Some POD
Some text.
Some Pictures
An image.
An image which has been resized.
A List
First item.
Second item.
That's it
The end.
my $book = EBook::MOBI->new();
# let's define a debug sub witch will be used by all modules sub debug { my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; print "$package\t$_[0]\n"; }
# pass the reference of the sub to our book $book->debug_on(\&debug);
# fill the book with meta info $book->set_filename(''); $book->set_title ('A Test: Simple'); $book->set_author ('Boris'); $book->set_encoding(':encoding(UTF-8)');
# fill the book with content $book->add_mhtml_content(" <h1>A Test Titlepage</h1><p>Very simple...</p>"); $book->add_pagebreak(); $book->add_toc_once(); $book->add_pagebreak(); $book->add_content(data => $pod, pagemode => 1);
$book->make(); #$book->print_mhtml(); $book->save();
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 15:
Unknown directive: =image
- Around line 19:
Unknown directive: =image