Changes for EBook::MOBI
0.56 2013-01-14
Excluded image code from EBook::MOBI::Picture to seperate CPAN module
Changing image processing from GD to Image::Imlib2
Exclude *.mobi from dzil packaging
0.55 2012-11-30
Marked inofficial POD command '=image' as deprecated
Introduced POD command '=for image' (github issue #9)
Added documentation for '=begin html' support (github issue #16)
0.53 2012-09-25
Support for "=begin html" blocks in POD
Minor code fixes
0.52 2012-09-13
Equal versioning among modules (Dist::Zilla Plugin)
Copy and paste example in SYNOPSIS
0.51 2012-08-29
Fix issues with pod tests (thx to
Fix typo
0.5 2012-08-27
new API with plugin system
API not compatible to previous releases!
new Hhlper module 'Converter'
heavy update on docs
diverse small fixes and typos
0.49 2012-08-13
remove images in example dir from release package (dzil)
0.48 2012-07-18
added naming of TOC: patch from GARU (from ticket 77430)
added tests for the feature of GARU
POD documentation update for TOC generation concerning h1 tag
fix bug in reset() method
removed unneeded variable
0.47 2012-07-12
removed unwanted message from stderr
updated POD documentation
fixed typos
updated encoding syntax in examples
0.46 2012-06-20
Some unknowm problems with CPAN... let's count up the number
0.45 2012-06-20
remove test-bug in version check in 0.44
0.44 2012-06-20
better support for the L<> in POD
0.43 2012-05-29
encoding is now binmode syntax
0.42 2012-05-03
we get decoded pod, so we have to ensure to write the file with
correct encoding (thx to reneeb)
0.41 2012-04-18
stop spamming /tmp
don't die in list-error
0.4 2012-02-23
Croaks nicely if images are missing
0.3 2012-02-16
Fixed Prereqs
Polished some POD
0.2 2012-02-15
Fixed error on test for POD coverage
Moved Palm code into MobiPerl namespace
Fixed minor issues
0.1 2012-02-11
Initial release to CPAN