Changes for version 0.12 - 2004-01-22

    • send the error message to the client when the Proxy agent dies (usually because of a filter error)
    • the proxy now sends a X-Forwarded-For header by default (and the proxy method x_forwarded_for can toggle this)
    • the proxy method client_socket() gives access to the socket connected to the current client (the example in Changes for 0.10 was wrong: one can get the IP address of the connected agent from inside a filter with $self->proxy->client_socket->peerhost)
    • do not block simultaneous connections when not forking
    • clean up the filter chain after the body-request filters
    • ensure the filter stack is reinitialised between requests
    • tests for X-Forwarded-For
    • test the proxy against
    • eg/ - outputs the URI and parameters of all POST requests
    • eg/ - outputs details of GET and POST requests


A pure Perl HTTP proxy
A base class for HTTP messages body filters
Filter using HTML::Parser
A filter to transmogrify HTML text
A filter that outputs only complete lines
A class for creating simple filters
A filter that outputs only complete tags
A base class for HTTP message header filters
A class for creating simple filters
An internal filter to respect RFC2616


in lib/HTTP/