HPCI::Logger - This role gives the consumer a simple logger attribute


Defines a log attribute which handles the logging methods (debug, info, warn, error, fatal). If a log attribute (of type Log::Log4perl::Logger) is not provided, one will be created automatically.

Also allows specifying the directory/file that will be used for the automatically-created log (if not log was provided), and the level of message that will be logged.


  • log - A Log::Log4perl object

    Used to log all cluster-control activities of HPCI.

    If log is not provided, one will be created, using the log_dir and log_file attributes, or the log_path attribute to specify the file location where the log will be written.

    If a log is provided, then HPCI log messages can be put into the same log as other logged aspects of the calling program.

  • log_path - path to file where the log will be written

    Optional, only used if no log was explicitly provided. If this attribute is not provided, the following two attributes are used.

  • log_dir - directory where the log will be written

    Optional, only used if no log was explicitly provided. Default value is group_dir

  • log_file - filename where the log will be written

    Optional, only used if no log was explicitly provided. Default value is: "group.log"

  • log_level - set the log level

    Accepts a Log4perl log level value, or a string which can be converted to such a value. the default is "info"