Changes for version 0.13 - 2004-03-03
- CONNECT support (but only transparently...)
- the client_headers() method (similar to hop_headers()) give the filters access to the proxy's LWP::UA Client-* headers
- filters are applied on all supported methods by default
- removed everything regarding control() and control_regex(), which were not used and confusing
- tests for CONNECT support
- tests for SSL support (not working yet)
- eg/ - a very simple adblocker
- eg/ - trims whitespace from HTML pages
- eg/ - add any text right after <body>
- separate COPYRIGHT and LICENSE sections in all man pages
A pure Perl HTTP proxy
A base class for HTTP messages body filters
Filter using HTML::Parser
A filter to transmogrify HTML text
A filter that outputs only complete lines
A class for creating simple filters
A filter that outputs only complete tags
A base class for HTTP message header filters
A class for creating simple filters
An internal filter to respect RFC2616
in lib/HTTP/