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Apache::PageKit - MVCC web framework using mod_perl, XML and HTML::Template


In httpd.conf

  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlSetVar PKIT_ROOT /path/to/pagekit/files
  PerlSetVar PKIT_SERVER staging

  PerlHandler +Apache::PageKit
        Apache::PageKit->startup('/path/to/pagekit/files', 'staging');

In MyPageKit/

  package MyPageKit::Common;

  use base 'Apache::PageKit::Model';

  sub pkit_dbi_connect {
    return DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:db","user","passwd");

  sub pkit_session_setup {
    my $model = shift;
    my $dbh = $model->dbh;
    return {
        session_lock_class => 'MySQL',
        session_store_class => 'MySQL',
        session_args => {
                        Handle => $dbh,
                        LockHandle => $dbh,

  sub pkit_auth_credential {
    my ($model) = @_;

    # in this example, login and passwd are the names of the credential fields
    my $login = $model->input('login');
    my $passwd = $model->input('passwd');

    # create a session key
    # your code here.........

    return $ses_key;

  sub pkit_auth_session_key {
    my ($model, $ses_key) = @_;

    # check whether $ses_key is valid, if so return user id in $user_id
    # your code here.........

    return $ok ? $user_id : undef;


PageKit is an mod_perl based application framework that uses HTML::Template and XML to separate code, design, and content. Includes session management, authentication, form validation, co-branding, and a content management system.

Its goal is to solve all the common problems of web programming, and to make the creation and maintenance of dynamic web sites fast, easy and enjoyable.

You have to write a module named MyPageKit::Common that inherits from Apache::PageKit::Model and provides methods common across the site. For example, if you wish to support authentication, it must include the two methods pkit_auth_credential and pkit_auth_session_key.

For more information, visit

Most of the docs have been moved out of POD to DocBook. The sources can be found in the docsrc directory of the distribution, and the HTML output can be found at


The following method is available to the user as Apache::PageKit API.

    This function should be called at server startup from your httpd.conf file:

    If you use PageKit >= 1.09 and mod_perl < 1.26, the follow the instructions for PageKit < 1.09.

      PerlSetVar PKIT_ROOT /path/to/pagekit/files
      PerlSetVar PKIT_SERVER staging
      PerlHandler +Apache::PageKit

    PageKit < 1.09 should be started this way:

      PerlSetVar PKIT_ROOT /path/to/pagekit/files
      PerlSetVar PKIT_SERVER staging
      PerlHandler +Apache::PageKit

    Where the first argument is the root directory of the PageKit application. The second (optional) argument is the server id. It loads /path/to/pagekit/files/Model into the perl search path so that PageKit can make calls into MyPageKit::Common and other Model classes. It also loads the Config and Content XML files and pre-parses the View template files.




Apache::Request, HTML::FillInForm, HTML::Template, Data::FormValidator


This document describes Apache::PageKit module version 1.09


Requires mod_perl, Apache::SessionX, Compress::Zlib, Data::FormValidator, HTML::Clean, HTML::FillInForm and HTML::Template, Text::Iconv and XML::LibXML

I wrote these modules because I needed an application framework that was based on mod_perl and seperated HTML from Perl. HTML::Embperl, Apache::ASP and HTML::Mason are frameworks that work with mod_perl, but embed Perl code in HTML. The development was inspired in part by Webmacro, which is an open-source Java servlet framework that seperates Code from HTML.

The goal is of these modules is to develop a framework that provides most of the functionality that is common across dynamic web sites, including session management, authorization, form validation, component design, error handling, and content management.


Please submit any bug reports, comments, or suggestions to the Apache::PageKit mailing list at


Support Template-Toolkit templates as well as HTML::Template templates.

Support for multiple transformations with stylesheets, and for filters.

Add more tests to the test suite.


T.J. Mather (

Boris Zentner ( has contributed numerous patches and is currently maintaining the package.


Fixes, Bug Reports, Docs have been generously provided by:

  Ben Ausden
  Stu Pae
  Yann Kerhervé
  Chris Burbridge
  Leonardo de Carvalho
  Rob Falcon
  Sheffield Nolan
  David Raimbault
  Anton Berezin
  Chris Hamilton
  David Christian
  Rob Starkey
  Anton Permyakov
  Daniel Gardner
  Andy Massey
  Michael Cook
  Michael Pheasant
  John Moose
  Sheldon Hearn
  Vladimir Sekissov
  Gabriel Burka

Also, thanks to Dan Von Kohorn for helping shape the initial architecture and for the invaluable support and advice.


Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 AnIdea Corporation. All rights Reserved. PageKit is a trademark of AnIdea Corporation.

Parts of code Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Ltd.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the Ricoh Source Code Public License for more details.

You can redistribute this module and/or modify it only under the terms of the Ricoh Source Code Public License.

You should have received a copy of the Ricoh Source Code Public License along with this program; if not, obtain one at

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1441:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Kerhervé'. Assuming CP1252