Changes for version 0.302

    • fix RT #85632 (Ashley Pond V)
    • multiple documentation fixes (Ashley Pond V)
    • switch to Dist::Zilla for maintaining the distribution


A pure Perl HTTP proxy
A base class for HTTP messages body filters
A filter that passes on a complete body or nothing
Filter using HTML::Parser
A filter to transmogrify HTML text
A filter that outputs only complete lines
A filter that saves transferred data to a file
A class for creating simple filters
A filter that outputs only complete tags
Generic child process manager engine for HTTP::Proxy
The "older" HTTP::Proxy engine
A basic, non forking HTTP::Proxy engine
A scoreboard-based HTTP::Proxy engine
A scoreboard-based HTTP::Proxy engine
A class to manage filter stacks
A base class for HTTP message header filters
A class for creating simple filters
An internal filter to respect RFC2616