalyst Timing Statistics Class
Test Catalyst Applications
The Catalyst Utils
Catalyst View base class


in lib/Catalyst/