HTTP::Proxy - A pure Perl HTTP proxy


use HTTP::Proxy;

# initialisation
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new( port => 3128 );

# alternate initialisation
my $proxy = HTTP::Proxy->new;
$proxy->port( 3128 ); # the classical accessors are here!

# you can also use your own UserAgent
my $agent = LWP::RobotUA->new;
$proxy->agent( $agent );

# this is a MainLoop-like method


This module implements a HTTP Proxy, using a HTTP::Daemon to accept client connections, and a LWP::UserAgent to ask for the requested pages.




The HTTP::Proxy has several accessors. They are all AUTOLOADed.

Called with arguments, the accessor returns the current value. Called with a single argument, it set the current value and returns the previous one, in case you want to keep it.

If you call a read-only accessor with a parameter, this parameter will be ignored.

The defined accessors are (in alphabetical order):


The LWP::UserAgent object used internally to connect to remote sites.

conn (read-only)

The number of connections processed by this HTTP::Proxy instance.


The default hostname for controlling the proxy (see CONTROL). The default is "proxy", which corresponds to the URL http://proxy/, where port is the listening port of the proxy).


The HTTP::Daemon object used to accept incoming connections. (You usually never need this.)


The proxy HTTP::Daemon host (default: 'localhost').


A filehandle to a logfile (default: *STDERR).


The maximum number of child process the HTTP::Proxy object will spawn to handle client requests (default: 16).


The maximum number of connections the proxy will accept before returning from start(). 0 (the default) means never stop accepting connections.


The proxy HTTP::Daemon port (default: 8080).

url (read-only)

The url where the proxy can be reached.


Be verbose in the logs (default: 0).

Here are the various log levels: 0 - All errors 1 - Requested URL, reponse status and total number of connections processed 2 - 3 - Subprocesses information (fork, wait, etc.) 4 - 5 - Full request and response headers are sent along

The start() method

This method works like Tk's MainLoop: you hand over control to the HTTP::Proxy object you created and configured.

If maxconn is not zero, start() will return after accepting at most that many connections.

Other methods

log( $level, $message )

Adds $message at the end of logfh, if $level is greater than verbose, the log() method also prints a timestamp.


You can alter the way the default HTTP::Proxy works by pluging callbacks at different stages of the request/response handling.



Some connections to the client are never closed. (HTTP::Proxy should handle the client and the server connection separately.)


* Provide an interface for logging.

* Provide control over the proxy through special URLs


Philippe "BooK" Bruhat, <>.


Many people helped me during the development of this module, either on mailing-lists, irc, or over a beer in a pub...

So, in no particular order, thanks to Michael Schwern (testing while forking), Eric 'echo' Cholet (preforked processes).


This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.