Version 1.0.0
This package is a pipeline wrapper for BAMSurgeon ( and provides additional functionality for the simulation of copy number abberations in the tumour.
samtools (>= 1.1)
picardtools (>= 1.130)
python (2.7.x)
bamsurgeon (1.0)
bwa (>= 0.7.12)
novocraft (>= 3.02.12)
velvet (>= 1.0.13)
exonerate (>= 2.2.0)
alleleCount (>= 2.1.1)
bedtools (>= 2.24.0)
use NGS::Tools::BAMSurgeon;
my $bamsurgeon = NGS::Tools::BAMSurgeon->new(
working_dir => '/path/to/working/dir',
config => "path/to/config.yaml",
somatic_profile => "path/to/somatic.yaml",
germline_profile => "path/to/germ_mut.yaml",
bam => 'test.bam',
tumour_name => "test",
sex => 'M',
gpercent => 0.7,
seed => 12345,
# parameters for choosing mutations to spike in
minvaf => 1,
maxvaf => 1,
vafbeta1 => 2.0,
vafbeta2 => 2.0,
indel_minlen => 1,
indel_maxlen => 90,
indel_types => 'INS,DEL',
sv_minlen => 3000,
sv_maxlen => 30000,
sv_types => 'DUP,INV',
phasing => 0,
redochrs => 'all'
splitbam => 0,
preparef => 0,
pickgermmut => 0,
germsim => 0,
trinucleotidegenome => 0,
generatecallable => 0,
picksomaticmut => 1,
picktrinucleotides => 1,
splitsubclones => 1,
somaticsim => 1,
makevcf => 1,
extractleafs => 1,
mergephases => 1,
mergechromosomes => 1,
mergefinal => 1,
allelecount => 1
This subroutine creates a NGS::Tools::BAMSurgeon object with the following parameters (mandatory parameters are denoted with 1, optional with 0, or having a default specified, as per Params::Validate specifications):
config => 1,
somatic_profile => 1,
germline_profile => 1,
bam => 1,
sex => 1,
gpercent => 1,
seed => 0,
minvaf => 1,
maxvaf => 1,
vafbeta1 => { default => 2.0 },
vafbeta2 => { default => 2.0 },
indel_minlen => { default => 1 },
indel_maxlen => { default => 90 },
indel_types => { default => 'INS,DEL' },
sv_minlen => { default => 3000 },
sv_maxlen => { default => 30000 },
sv_types => { default => 'DUP,INV,DEL' },
working_dir => { default => '.' },
tumour_name => { default => 'sm' },
log_dir => 0,
modules => 0,
phasing => 1,
redochrs => { default => 'all' }
This subroutine executes the pipeline with the parameters specified when the NGS::Tools::BAMSurgeon object is created. Stages can be turned on/off using the following parameters:
splitbam => 0,
preparef => 0,
pickgermmut => 0,
germsim => 0,
trinucleotidegenome => 0,
generatecallable => 0,
picksomaticmut => 0,
picktrinucleotides => 0,
somaticsim => 0,
makevcf => 0,
extractleafs => 0,
mergephases => 0,
mergechromosomes => 0,
mergefinal => 0,
allelecount => 0
Christopher Lalansingh - Boutros Lab
Shadrielle Melijah G. Espiritu - Boutros Lab
Paul Boutros, Phd, PI - Boutros Lab
The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research