EBook::MOBI::Mhtml2Mobi- Create a Mobi eBook by packing MOBI-ready HTML.


use EBook::MOBI::Mhtml2Mobi;
my $mobi = EBook::MOBI::Mhtml2Mobi->new();
$mobi->pack($mhtml, $out_filename, $author, $title);



The input parameters are the following:

$mhtml     # data to put in the mobi eBook
$filename  # filename (with path) of the desired eBook
$author    # author of the eBook
$title     # title of the eBook

Call the method like this:

$mobi->pack($mhtml, $filename, $author, $title);

After the method call a Mobi eBook should be found at the path you specified in $filename.

Handling of Images

If your input data ($mhtml) contains <img> tags which are pointing to images on the filesystem, these images will be stored and linked into the MOBI datafile. The images will be rescaled if necessary, according to EBook::MOBI::Picture.


'mhtml' stands for mobi-html, which means: it is actually HTML but some things are different. I invented this term myself, so it is probably not a good idea to search the web or ask other people about this term. If you are looking for more information about this format you might search the web for 'mobipocket file format' or something similar.

If you stick to the most basic HTML tags it should be perfect mhtml 'compatible'. So if you want to 'write a book' or something similar you can just use basic HTML for markup. The eBook readers using the MOBI format actually just display plain HTML. But sadly that's not the whole truth - you can't stick to the official HTML standards. Since I did some research on how to do things, I'd like to share my knowledge.

Simple Text

Most simple HTML tags will just work.

<h1>My Book</h1>
This is my first book.
I want to show the world <b>my</b> mind!
<br />&nbsp; -- the author

Hyperlinks pointing to the WWW are working just like in HTML. But if you want to point into your own file, e.g. for a table of contents, it will not work. You then have to declare an attribute called 'filepos' which points to the char where you whant to jump to.

h1>Table of Contents</h1>
<li><a filepos="00000458">CHAPTER ONE</a></li>
<li><a filepos="00000510">CHAPTER TWO</a></li>


Images are handled slightly different than in standard HTML, since all the data is not on a normal filesystem - it is packed into the MOBI format. Since there are no such thing as filenames in the MOBI format (at least as far as I know) you can't point to an image over it's name. Images are stored in seperat format-intern containers, which have a count. You can then adress to an image with the number of it's container. The syntax is like this:

<img recindex="0004">

Attention! If you have a lot of text, it will fill up more than one container. But even then... images always start counting from recindex one! So this count seems to be relative, not absolute. Just start counting with recindex="1" and it will be fine!

New Page

If you want to enforce a new page at the eBook-reader you can use a MOBI specific tag:

<mbp:pagebreak />


A method to set the maximum image width and height would be nice.


Copyright 2012 Boris Däppen, all rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Boris Däppen <>