Catalyst::View::TT::XHTML - A sub-class of the standard TT view which serves application/xhtml+xml content if the browser accepts it.


package MyApp::View::XHTML;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Catalyst::View::TT::XHTML MyApp::View::TT/;



This is a very simple sub-class of Catalyst::View::TT, which sets the response Content-Type to be application/xhtml+xml if the user's browser sends an Accept header indicating that it is willing to process that MIME type.

Changing the Content-Type causes browsers to interpret the page as XML, meaning that the markup must be well formed.

This is useful when you're developing your application, as you know that all pages you view are parsed as XML, so any errors caused by your markup not being well-formed will show up at once.



Overrides the standard process method, delegating to Catalyst::View::TT to render the template, and then changing the response Content-Type if appropriate (from the requests Accept header).


Some browsers (such as Internet Explorer) have a nasty way of sending Accept */* and this claiming to support XHTML just as well as HTML. Saving to a file on disk or opening with another application does count as accepting, but it really should have a lower q value then text/html. This sub takes a pragmatic approach and corrects this mistake by modifying the Accept header before passing it to content negotiation.


There should be a more elegant way to inherit the config of your normal TT view.

Configuration (as loaded by Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader) for the TT view is not used.

No helper to generate the view file needed (just copy the code in the SYNOPSIS).


Tomas Doran <>


David Dorward - test patches and */* pragmatism.


This module itself is copyright (c) 2008 Tomas Doran and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.