SYNOPSIS [options] [file ...]

--help				brief help message
--man				full documentation
--config			configuration file in YAML format containing signature information (Required)
--chromosome        the chromosome that mutations are generated for (Required)
--cb_bed            the bed file for the callable bases of the chromosome (default = "None")
--mut_num			number of sites to generate (default = 0)
--mut_rate			rate of mutation to generate (default = 0)
--seed              seed used for reproducible random mutation location generation (default = "None")
--mut_file          file to output mutations to (default = "./mut_file.txt")
--minvaf            minimum variant allele fraction (default = 0.25)
--maxvaf            maximum variant allele fraction (default = 0.5)
--vafbeta1          left shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs (default = 2.0)
--vafbeta2          right shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs (default = 2.0)



Print a brief help message and exit.


Print the manual page.


Configuration file in YAML format that contains the signatures information. Sample format:

--- signature_file: ../t/signatures.txt cancer_file: ../t/cancer_signatures.yaml vcf_file: signatures: Signature 5: 0.75 Signature 1A: 0.25 cancer:


The chromosome that mutations are generated for.


The bed file for the callable bases of the chromosome.


Number of sites to generate. Overwrite mut_rate and cancer mutation rate.


Rate of mutation to generate. Overwrite cancer mutation rate.


Seed used for reproducible random mutation location generation.


File to output mutations to.


Minimum variant allele fraction.


Maximum variant allele fraction.


Left shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs.


Right shape parameter for beta distribution of VAFs.

DESCRIPTION Generate mutation file with specified signatures.

Generate mutation input varfile according to the Trinucleotide Signature and Proportions specified
- read the signatures file table for mutation types and probabilities
- calculate mutation number and probabilities for each signature specified
- randomly choose positions in the chromosome according to mutation type
- specify chromosome, start, end, vaf, and alternative base in BEDfile format as output (varfile)
- take in custome mutations vcf file and incorporate according to chromosome
- take in cancer file and cancer name to generate cancer proportioned mutations and rates
- take in covered bases bed file and only spike in mutation in bases with over 10x coverage


Typical usage:


Lydia Liu

Boutros Lab The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research


Paul Boutros, PhD, PI -- Boutros Lab

Takafumi Yamaguchi -- Boutros Lab

Srinivasan Sivanandan -- Boutros Lab

Adam D. Ewing -- BAMSurgeon author