Net::TiVo::Folder - Class that wraps the XML description that defines a TiVo folder.
use Net::TiVo;
my $tivo = Net::TiVo->new(host => '', mac => 'MEDIA_ACCESS_KEY');
for my $folder ($tivo->folders()) {
print $folder->as_string(), "\n";
provides an object-oriented interface to an XML description of a TiVo show. It provides the necessary accessors to read the XML data.
- content_type()
Returns TiVo's mime type for a folder (x-tivo-container/tivo-videos).
- format()
Returns TiVo's mime type for the format of the folder (x-tivo-container/tivo-dvr).
- change_date()
Returns the last time the folder was changed. The value is in seconds since the epoch.
- name()
Returns the name of the folder.
- total_items()
Returns the number of shows contained in this folder.
- global_sort()
Returns a boolean (Yes or No) indicating if the folder is globally sorted.
- sort_order()
Returns the sort order of the folder.
- size()
Returns the size in bytes of this folder. This value is calculated by summing the individual shows contained in this folder.
- shows()
Returns an array of the shows contained in this folder.
- as_string()
Returns a pretty print of this folder's information, including name, number of show, size, and a list of shows contained in the folder.
Net::TiVo, Net::TiVo::Show
Christopher Boumenot, <>