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use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use X11::GUITest qw(ClickMouseButton :CONST SendKeys ReleaseKey
PressMouseButton ReleaseMouseButton PressKey
ResizeWindow GetScreenRes);
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Carp;
our $VERSION = '0.15';
=head1 NAME
Mozilla::Mechanize::GUITester - enhances Mozilla::Mechanize with GUI testing.
use Mozilla::Mechanize::GUITester;
# regular Mozilla::Mechanize initialization
my $mech = Mozilla::Mechanize::GUITester->new(%mechanize_args);
# convenience wrapper over GetElementById and QueryInterface
my $elem = $mech->get_html_element_by_id("some_id");
# click mouse at the element position + (1, 1)
$mech->x_click($elem, 1, 1);
# play with the mouse relative to the element position
$mech->x_mouse_down($elem, 2, 2);
$mech->x_mouse_move($elem, 4, 4);
$mech->x_mouse_up($elem, 4, 4);
# send keystrokes to the application
# press and release left CTRL button. You can click in the middle.
# run some javascript code and print its result
print $mech->run_js('return "js: " + 2');
# find out element style using its id
print $mech->get_element_style_by_id('the_elem_id', 'background-color');
# are there any javascript errors?
print Dumper($mech->console_messages);
# find out HTTP response status (works only for HTTP protocol)
print $mech->status;
# change some text box by sending keypresses - fires all JS events
my $input = $mech->get_html_element_by_id("tbox", "Input");
$mech->x_change_text($input, "Hi");
This module enhances Mozilla::Mechanize with convenience functions allowing
testing of DHTML/JavaScript rich pages.
It uses X11::GUITest to emulate mouse clicking, dragging and moving over
elements in DOM tree.
It also allows running of arbitrary javascript code in the page context and
getting back the results.
C<MMG_TIMEOUT> environment variable can be used to adjust timeout of X events
(given in milliseconds).
=head2 Mozilla::Mechanize::GUITester->new(%options);
This constructor delegates to Mozilla::Mechanize::new function. See
Mozilla::Mechanize manual for its description.
sub new {
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
my $td = tempdir("/tmp/mozilla_guitester_XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1);
local $ENV{HOME} = $td;
local $ENV{MOZ_NO_REMOTE} = 1;
my $self = shift()->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{_home} = $td;
$self->{_popups} = {};
$self->{_alerts} = '';
$self->{_console_messages} = [];
$self->{_window_id} = $self->agent->{window}->window->XWINDOW;
confess("# Unable to find window id") unless $self->window_id;
Mozilla::PromptService::Register({ DEFAULT => sub {
my $name = shift;
$self->{_popups}->{$name} = [ @_ ];
$self->{_alerts} .= $_[2] . "\n";
}, Prompt => sub { return $self->{_prompt_result}; } });
'http-on-examine-response' => sub {
my $channel = shift;
$self->{_response_status} = $channel->responseStatus;
$self->{_console_handle} = Mozilla::ConsoleService::Register(sub {
my $msg = shift;
push @{ $self->console_messages }, $msg if $msg;
return $self;
=head2 $mech->status
Returns last response status using Mozilla::ObserverService and
nsIHTTPChannel:responseStatus function.
Note that it works only for HTTP requests.
sub status { return shift()->{_response_status}; }
=head2 $mech->last_alert
Returns last alert contents intercepted through Mozilla::PromptService.
It is useful for communication from javascript.
sub last_alert { return shift()->{_popups}->{Alert}->[2]; }
=head2 $mech->console_messages
Returns arrayref of all console messages (e.g. javascript errors) aggregated
so far.
See Mozilla nsIConsoleService documentation for more details.
sub console_messages { return shift()->{_console_messages}; }
=head2 $mech->window_id
Returns window id of guitester window.
sub window_id { return shift()->{_window_id}; }
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $mech->x_resize_window($width, $height)
Resizes window to $width, $height. Dies if the screen is too small for it.
sub x_resize_window {
my ($self, $width, $height) = @_;
my ($x, $y) = GetScreenRes();
die "Screen width is too small: $x < $width" if ($x < $width);
die "Screen height is too small: $y < $height" if ($y < $height);
ResizeWindow($self->window_id, $width, $height);
=head2 $mech->pull_alerts
Pulls all alerts aggregated so far and resets alerts stash. Useful for JS
sub pull_alerts {
my $self = shift;
my $res = $self->{_alerts};
$self->{_alerts} = '';
return $res;
=head2 $mech->set_prompt_result($res)
Future prompt JavaScript calls will return C<$res> as a result.
sub set_prompt_result {
my ($self, $res) = @_;
$self->{_prompt_result} = $res;
=head2 $mech->run_js($js_code)
Wraps $js_code with JavaScript function and invokes it. Its result is
returned as string and intercepted through C<alert()>.
See C<last_alert> accessor above.
sub run_js {
my ($self, $js) = @_;
my $code = <<ENDS;
function __guitester_run_js() {
return $self->last_alert;
=head2 $mech->get_element_style($element, $style_attribute)
Uses Mozilla::DOM::ComputedStyle to get property value of C<$style_attribute>
for the C<$element> retrieved by GetElementById previously.
sub get_element_style {
my ($self, $el, $attr) = @_;
confess "No element given!" unless $el;
confess "No attribute given!" unless $attr;
return Get_Computed_Style_Property($self->get_window, $el, $attr);
=head2 $mech->get_element_style_by_id($element_id, $style_attribute)
Convenience function to retrieve style property by C<$element_id>. See
sub get_element_style_by_id {
my ($self, $id, $attr) = @_;
return $self->get_element_style(
$self->get_document->GetElementById($id), $attr);
=head2 $mech->calculated_content
This is basically body.innerHTML content as provided by Mozilla::Mechanize.
See its documentation for more info.
sub calculated_content {
return shift()->SUPER::content(@_);
=head2 $mech->content
This is more like "View Source" page content. It leaves html tags intact and
also doesn't evaluate javascript's document.write calls.
sub content {
my $self = shift;
return Get_Page_Source($self->agent->{embed});
sub gesture {
my ($self, $e) = @_;
return Mozilla::Mechanize::GUITester::Gesture->new({
element => $e, dom_window => $self->get_window
, window_id => $self->window_id });
=head2 $mech->get_html_element_by_id($html_id, $elem_type)
Uses GetElementById and QueryInterface to get Mozilla::DOM::HTMLElement.
If $elem_type is given queries Mozilla::DOM::HTML<$elem_type>Element.
See Mozilla::DOM documentation for more details.
sub get_html_element_by_id {
my ($self, $id, $type) = @_;
my $e = $self->get_document->GetElementById($id) or return;
my $dom_class = "Mozilla::DOM::HTML" . ($type || '') . "Element";
return $e->QueryInterface($dom_class->GetIID);
sub _wait_for_gtk {
my $run = 1;
my $t = $ENV{MMG_TIMEOUT} || 200;
Glib::Timeout->add($t, sub { undef $run; });
Gtk2->main_iteration while ($run || Gtk2->events_pending);
sub _with_gesture_do {
my ($self, $elem, $func) = @_;
my $g = $self->gesture($elem);
=head2 $mech->x_click($element, $x, $y, $times)
Emulates mouse click at ($element.left + $x, $ + $y) coordinates.
Optional C<$times> parameter can be used to specify the number of clicks sent.
sub x_click {
my ($self, $entry, $by_left, $by_top, $num) = @_;
$num ||= 1;
$self->_with_gesture_do($entry, sub {
my $g = shift;
$g->element_mouse_move($by_left, $by_top);
ClickMouseButton(M_LEFT) for (1 .. $num);
=head2 $mech->x_mouse_down($element, $x, $y)
Presses left mouse button at ($element.left + $x, $ + $y).
sub x_mouse_down {
my ($self, $entry, $by_left, $by_top) = @_;
$self->_with_gesture_do($entry, sub {
my $g = shift;
$g->element_mouse_move($by_left, $by_top);
=head2 $mech->x_mouse_up($element, $x, $y)
Releases left mouse button at ($element.left + $x, $ + $y).
sub x_mouse_up {
my ($self, $entry, $by_left, $by_top) = @_;
$self->_with_gesture_do($entry, sub {
my $g = shift;
$g->element_mouse_move($by_left, $by_top);
=head2 $mech->x_mouse_move($element, $x, $y)
Moves mouse to ($element.left + $x, $ + $y).
sub x_mouse_move {
my ($self, $entry, $by_left, $by_top) = @_;
$self->_with_gesture_do($entry, sub {
my $g = shift;
$g->element_mouse_move($by_left, $by_top);
=head2 $mech->x_send_keys($keystroke)
Sends $keystroke to mozilla window. It uses X11::GUITest SendKeys function.
Please see its documentation for possible C<$keystroke> values.
sub x_send_keys {
my ($self, $keys) = @_;
SendKeys($keys) or confess "Unable to send $keys";
=head2 $mech->x_press_key($key)
Uses X11::GUITest PressKey function. Please see its documentation for
possible C<$key> values.
sub x_press_key {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
=head2 $mech->x_release_key($keystroke)
Uses X11::GUITest ReleaseKey function to release previously pressed key.
Please see its X11::GUITest documentation for possible C<$key> values.
sub x_release_key {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
=head2 $mech->x_change_text($input, $value)
Changes value of C<$input> edit box to C<$value>. All JavaScript events are
fired. It also works on textarea element.
sub x_change_text {
my ($self, $input, $val) = @_;
$self->x_click($input, 4, 4);
=head2 $mech->x_change_select($input, $option_no)
Chooses option C<$option_no> of C<$input> select. All JavaScript events are
sub x_change_select {
my ($self, $input, $opno) = @_;
my $times = $opno - $input->GetSelectedIndex;
my $key = "{DOW}";
if ($times < 0) {
$key = "{UP}";
$times *= -1;
$self->x_click($input, 4, 4);
$self->x_send_keys($key) for (1 .. $times);
sub close {
my $self = shift;
=head1 AUTHOR
Boris Sukholitko <>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO