Acme::MetaSyntactic::oulipo - The Oulipo theme
This theme contains the initials of the members of the French literary group Oulipo, created by Raymond Queneau (RQ) and François Le Lionnais (FLL) in 1960. These initials are commonly used in place of a member's full name.
See the official Oulipo web site at
Noël ARNAUD (1960-2003)
Michèle AUDIN (2009-)
Valérie BEAUDOUIN (2003-)
Marcel BÉNABOU (1969-)
Jacques BENS (1960-2001)
Claude BERGE (1960-2002)
André BLAVIER (1961-2001)
Paul BRAFFORT (1961-)
Italo CALVINO (1974-1985)
François CARADEC (1983-2008)
Bernard CERQUIGLINI (1995-)
Ross CHAMBERS (1961-)
Stanley CHAPMAN (1961-2009)
Marcel DUCHAMP (1961-1968)
Jacques DUCHATEAU (1929-)
Luc ETIENNE (1970-1984)
Frédéric FORTE (2005-)
Paul FOURNEL (1972-)
Anne F. GARRÉTA (2000-)
Michelle GRANGAUD (1995-)
Jacques JOUET (1983-)
LATIS (1960-1973)
François LE LIONNAIS (1960-1984)
Hervé LE TELLIER (1992-)
Etienne LÉCROART (2012-)
Jean LESCURE (1960-2005)
Daniel LEVIN BECKER (2009-)
Harry MATHEWS (1973-)
Michèle MÉTAIL (1975-)
Ian MONK (1998-)
Oskar PASTIOR (1992-2006)
Georges PEREC (1967-1982)
Raymond QUENEAU (1960-1976)
Jean QUEVAL (1960-1990)
Pierre ROSENSTIEHL (1992-)
Jacques ROUBAUD (1966-)
Olivier SALON (2000-)
Albert-Marie SCHMIDT (1960-1966)
Philippe "BooK" Bruhat (co-creator of the first Oulipo web site, back in 1995).
2012-10-08 - v1.002
Updated with a new member, added the list of Oulipo member names (with activity dates), in Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.022.
2012-05-14 - v1.001
Updated with an
pod command in Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.001.2012-05-07 - v1.000
Updated with the new Oulipo members since 2007, and received its own version number in Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.000.
Introduced in Acme-MetaSyntactic version 0.28.