Changes for version 0.08
- Released 0.07_03 with no further changes.
Changes for version 0.07_03 - 2010-02-19
- Autogenerate README file from Pod.
- Fix missing test_requires dependency on parent by dropping use of that module.
Changes for version 0.07_02 - 2010-02-19
- Fix missing test_requires dependency on Catalyst::Action::RenderView.
Changes for version 0.07_01 - 2010-02-15
- It is now possible to configure plugins, and the subrequest and visit plugins can be configured to not replace the stash before redispatching.
- Fix Visit plugin to work with newer Catalyst versions.
- Use uri_for_action instead of calling methods in the dispatcher directly when possible.
- Call pulbic rather than private methods in the dispatcher in the subrequest backend.
- Plugins which are used now generate an instance for each plugin which is subsequently cached.
- Fix useage of namespace::clean
- Proper test application bundled with the distribution.
- Proper tests for all engines in the distribution.
- Use Catalyst::Component::ContextClosure instead of weakening the context manually.
- Make pod tests only run in author mode.
- General code cleanup.
Use subincludes in your Catalyst views
Edge Side Includes (ESI) plugin for C::V::Component::SubInclude
Sub-requests plugin for C::V::Component::SubInclude
visit() plugin for C::V::Component::SubInclude