Log::ProgramInfo - log global info from a perl programs.
### HISTORY ################################################################### # Version Date Developer Comments # 0.1.1 2015-04-02 John Macdonald Initial release to CPAN # 0.1.2 2015-04-04 John Macdonald Minor cleanups to initial release # 0.1.3 2015-04-09 John Macdonald Rename s/JobInof/ProgramInfo/ # 0.1.4 2015-04-09 John Macdonald Add README #
Version 0.1.4
use Log::ProgramInfo qw(
[ -logname LOGNAME ]
[ -logdir LOGDIR ]
[ -logext LOGEXT ]
[ -logdate none|date|time|datetime ]
[ -stdout ]
[ -suppress ]
# main program does lots of stuff...
exit 0;
After the program has run, this module will automatically
log information about this run into a log file. It will
list such things as:
- program
- name
- version
- command line arguments
- version of perl
- modules loaded
- source code location
- Version
- run time
The log is appended to the file:
LOGDIR defaults to . (the current directory when the program terminates)
LOGDATE defaults to the date that the program was started
LOGNAME defaults to the basename of the program
LOGEXT defaults to ".jobinfolog"
The -ARG specifiers in the "import" list can be used to over-ride these defaults. Specifying:
-logname LOGNAME will use LOGNAME instead of the program name
-logdir LOGDIR will use LOGDIR instead of the current directory
- if it is a relative path, it will be based on the
current directory at termination of execution
-logext EXT will add .EXT to the log filename
-logext .EXT will add .EXT to the log filename
-logext "" will add no extension to the log filename
-logdate STRING
will specify the LOGDATE portion of the filename. The STRING can be:
none LOGNAME (and no dash)
date YYYYMMDD-LOGNAME (this is the default)
-stdout will cause the log to be sent to stdout instead of a file
-suppress will suppress logging (unless environment variable
LOGJOBINFO_SUPPRESS is explcitly set to 0 or null)
Normally, neither -suppress nor -stdout will be set in the
use statement, and the environment variables can then be
used to disable the logging completely or to send it to
stdout instead of to the selected file.
For some programs, however, it may be desired to not normally
provide any logging. Specifying -suppress will accomplish
this. In such a case, setting the environment variable
LOGJOBINFO_SUPPRESS=0 will over-ride that choice, causing
the log to be written (as specified by the other options
and environment variables).
Environment variables can over-ride some of these:
LOGJOBINFO_SUPPRESS=x boolean suppresses all logging if true
LOGJOBINFO_STDOUT=x boolean sets -stdout
LOGJOBINFO_DIR=DIR string sets the target directory name
LOGJOBINFO_FILE=FILE string sets the target filename LOGNAME
LOGJOBINFO_EXT=EXT string sets the target extension
LOGJOBINFO_DATE=DATE string sets the target filename LOGDATE selector